
Maxis 4G Bloggers Blaze Amazing Race with #TeamShark!! #Maxis4GBLoggersBlaze

Epic way to win watermelon eating contest! #Maxis4GBloggersBlaze  Morning registration for Maxis 4G Bloggers Blaze It was a very early morning for me as I was rushing from Melaka all the way to The Curve for Maxis 4G Bloggers Blaze . I was late and my cute team member  +Chee Ching  even tweeted asking where am I hahaha. Sorry for being late guys as I wasn't in Maxis 4G blazing speeds ;p Vernon, Chee Ching, me and Daphne formed #TeamShark I was assigned to #TeamShark together with macho sunny Vernon , cute comic artist CheeChing and pretty singer Daphne . We have a very fierce team name but actually we all cute and kind heart hahaha. Team briefing before amazing race start Each team was form by 4 blogger members and given a smartphone which pre- installed with Maxis 4G SIM Card. I played with the phone and gotta say it load really fast when I watch video through YouTube. We were allowed to use only the given smartphone to complete all task. QR Codes s

曲婉婷Wanting Malaysia Album Promo Tour [13-15 Dec]

    Wanting Second album - 《Say the Words 我为你歌唱》 Album  Autograph & Music Showcase in Malaysia starting this Friday! 13 Dec 8.30pm Mahkota Parade, Melaka 14 Dec 8pm Bentley Music Auditorium, Mutiara Damansara 15 Dec 5pm Gurney Paragon Mall, Penang It was great honour for me to meet Wanting in person and interview her as well. Glad she is now up with a second album call 《Say the Words 我为你歌唱》 and I am happy to watch the making videos while she complete her album. If you are free this weekend, go support her at Melaka, Penang and of course the Wanting Qu Music Sharing Party at Bentley Music Auditorium, Mutiara Damansara this coming Saturday!!   Wanting 曲婉婷 - 爱的海洋 (Love Ocean) Wanting Qu Music Sharing Party Date : 14.12.2013 (Saturday) Event Start :8pm Venue : Bentley Music Auditorium, 4th Floor, Mutiara Damansara Hope you are getting well and recover from the flu soon!! More photos will be up tomorrow =D  Thanks for reading! Press the "Like" bu

[Sponsored Video] ASUS FonePad #fonepadiscalling

ASUS fonepad with Intel Inside One day my mom asked which gadget is suitable for her. She said she need something as big as a tablet but smart enough to allow her to make calls as well. So I thought... is there something call 'Phablet' (Phone and tablet)? Apparently yes it does!! Let see what is this ASUS FonePad about. ASUS Fonepad 7 ASUS Fonepad Note 6 With Intel Inside, the ASUS Fonepad Note 6 and ASUS Fonepad 7 offer the amazing combination of a phone and a tablet in one device, as a convenient option for consumers who spend more time on their smart phones consuming social media, music and games rather than on voice calls.  ASUS Fonepad 7 - "Fonepad is Calling" ASUS recently launched ASUS Fonepad Note 6 and ASUS   Fonepad 7 which are tablets that can answer phone call. If you ask me to compare, basically ASUS Fonpad Note 6 is smaller than Fonepad 7 but more powerful from the inside. Fonepad Note 6 has 2 GB RAM and faster proces

《听风的歌》中文电视剧 Pianissimo @ ntv7: 一段围绕着聋哑女孩的4角关系... 12月18日首播

ntv7全新本地中文电视剧《听风的歌》 悲伤的风 带走声音 却带不走生命希望 一段围绕着聋哑女孩的4角关系,背后藏着一个精心策划的复仇故事,即将在ntv7全新本地中文电视剧《听风的歌》(Pianissimo)展开。 赞助商汤申 Thomson 鼎力支持的 《听风的歌》 ,由 吴俐璇、黄启铭、谢松汎、蔡佩璇、林冰冰、温绍平、释福如 领衔主演,全长 25集 的《听风的歌》将从2013年 12月18日起 , 每逢星期一至四,晚上9点30分在ntv7正式启播 !剧情以浪漫和动作完美结合,同时也将探讨人与人之间,因爱而决心克服在逆境中的斗争。 ntv7《听风的歌》Pianissimo中文电视剧剧照 女主角吴俐璇除了在 《听风的歌》 首次挑战饰演聋哑人士,也首度为电视剧演唱同名主题曲 《听风的歌》 。为了演好“柯敏”这个角色,她花了两个月的时间上手语课。剧中的她天生聋哑,家庭背景复杂,导致她的童年悲惨不堪。虽然命运坎坷,但她以坚毅的个性,坚强面对所有困难。在感情线方面,她同时与饰演“飞女”的蔡佩璇情陷黄启铭,另一边厢,她的青梅竹马谢松汎则暗恋她,因此展开了错综复杂的4角恋。 ntv7《听风的歌》Pianissimo中文电视剧剧照 黄启铭 一改“乖乖男”形象,这次饰演有黑社会背景的风流律师“赖正男”,为了应付剧中大量的动作场面,他特地拜师学泰拳,狂操身形和动作姿势,以求拍摄逼真。他除了为剧练拳与学功夫外,最大的挑战,莫过于大部分皆必须以手语沟通,因此在他第一次用手语与吴俐璇对戏时鸦雀无声的场面,顿时让他觉得奇怪,但却非常难忘。 产后复出拍剧的 蔡佩璇 ,这次终于摆脱以往斯文的形象,出演“飞女”兼黑社会打手“方如燕”一角。虽然她表面冷酷无情,但却是一个敢爱敢恨的女人,明知道知道黄启铭心系吴俐璇,但她仍死心塌为他默默付出,最后还不惜牺牲了自己的性命。 首次担任男主角之一的 谢松汎 ,饰演个性正直的痴情男“安东哲”。剧中他深爱吴俐璇,愿意为她赴汤蹈火,无奈她却爱着黄启铭,因此让他痛苦万分。此外,为了可以打出“真功夫”,也可以更投入角色,因此他也苦学了两个月手语,同时也特别去学了泰拳。 ntv7《听风的歌》Pianissimo中文电视剧剧照 《听风的歌》 讲述天生耳聋的女孩柯敏,因为无法听到说话的声音,以致无法学会说话

Feed tortoise @ Farm In the City

Close up interaction with tortoise @ Farm in the City Seems like many things has increase price lately including our toll price in Malaysia. Just that salary remain the same and might have less bonus too. Oh well, continue work hard and play hard. Just remember to have proper food and diet like the tortoise and you will reach till the end while racing with rabbit. December is a Chirstmas month where people clearing their annual leaves for holiday. Where will you travel to if you don't need to work for a week? =) An advice to all drivers, drive safe especially during this rainy season as there's a lot of holes on the road and you have no idea when your car will meet that nasty hole. PS: This is a very random post as I just wanna share a picture of the tortoise I met. Thanks for reading anyway haha =============================== If you love animal, you can feed the tortoise like me at Farm In The City . I will share more cute photos where I did close interacti