
Showing posts with the label OlaBola

OLABOLA 电影剧照 Movie Stills & 最新预告片

OLABOLA 电影剧照 Movie Stills和最新预告片 《OlaBola》将在1月28日全马戏院上映。近几天也推出了新的电影官方预告片。由于不方便透露剧情,小弟就只能透露OLABOLA的电影剧照咯,看了你对整个故事情节有更好的了解。所有的照片由ASTRO提供。 OlaBola第二支官方预告片陪我们长大的身影,陪我们渡过的美好回忆,还有这一把爸爸媽媽都熟悉的声音。距离电影上映10天,Chiu导诚意邀请七丶八十年代 “播音王子”蒙润荣 ,为《OlaBola》最新的预告片献声,缔造另一个经典! OLABOLA 故事大纲 Marianne,一位年轻有活力的专才,却在马来西亚看不到属于自己职业生涯的前景。在她决意前往英国寻求更好发展空间之际,一项离别前的任务,却意外让她发掘一段过去,更足以改变她的人生...... 故事发生于经济萧条的1980年代,一支内部充满分歧的大马国家足球队,由于缺乏团队合作精神而屡屡遭遇不堪的输球。每个球员在大环境里所面对的种种个人和家庭问题,也渐渐让球队处于瓦解的边缘。面对这仅有的最后一次把马来西亚足球推上国际舞台的机会,这一支融合了不同种族球员的球队必须从心出发,克服每个人的障碍,为了国家荣誉团结一致再战球场。然而好事多磨,尾随而至的艰巨难题,令他们迎接战斗的意志力遭受无情的打击,国家的希望也即将于瞬间幻灭。 《OlaBola》不仅是回望过去的一种警醒,也包含我们对未来的展望。作为一个启发自真实事迹的故事,它将带领我们一起见证曾经的马来西亚、那个所有国人为了同一个目标团结一致的时刻。这部略带凄美悲壮的英雄奋斗故事,再次让我们认识到大马多元文化的美丽及团结一致所能发挥的无限潜力。就像Marianne一样,或许通过这个故事我们也能找到留守家园、守护梦想的理由。这个理由,就叫马来西亚。

OLABOLA - A Movie Not Just About Football But... #OlaBola

OLABOLA - A Movie Not Just About Football But Differences and Unity This morning I went to Berjaya Time Square GSC Maxx for OLABOLA Special Media Screening courtesy of Astro. The traffic jam was really bad but I am glad I make it on time.With the success of the movie 《一路有你 The Journey》 , I did put high expectation for OlaBola movie this time. Let's watch the movie trailer first to have an idea of the story line?? OLABOLA - Official Trailer 28 January 2016 Olabola Synopsis "Marianne, a young professional, is disillusioned with her working life in Malaysia. Feeling she has had enough, she prepares to leave for England‘s greener pastures. But her one final assignment leads her to discover a story so amazing, it literally changes her life. It is a story set in the 1980s during tumultuous economic times, about an unlikely team of footballers whose disagreements have left them with a streak of embarrassing losses. Personal issues have caused each of them to c

Chiu Kicks Off "OlaBola", The Biggest Football Movie In Malaysian Film History

Chiu Kicks Off "OlaBola", the biggest football movie in Malaysian film history 1st row from left to right: Marianne Tan, Mr. Chew Keng Heng (General Manager, Marketing Innovation Dept. from PANASONIC), Chiu Keng Guan (Director) , Ms. Philomena Tan (Business Executive Manager from MILO), Mr. Tung Yow Kong ( Senior Manager, Distribution from Golden Screen Cinemas), Dato Steven Lim (Group Managing Director from Multimedia Entertainment) , Henry Tan (Chief Operating Officer, Astro), Najwa Abu Bakar (Head of Astro Shaw), Frankie Lee, Bernard Hiew. 2nd row front left: Luqman Hafidz, JC Chee, Saran Kumar, Bront Palarae After the overwhelming response to The Journey  and Polis Evo , Astro Shaw brings another Malaysian classic to the silver screen that aims to inspire and thrill all Malaysians. Titled OlaBola , the feature film tells the story of everyday heroes through the lives of a multi-cultural football team. Using the world’s biggest sport as its premise, OlaBola ca

FOUR Must Have Mobile Apps for 2014 FIFA World Cup #OlaBola

Champions of Stadium Astro #OlaBola Ultimate Challenge The other day I was at OneCity Mall's Sky Park for Stadium Astro #OlaBola Blogger Gathering at HongDae Moon. Winners who won the #Olabola Ultimate Challenge will win the official 2014 FIFA World Cup Merchandise from Astro!! If you are a football fans, then you should not miss out these awesome mobile apps (Astro on the Go, Astro GO 2014 FIFA World Cup, Ola Bola Football Predictor, Stadium Astro )   to help you catch the game and even predict the turn out too!It was a beautiful day where you see gorgeous sunset from OneCity's SkyPark and you should go there one day!! Photos below:

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