
CNY Plum Blossoms @ Sunway Pyramid 2011

Happened to go Sunway Pyramid yesterday and found their Chinese New Year Decoration 2011 is with the real plum blossoms [梅花]. I can smell the flowers for the first time too . There are lots more flowers in the flower garden hall and I suggest you guys pay a visit too =) "一日之计在于晨,一年之计在于春" Bokeh's effect FTW~! To all parents, thank you for queuing up at the bank to get new bank notes for our angpows ;p Remember to go bank earlier or else you will get stuck in the crowded banks, like KL's traffic jam. You can subscribe to TianChad @ 永遇乐 or follow @TianChad on Twitter for future blog post update =) Press the "Like" button and share with your friend kay? Thanks~!

Pre-Order Jay Chou The Era 2010 World Tour DVD Now | 周杰伦超时代演唱会DVD预购

Do you miss Jay Chou's The Era 2010 World Tour? No worries, now you can book and pre-order Jay Chou The Era 2010 World Tour DVD at nearest music retail stores. =) Date of Release: 27 January 2011 "睽違3年,演唱會名為 《周杰倫超時代演唱會》 ,意謂著周杰倫從2000年出道至今十年的時間,累積十張專輯,不斷超越自我、引領樂壇風潮的演出盛會!這也是繼2002年《The One》、2004年《無與倫比》及2007年的世界巡迴演唱會後,周杰倫個人的 第四次大型世界巡迴演唱會 ,演出內容涵蓋了周杰倫之前的九張專輯作品,以及 第十張專輯《跨時代》 ,充滿科技未來與神祕氛圍;演唱會門票一開賣即秒殺售罄,加場再加場,仍無法滿足所有向隅的歌迷, 此次推出現場實況DVD,除了完整呈現整場演唱會的精采實況之外,更另外收錄了周杰倫彩排、練舞的珍貴側拍花絮畫面,以饗歌迷! 亚洲天王周杰伦“超时代”演唱会DVD将于1月25日发行。DVD中收录了 蔡依林 担任嘉宾, 与周杰伦合唱共舞《给我一首歌的时间》 的珍贵画面,以及 陈奕迅 来欣赏演唱会时与周董互动的逗趣镜头 。 獻禮×堅定自我、戰勝未來幸運物 深藏版限定禮:【深藏不露雙杰棍】 此張 DVD+2CDs深藏版 ,特別製作以等比例縮小, 高17公分的迷你雙截棍 ,雙截棍對杰倫的意義非凡,不僅是演唱會必備的壓軸曲目,也是最能夠代表杰倫出道十年來為華人爭光的精神;雙截棍這項武器,是李小龍的必備武器, 更能代表華人不屈不撓的精神。作為贈品,也代表是堅定自我、戰勝未來的幸運物! 舞台×華麗中古+頹廢搖滾+未來世界太空船 整 體舞台視覺設計上是以「未來世界」及「太空船」為主要概念,舞台以「太空船」的形貌作主軸呈現,並融入「頹廢搖滾」與「中古世紀」的元素在其中,形成強烈 的反差,華麗的視覺衝擊,重新定義演唱會舞台的空間感與時間感,聆賞整場演出,不僅僅是聽音樂,而是創造一種全新的視聽體驗,呼應演唱會主題【超時代】, 就是要超越時代,創造新體驗! 特效×360度浮空立體呈像+Mapping技術=杰倫的音樂宇宙 前幾場周杰倫在台北的演 唱會都是在

DiGi iPhone4 Review Focus on 5MP Camera

Still remember when I received this iPhone4 from DiGi, I was happy to be one of the selected blogger to review it . However, it wasn't that easy for me during the time reviewing it , there is pro and con of having a iPhone4 Demo Unit to review. Good thing for iPhone4 Demo Set , you get to enjoy a lot of games like Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja and Avatar 3D that impressed me the most. The phone wasn't lag at all when playing this 3D game! Bad thing is I can't have all the social media apps as demo set iPhone prohibited me to download install any apps from Apple Mac Apps Store, and photo+video taken through the phone will not be able to retrieved to PC. Therefore, I meet DiGi personnel to get the iPhone4 have a soft reset so that I can customize it and suit my social media use. Immediately I installed TweetDeck, FourSquare, and some other aps including Instagram. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, I wasn't able to review the phone properly especially when t