
Geraldine颜慧萍《一路有你》EP首卖会: 收到126朵玫瑰感动落泪

Geraldine颜慧萍《一路有你》EP首卖会 @ Paradigm Mall 配合 Astro全民电影《一路有你》 2014年1月30日公映,优质女声 Geraldine颜慧萍 的首张个人EP 《一路有你》 ,在“萍迷”们引颈期盼之下终于面世。Geraldine的EP首卖会刚才在八打灵再也佰乐泰广场主要大厅(Upper Atrium Level UG, Paradigm Mall)进行,粉丝们都穿上红衣踊跃支持。 [LIVE] Geraldine颜慧萍 - 好时光 | 《一路有你》电影插曲  导演周青元和歌曲创作人彭学斌为Geraldine颜慧萍站台助阵 Geraldine负责演唱全民电影《一路有你》的歌曲,这一切都有赖于独具慧眼 Chiu导(周青元) 。原来Chiu导在2011年的新秀决赛,听到Geraldine唱歌时,就知道这是他要找的那把能唱出电影意境的独特嗓音。“其实当时电影还没有构思,但是我就知道电影主题曲,一定要是这把优质声音去演绎。” Geraldine之前收到一封自称为是Chiu导的简讯,并要求她录制一段demo来参加试音。回想起当时的情况,Geraldine自己也有点难以置信,“我当时还一度怀疑对方是谁……好啦!反正就好好把握机会,我记得当时Chiu导要我唱Zee Avi的"31Days"当demo,然后我就把自己关在房间里,录了10个版本,然后挑了第7、8个版本send给Chiu导。” 《一路有你》EP首卖会当天,Geraldine颜慧萍现场演绎了收录在EP内的电影原声歌曲,同时也让观众透过歌曲MV首播,抢先一睹电影花絮。导演周青元和歌曲创作人彭学斌为Geraldine颜慧萍站台助阵。 《一路有你》两层楼高的仿真热气球电影道具已出现在佰乐泰广场,供全民拍照 同时,两层楼高的仿真热气球电影道具也已出现在佰乐泰广场,供全民拍照,一直到电影上映。 Geraldine家人和Astro艺人们也捧场支持Geraldine颜慧萍《一路有你》EP发行 到底赵洁莹送Geraldine什么动力弄到她这么开心?! 赵洁莹送上一个八宝箱,里面有很多些补品给Geraldine,尤其是跑步用的药膏 拥抱

Coach Footwear Giveaway Updates...

[GIVEAWAY] Win Coach Footwear this Christmas!! Heyo guys, if you didn't know, did a Coach Footwear giveaway last month . In order to make this giveaway valid, we need to garner more FB likes than  another fashion blogger  who had garnered more than 400++ FB Likes on two of the photos. As you all know the contest has ended and I would like to thank you all for joining this giveaway/ contest ! Especially you who leaved creative comments that I think you guys really deserve at least something!! I wish I could give you girls the best Christmas present you can ever have but I've just been informed that  Shea  has garner more FB likes than us.... Therefore I won't be the one picking a lucky winner to bring a pair of Coach shoes home... *sad* I know this sound disappointing but well the judges' decision is final and I can't do anything to compensate you guys. However, you can still join Hello Kitty Fairy Tales Collection Giveaway though, as I mi

Farm In The City 城の农场 & Kirk's dik-dik

Kirk's dik dik @ Farm In The City 城の农场 Last weekend I went to  Farm In The City 城の农场 at Seri Kembangan and noticed that there were quite a lot rare animal in this place. One of my favourite animal is this cute antelope called Kirk's dik-dik . Kirk's dik-dik (Madoqua kirkii) is a small antelope found in eastern and southwestern Africa. It grows to 70 cm (28 in) in length and weighs up to 7 kg (15 lb) when fully grown, standing to a shoulder height of about 35–45 cm (14–18 in). It has a reddish-brown head and a tail that is 3.5–5.5 cm (1.4–2.2 in) long. If you have smartphone with data, just use Google Map/Waze to bring you there =) I will share more photos when I finish compile it. PS: Remember to bring your Jusco Card for further discount. Farm In The City 城の农场 location: Address: Jalan Prima Tropika Barat 2, Taman Prima Tropika, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia Phone: +60 3-8941 2099 Hours:  Closed on Tuesday Thanks for reading! Press the &

TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2013 Winner List | TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮 2013得奖名单

TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2013 Winner List | TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮 2013得奖名单 Due to technology disorder I wasn't able to share photos live during #TVBSA2013... So yeah here are some belated photos taken during  TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2013 together with the winner list! More photos will be published after tomorrow! *yawn* PS: Are you happy with the results? If not, who should deserve more for the awards? Feel free to share your thought with us! TVB最具潛質男藝員 My Favourite TVB Promising 袁偉豪 (好心作怪 / 情逆三世緣 / On Call 36小時 II)Benjamin Yuen (A Change Of Heart / Always And Ever / The Hippocratic Crush II) TVB最具潛質女藝員 My Favourite TVB Promising 岑麗香 (衝上雲霄 II / 神鎗狙擊 / On Call 36小時II) Eliza Sam (Triumph In The Skies II / Sniper Standoff / The Hippocratic Crush II) 最喜愛TVB綜藝節目 My Favourite TVB Variety Program 超級無敵獎門人終極篇 Super Trio Maximus 最喜愛TVB資訊節目 My Favourite TVB Enrichment 走過烽火大地 Pilgrimage of Hope 最喜愛TVB節目主持 My Favourite TVB Host in Variety Program 曾志偉Eric Tsang, 錢嘉樂 Chin Ka-Lok,