
[Portrait] Nikolay Bakeev + Vita Silkaityte @ Suria KLCC

Nikolay Bakeev + Vita Silkaityte @ Suria KLCC The other day after I've finish taking self-portrait together with the gorgeous Petronas Twin Towers , I was walking around KLCC and spotted this gorgeous couple on the street taking a break. The moment I saw them I was like, okay I must make myself capture some of their lovely photos no matter how. I've learned that to create nice street photography/photos, it is to brave yourself and talk to strangers so that they can show interaction between you (your camera) and your subject. With that, your photo will definitely looks better with soul and connection. So yeah, I go ahead and introduced myself (luckily I brought my name card) and they are more than happy to have their photos captured and in return I send photos to them =) Now just check out the photos below and let me know if you like it the way I like it too.

《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2014》决赛 - Anjoe许愫恩大热四料夺冠 #MACIP2014

 [左至右] Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2014 -  亚军Trisha郭秀文, 冠军Anjoe许愫恩与季军Grace钟欣燕 现年23岁,来自吉打双溪大年的 Anjoe许愫恩 大热当选 《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2014》冠军 ,同时也凭着特出的表现横扫 “完美体态奖”、“最佳艳发奖”、“最上镜小姐” ,成为本届最大赢家。亚军得主分别是由同样来自吉打的 Trisha郭秀文 (22岁)夺得,而季军则是来自雪兰莪的 Grace钟欣燕 (23岁)。 评审们大赞本届《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2014》10强佳丽平均素质高,智慧与美貌并重 Anjoe在接受联访时表示有信心能够继续为大马争光,盼望能在 《国际中华小姐竞选》 中取得好成绩,并承诺将全力以赴做到最好。她说,赴港参加《国际中华小姐》比赛前,将积极加强本身的口才及才艺。 “内外兼修,秀外慧中才是夺冠的关键,所以我会针对这方面加强练习让我的口才好一点,才艺方面我也比较逊色,这方面我也必需加紧练习。”

#OHHSOME Fest ft @wongfupro @DavidChoi @ElizabethTSM @Narmi_i @MisterGermani & @Altimet_!! | 13-14 Dec 2014

#OHHSOME Fest ft Wong Fu, David Choi,  Fung Brothers, Elizabeth Tan, Caprice, Narmi, Joseph Germani Altimet & many more!! | 13 Dec 2014 #OHHSOME Fest will be celebrating the glory of social media in Malaysia with a cross-platform event that will be the first of its kind in Malaysia.The #OHHSOME Fest organizing team is made up of social media activists, social media agencies, and also homegrown brands that have all been a part of the growth of the social media scene in Malaysia. #OHHSOME Fest will be a two day event on 13 December 2014 (Saturday) from 10am to 11pm and 14 December 2014 (Sunday) from 10am to 6pm at Avenue K . Among the highlights of the event: Renowned international Youtubers like Wong Fu Production , David Choi  will be showcasing their work in video production and music Homegrown Youtube celebrities including Elizabeth Tan , Narmi , Joseph Germani and Altimet will be among the performers onstage Local businesses comprising of