
Showing posts with the label Press Release


Apink performing at MTV World Stage Malaysia 2015 on 12 Sep Pic 2 (Credit - MTV Asia & Kristian Dowling) MTV World Stage Malaysia 2015 , one of the biggest Southeast Asian music nights of the year, was punctuated with amazing MTV moments for fans. The stellar line-up of performers Jason Derulo, Carly Rae Jepsen, Apink, SEKAI NO OWARI and Malaysia’s #MostWanted local act, Stacy, delivered explosive performances to a live audience of nearly 20,000 fans gathered at Surf Beach, Sunway Lagoon on Saturday night, 12 September 2015. Recorded live for global telecast, the one-night only outdoor event, which is in its seventh year, brings multi-genre talents from around the world onto a single stage. The event hashtag #worldstagemy top trended in Malaysia and trended in Singapore, with an estimate of over 100 million social impressions within a day (Sysomos). Below are photos taken by the awesome photographers working with MTV Asia. I've added some elements in by edited

‘Taste of Malaysia’ Travel & Cooking Programme with Martin Yan

‘Taste of Malaysia’ Travel & Cooking Programme with Martin Yan on both ntv7 & 8TV This month, foodies will be treated to the rich authentic Malaysian flavours whipped up by world-renowned American Chinese chef, Martin Yan , in ‘Taste of Malaysia’ , a brand new cooking programme.  The series which was officially launched at the The Place @ One City will focus on how the diversity of food and culture in the country instills a sense of togetherness among Malaysians. The series was shot in several locations across Malaysia such as Klang, Penang, Ipoh, Malacca, Terengganu, Johor, Sabah and Sarawak.

《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2015》8月22及23日招募甄选 #MACIP2015

《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2015》8月22及23日招募甄选 邀妳延续美丽 大马年度最受瞩目的选美盛事 《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2015》 ,将于 8月22及23日 , 早上10点至下午5点 ,在 Ecity Hotel @ One City 进行为期两天的甄选活动;诚邀美貌、智慧、恒心兼具,拥有美丽条件的“妳”,加入延续美丽的行列。 由Astro本地圈主办、Adonis主要赞助、MY FM为指定电台、One City为面试场地赞助,《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2015》再次肩负起寻找拥有内外兼具之美的大马华裔美后使命,在这个瞬息万变的时代,与观众一起重新诠释“美丽”的广泛定义。 成功摘冠封后的佳丽,除了可独揽总值超过18万令吉的奖金奖品,包括一辆豪华轿车和其他丰厚奖赏,也将代表大马出征参选下一届《国际中华小姐竞选》,争取扬威国际的机会。

The Wknd Sessions Live At Selected Cities Nationwide - 15 August @ Insider Space, Ipoh

CATCH THE WKND SESSIONS LIVE WITH HOTLINK AT SELECTED CITIES NATIONWIDE! Following its successful launch during Cooler Lumpur Festival held on 12 June at Publika,  The Wknd Sessions Live (TWSL)  will now make its way to several locations nationwide, featuring performances by note worthy independent Malaysian acts at various venues. The next TWSL show will be held in Ipoh at  Insider Space  on  15 August , with performances from  SOFT ,  Molly Dolly  and  Muck . TWSL will also make stops in Johor Bahru and Kuching, and return back to KL for its final show on 9 October 2015. To find out the dates and full list of performers for the TWSL shows, please visit .

"Jojo’s Diary of Asia" on TLC, Discovery Channel Asia starting 3rd August

‘Jojo’s Diary of Asia’ starts airing in August 2015, every Monday at 8pm on TLC, Discovery Channel Asia. It’s an absolute wonder Celebrity TV Host, Speaker and Wellness author, Jojo Struys looks so calm and radiantly positive, despite living life predominantly out of a suitcase for easily the busiest, most hectic year of her life. Jojo Struys and her infectious positivity is beautifully captured in a host-driven travelogue entitled “Jojo’s Diary of Asia” premiering on TLC, Discovery Channel Asia, kicking off on August 3rd, every Monday at 8pm. You will be able to catch this dynamic and down-to-earth host in action as she embarks on a fascinating journey across Asia showcasing breathtaking natural wonders, travel and de-stress escapes, and relaxation techniques to help viewers become more physically fit and mentally positive.

MTC Photography Competition 2015 - Win Up To RM10,000 Cash Prize

MTC Photography Competition 2015: 15 June 2015 - 16 August 2015 With 61% of Malaysia’s land area of 32.98 million hectares currently covered in natural forest, it’s no wonder that our country’s rainforests are truly a treasure trove for nature lovers. Believed to be one of the oldest and among the most biologically diverse in the world, the Malaysian forest is once again the focus of a photography competition organised by the Malaysian Timber Council (MTC) , with the theme “Wonders of the Malaysian Forest” .

《爸爸去哪儿》第三季 - Astro全佳HD 与中国同步首播:胡军,刘烨,邹市明,林永健,夏克立

《爸爸去哪儿》第三季即将于7月10日,每逢星期五晚上10时播出,Astro全佳HD(频道308) -  中国实力派演员胡军与7岁儿胡皓康 本着给80后父母展示一部“生活教育百科书”,在亚洲大受欢迎的中国亲子户外真人秀 《爸爸去哪儿》第三季 ( Where Are We Going, Dad? Season 3) 即将于7月10日, 每逢星期五晚上10时播出 , Astro全佳HD(频道308) 确定将 首度与中国同步首播 这档叫好叫座的亲子户外真人秀,让大马观众在不受地域限制下也可第一时间观赏节目! 从韩国MBC电视台引进,中国湖南卫视制作的第三季 《爸爸去哪儿》 本着给80后父母展示一部生活教育百科书, 找来明星艺人爸爸在72小时的户外体验中,单独照顾子女的饮食起居,共同完成节目组设置的一系列任务,带领观众展开暖心又有趣的村庄旅程

[Contest] Family.Nature.Fun @ Club Med Cherating Beach Resort this Summer

Club Med Cherating Beach Resort Family Nature Fun Program - Nature. Arts. Wellness. Music June - July 2015 With more than 60 sun resorts to explore across Asia and around the globe, Club Med is primed to provide avid travellers with a catalogue of idyllic, tropical locations. Look no further this summer holiday, Club Med Cherating Beach is the perfect getaway for a truly enjoyable family retreat. As the first eco-nature resort in Malaysia, Club Med Cherating Beach has been hosting thrilling activities for the past two months since June under the Family Nature Fun program . Family Nature Fun is a holistic campaign that promotes everything Club Med stands for – the nature, arts and wellness. With less than one month in the program, guest can still enjoy a myriad of fun and uplifting performance under stunning panoramas of Club Med Cherating Beach Resort. Jungle Walk @ Club Med Cherating Do read my post on 20++ things that you can do at Club Med Cherating !! All

《Astro新秀5强音乐会X MY FM Sing @ LIVE》造势活动: Apple邱诗凌当选现场人气奖

《Astro新秀5强音乐会X MY FM Sing @ LIVE》造势活动 - Paradigm Mall 28.6.2015 大马最具代表性中文歌唱选秀节目 《Astro新秀大赛2015》 决赛在即,终极5强昨晚在百乐泰广场举办的 《Astro新秀5强音乐会X MY FM Sing @ LIVE》造势活动 上预告决赛上“一人一场演唱会”的爆点,Apple邱诗凌(27岁,吉隆坡)荣膺现场人气王。 晋身决赛的5强新秀还有 Daniel丹尼尔 (24岁,柔佛)、 Joseph江卓权  (20岁,柔佛)、 Jacqueline黄裔媁 (25岁,槟城),和 Debbie徐梦葹 (24岁,砂拉越)。5人在活动上分享本届决赛以“一人一场演唱会”的首创赛制角逐冠军头衔!各具特色的5场演唱会,在同一个决赛舞台上,势要给现场观众带来5次不一样的视听觉震撼体验。

Maxis x Waze: Drive Safe With Kids Voice

Maxis x Waze: Drive Safe With Kids Voice Now As a smartphone user with data plan, I am sure you guys will use navigation apps like WAZE specially during a road trip right?? Just yesterday Maxis and Waze has came up together with an interesting stuff called the Safe Mode Kids Voice Pack. Inspired by a survey finding that 97% of Malaysian parents claiming they drive much safer when children are the car, the Safe Mode Kids project “kid-sourced” voices of Malaysian children aged 3 to 12 to develop an innovative way of reminding parents to drive safer.

Astro国际华裔小姐2013 三甲远赴韩国拍摄旅游特辑 - 《美姐出巡Korea Style》

Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant 2013  Top 3 winners had a wonderful trip to Korea for the video shooting of  《美姐出巡Korea Style》Travel Log. In just 8 days, Zhiny, Fancy and Erica has travelled to many different places in Korea to experience the local culture and share what they did during the trip. Below are some brief sneak peak of what you will see from their upcoming Korean Style Travel Log!! It looks really fun and I wish I can do something like this in future. Oh wait, Astro don't have Mister Astro Chinese International Pageant yet. Anyway, I guest I shall start doing something on my YouTube channel first. Instead of just photo story, I will try to do more motion pictures/video blogpost in future!!  Astro国际华裔小姐2013 三甲远赴韩国拍摄旅游特辑 抛开美姐包袱零形象  以最自然一面疯狂游韩国 Astro国际华裔小姐 竞选2013比赛告一段落,新鲜出炉三甲美姐随即跟随制作单位远赴韩国,展开8天7夜的 《美姐出巡Korea Style》旅游特辑 拍摄行程,带领观众体验不一样的韩国旅游! 本届美姐冠军 Zhiny黄之豫 、亚军 Fancy吴胤婷 和季军 Erica陈秋萍 从韩国首尔出发,一直南下至釜山,并且在 韩国观光公社吉隆坡分社(KTO) 赞助和精心安排下,到访多个

《听风的歌》中文电视剧 Pianissimo @ ntv7: 一段围绕着聋哑女孩的4角关系... 12月18日首播

ntv7全新本地中文电视剧《听风的歌》 悲伤的风 带走声音 却带不走生命希望 一段围绕着聋哑女孩的4角关系,背后藏着一个精心策划的复仇故事,即将在ntv7全新本地中文电视剧《听风的歌》(Pianissimo)展开。 赞助商汤申 Thomson 鼎力支持的 《听风的歌》 ,由 吴俐璇、黄启铭、谢松汎、蔡佩璇、林冰冰、温绍平、释福如 领衔主演,全长 25集 的《听风的歌》将从2013年 12月18日起 , 每逢星期一至四,晚上9点30分在ntv7正式启播 !剧情以浪漫和动作完美结合,同时也将探讨人与人之间,因爱而决心克服在逆境中的斗争。 ntv7《听风的歌》Pianissimo中文电视剧剧照 女主角吴俐璇除了在 《听风的歌》 首次挑战饰演聋哑人士,也首度为电视剧演唱同名主题曲 《听风的歌》 。为了演好“柯敏”这个角色,她花了两个月的时间上手语课。剧中的她天生聋哑,家庭背景复杂,导致她的童年悲惨不堪。虽然命运坎坷,但她以坚毅的个性,坚强面对所有困难。在感情线方面,她同时与饰演“飞女”的蔡佩璇情陷黄启铭,另一边厢,她的青梅竹马谢松汎则暗恋她,因此展开了错综复杂的4角恋。 ntv7《听风的歌》Pianissimo中文电视剧剧照 黄启铭 一改“乖乖男”形象,这次饰演有黑社会背景的风流律师“赖正男”,为了应付剧中大量的动作场面,他特地拜师学泰拳,狂操身形和动作姿势,以求拍摄逼真。他除了为剧练拳与学功夫外,最大的挑战,莫过于大部分皆必须以手语沟通,因此在他第一次用手语与吴俐璇对戏时鸦雀无声的场面,顿时让他觉得奇怪,但却非常难忘。 产后复出拍剧的 蔡佩璇 ,这次终于摆脱以往斯文的形象,出演“飞女”兼黑社会打手“方如燕”一角。虽然她表面冷酷无情,但却是一个敢爱敢恨的女人,明知道知道黄启铭心系吴俐璇,但她仍死心塌为他默默付出,最后还不惜牺牲了自己的性命。 首次担任男主角之一的 谢松汎 ,饰演个性正直的痴情男“安东哲”。剧中他深爱吴俐璇,愿意为她赴汤蹈火,无奈她却爱着黄启铭,因此让他痛苦万分。此外,为了可以打出“真功夫”,也可以更投入角色,因此他也苦学了两个月手语,同时也特别去学了泰拳。 ntv7《听风的歌》Pianissimo中文电视剧剧照 《听风的歌》 讲述天生耳聋的女孩柯敏,因为无法听到说话的声音,以致无法学会说话