
MaxisONE Plan - Unlimited Phonecall and SMS with Always On Internet. Love to talk? Choose this!

HTC One M8 and Samsung GALAXY S5 at RM 1,499 with Maxis ONEplan Yo guys, if you use your smartphone a lot especially on calling and SMS , and you don't want to miss out using mobile internet data plan, Maxis got One Plan that suits all!! If you have best friends who like to talk a lot with each other and typing message is a hassle, why not just call because you can have unlimited call with your love one instantly with Maxis ONEplan =)

The Cat with Blue Eyes

The Cat with Blue Eyes Captured using Olympus OM-D E-M1  Ever since we human know learned how to differentiate color, we know how to describe this photo of a cat above. Some might say a cat with blue eyes, some might even say this is a black cat with cyan coloured eyes. But sometimes, people tends to judge other people by its cover because that's what you see at first place. To really know the personality of a person, you definitely need to spend time together to figure that out...


中国云数贸未来世界首富张健进攻马来西亚,真的能赚钱吗? 当我在路上看到有人把一位男子的脸贴在他的车身,然后写着 “ 未来 世界首富张健” 的时候,我就好奇张健这人到底是谁。万万没想到五月初就有这个 媒体活动说要签署大马艺人 。媒体朋友还得到印有张健肖像的Powerbank。终于我上网Google关于 “ 未来 世界首富张健” 的消息,我不知道有多少马六甲的朋友已经把你的RM300投资给这类似MLM行销的公司,但是据我了解,这只是另一个MLM金钱游戏 (Money Game)。至于能不能赚钱,那可要看你的本事啦,详情请续读: