
Showing posts with the label OGAWA

张智霖 Chi Lam & Ogawa Smart Sento Launch @ Sunway Pyramid, Malaysia

On 10 January 2015, health and lifestyle brand OGAWA together with their brand ambassador and award-­winning Hong Kong Artiste, Chi Lam Cheung , or more often known as Captain Cool , was here at Malaysia again to promote a healthier lifestyle in conjunction with the new OGAWA Smart Sentro launch event at Sunway Pyramid Shopping Centre. A few lucky fans who have answered questions correctly about OGAWA Smart Sentro were given opportunity to meet and greet Chi Lam personally not forgetting to have a group photo besides OGAWA merchandise. Some fans who even manage to grab a hug with Chi Lam Captain Cool. It definitely make other people jeolous and shouting at the same time.  This time I took less photos as I took more video footage instead so that you have live video to watch. Morever video can definitely tell story better for you on what happened too. Check out the video below to see what happened if you've missed it yesterday: 张智霖 ChiLam & Ogawa Smart

“Cool魔”转身变“Cool摩” - Chi Lam 张智霖出任OGAWA代言人

Chi Lam 张智霖听听粉丝的尖叫 - “CHI LAM 我爱你!!” 今天下午在马来西亚1Utama举办的OGAWA活动主要除了是宣布 Julian Cheung Chi Lam 张智霖 出任 OGAWA代言人 与介绍 "智COOL"系列按摩椅 。Cool魔的魅力没减,吸引了很多粉丝来捧场与见面。活动当中有一对母女被幸运邀上台与张智霖近距离接触,连粉丝要求自拍也一一奉陪。Cool摩果真很酷!

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