
LG Blog Launch - Angels & Devils on the LG Arena!

(Photo courtesy of Howard aka Guai-Chai-Kid ) On the night of 8 May 2009, LG Electronics is the first electronics company to officially launched its local LG blog, , at Metropol (Menara Hap Seng). This was a special event hosted for the Malaysian bloggers and members of the media. LG noticed that Malaysian Blogging community has been growing up in speed. That's why LG blog was created specifically to get contact with the people in blogsphere . LG Blog also act as a platform for feedback on its latest electronics, events, activities and promotions. That night LG Blog launch party was themed “Angelic White & Devilish Red” . I dressed myself half angel and half devil .(I was wearing a White T-shirt inside) The message that I want to bring out is a person can possess both Angel and Devil character. Not that I say there is no pure angel or wicked devil. ;p YengYeng is the devil with some angel elements. And I am half angel and devil... Hmm... maybe MORE like