
Showing posts with the label TCTravel

【Review】13 Things To Do In The Taaras Beach & Spa Resort | Pulau Redang

Most of us who love to travel will always want to travel oversea for the beautiful scenery and beaches. But what if I tell you one of the most beautiful beach resort is actually located in Malaysia itself? Today, I would like to share with you the most beautiful beach resort in Pulau Redang with the white sandy beach and turquoise blue sea - The Taaras Beach & Spa Resort . Not only it is perfect for honeymoon, it is a paradise for scuba diving lovers too! White Beach & Turquoise Sea @ The Taaras Beach & Spa Resort Redang Island | Visual Vibes How to go to The Taaras Beach & Spa Resort? From the mainland, you can choose to travel to The Taaras Beach & Spa Resort via hotel’s private boat transfer or other public ferry services. Getting to the resort requires travelling by road to Merang Waterfront Jetty or Shahbandar Jetty followed by Taaras sea transfer or public ferry ride.  I am going to share with you what are the things to do at this

【VIDEO】Things To Do On Dream Cruises Genting Dream | 星梦邮轮 云顶梦号

THINGS TO DO ON DREAM CRUISES GENTING DREAM | 星梦邮轮 云顶梦号 Baki Zainal and Wayne Thong on Dream Cruises Genting Dream Since I am still drafting another travel post, tonight I would like to share my latest travel video about the 6D5N Genting Dream from Singapore to Surabaya Indonesia and North Bali (Celukan Bawang) !  Other than visiting the two beautiful locations, we have at least two full days on the cruises. So check out the video on things we did on one of the Dream Cruises! We've shared things that you can enjoy on board, food to eat and activities to do. I gotta say the outdoor activities will definitely makes you adrenaline rush and dining at Umi Uma was very fun. Featuring my awesome travel buddies Baki Zainal and Wayne Thong in this video. Hope you like it!

3D2N Penang Phuket with Star Cruises Superstar Libra | 三天两夜槟城普吉岛之旅-每人从RM699++开始

3D2N Penang Phuket with Star Cruises Superstar Libra |三天两夜槟城普吉岛之旅-每人从RM699++开始 【三天两夜槟城普吉岛之旅-每人从RM699++开始】 StarCruises SuperStar Libra丽星邮轮『天秤星号』最近刚推出新的三天两夜配套。从槟城出发,第二天就到普吉岛。小学的时候上过邮轮,就在那时买了第一家3.2MP的数码;没想到这一次上邮轮,有一大班朋友一起出游,又有登对情侣同船,所以花了不少心思拍了这部影片还有一堆照片。想知道我们在游轮上做了些什么,吃和玩什么,就记得要看这影片啦!!还没做过邮轮?!一生人一定要有一次这样的旅程啊~ #TCTravel 【三天两夜槟城普吉岛行程】 上船CheckIn 》 吃海鲜大餐 》 Cruise Tour与安全导航 》 看魔术表演 》 自由活动 》 早安瑜伽/Zumba 》下船普吉岛 》 享尽泰国餐 》 泰式按摩 》 血拼购物 》 喝Chang Beer 》 吃泰国7-11三文治与香肠 》 去海边拍拖 》 回天秤星号 》 主题FarewellDinner(当晚是Minion主题)》 One In A Million绝技表演 》 泡温暖Jacuzzi 》 和朋友哈拉最后一晚 》 中午下船回家 三天两夜槟城普吉岛之旅促销价每人从: RM699开始 (每周三出发) RM899开始 (每周五出发) 3D2NPenang-Phuket Cruise Package starting from RM699++ per person For more info, visit Official: FB: Instagram/Twiter: @starcruisesasia WeChat: “SCTA” 或 “丽星邮轮” 喜欢我的影片的,记得Subscribe我的YouTube频道! 也可以Follow我的Instagram #SuperStarLibra #Star

Sungnyemun Gate At Night

Sungnyemun Gate At Night During my trip to Seoul for 2017 Asian Cultural Young Leaders' Camp, Sungnyemun Gate is one of the building structure that caught my eyes the first time I saw it. This traditional building structure is located right in the middle of the modern city with car and buses pass by from time to time. Took the above picture while crossing the zebra line as that's the best spot to present the beauty of this Korea's National Treasure.

Kyobo Book Store Gwanghwamun 교보문고 광화문점 #TCTravel

Kyobo Book Store Gwanghwamun 교보문고 광화문점  Instead of compiling everything that I did in Korea last week, I would like to share some captured moments that tell the ambiance in this special place -   Kyobo Bookstore @ GwangHwamun Seoul. We went to this book store with Rano, Khulan and Ogia .  I was amazed with what I saw and feel in here.  The reading vibes is pretty strong here consider it is a weekday and night time. Check out the photos below and I can assure you it worth a visit. There's only one problem in this place, 90% of the books are in Korean so we spent most of our time in the International book corner hahaha. For more information about Kyobo Book Store, visit (Korean only).

15 THINGS TO BUY IN KOREA - Spicy Ramyeon, Honey Butter Almond ...

15 THINGS TO BUY IN KOREA - Spicy Ramyeon, Banana Milk, Honey Butter Chip & Almond Ever wonder what are the things to buy in Korea in year 2017 ? That's the question I ask to myself and thanks to my awesome friends on Facebook they have recommended many good stuff and I would like to share with you the list of things to buy in Korea , or should I say things to buy in Seoul, Korea? The first 5 are my favourites things to get in Korea. Do note that the list below are just my personnel recommendation only. So please choose the one you like the most or recommend me other stuff if I missed them out =)

Prettiest Milky Way in Malaysia (Tioman Island) #TCTravel

Prettiest Milky Way in Malaysia (Tioman Island) #TCTravel  I was writing a phone review for Redmi Note 4 today and noticed that I shall take a break before complete it. Hence came up with this 1 minute video of a random night (not so random) in Tioman Island Malaysia. Many people thought that one can only see the milky way oversea. Little did they know that you can see the milky way as long you are looking at the sky at the right season with no light pollution around you.  I can say I was lucky to spot this milky way in the middle of the night. I put my camera outside for timelapse photography at 12.30am and went back to the room for a nap. A 5 minutes nap turned into a few hours sleep and I suddenly jumped out of the bed around 5am in the morning.

【文青咖啡館】Locahouz Cafe 裕兴茶室 @ Melaka Bukit China

【文青咖啡館】 Locahouz Cafe 裕兴茶室 @ Melaka Bukit China 【文青咖啡館】 從位於雞場街青雲亭附近的小店搬遷至三寶井的現址,Locahouz一直維持著屬於自己的調調。在有故事的老房子裡,陽光透過天井照入屋內,以藝術作品及輕音樂裝飾點綴,特色主食、小吃與咖啡、飲料成了店裡最大的主角。此外,在正規菜單之外,週末常常會推出驚喜隱藏菜單,讓人眼前為之一亮。 特別喜歡他們在食物與飲料上的用心。其實菜單上的選擇並不算太多,但在食材上的搭配和mix & match卻往往讓人患上選擇困難症。飲料則讓喜歡嘗試各種新風味的食客有更不一般的選擇。有時間的話,特別推薦在週末早晨來走一遭,在老房子裡吃上一頓早午餐,開啟假日美好一天。

NenNen味很重?! MATTA FAIR at PWTC 17-19 March

Hey guys, instead of a long blog post about Matta Fair, I've compressed everything into a five minutes vlog recorded and edited using my phone. So feel free to watch it because it was an honour to have Baki Zainal special appearance in the vlog. Together with other awesome friends including Wayne Thong, May Ho, Evan Siau, Shu Tiger, Airlink Travel & Tour, Philippines Tourism Board, Berjaya Hotels & Resorts and many more =) Here's an IMPORTANT tips if you are going to PWTC for Matta Fair, please use the public transport LRT or park your car at Regalia Residence . Confirm cheaper than the valet parking at the hotel nearby oo.

This Is How I see Japan #TCTravel

Autumn in Japan 2015 Hello guys, it has been a while since my last post again. I gotta admit that my brain got rusty somehow after abandon this space for quite sometime as I am spending more time in crafting my Instagram feed and YouTube channel. Been wondering which color theme I should stick to for my Instagram photos, and whether it should be travel photo stories++ What about wedding and precious moments? Should I still post #TCSelfie and so on?? Afterall, the attention of social media has move towards motion pictures (a.k.a.YouTube) and less people read blog nowadays. *comment down below if you still read blog lol* Last week I processed a series of travel photos taken during trip to Japan in 2015 so that I can post it on Instagram to join some sort of travel photo contest . Well, I went to Hong Kong and schedule was so packed till I didn't have time to post all of it on my Instagram. *what an excuse hahaha* Hence here's a photo post solely to describe my fi

7 Things To Do In FRIM Kepong - Canopy Walkway, Jogging & Nature Trekking

7 Things To Do In FRIM Kepong, Kuala Lumpur As a person who spent his childhood in an estate, I love exploring the nature and doing variety of outdoor activities during my free time. Rich variety of flora and fauna that I can find in the jungle is just amazing. I've been exploring new places and share things that I did at this blog. So today, I would like to bring you to a road trip to Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) @ Kepong  with a photo story. Let's check out adventurous things that I did in FRIM shall we?? FRIM KEPONG MALAYSIA | THESE FLOWERS ARE ... #TCTRAVEL

BATANES - Top 10 Heavenly Locations To Be In Philippines' Prettiest Island

Breathtaking Batanes - The Heaven in Philippines You Should Not Miss I've been hesitate to share about this place called Batanes in Philippines as it was such a beautiful place that I would love to have it preserved as the way it is. Beautiful geographic landscape with rolling hills and green grass, sunny day yet amazing view at the boulder beach, hunting the milkyway with the iconic lighthouse, stumble upon horse and cow wandering on the road and most importantly, you can feel the magic of this place whenever you are in there. Beautiful scenery, beautiful people and the most relaxing place I am glad I've visited. Before I elaborate more about Batanes, let's just look at the photos taken below and let me know if you would love to be there~ BATANES - Top 10 Heavenly Locations To Be In Philippines' Prettiest Island