
Showing posts with the label Movie


AURUM THEATRE @ MID VALLEY SOUTHKEY, JOHOR BAHRU  AURUM THEATRE,  heard of it yet? It is the new experience that you can try if you love luxurious feel by doing more than just watching a movie. I would recommend you this, if you want to pamper yourself with the love one. It's something like 'Dinner In The Sky' but in a cinema hall with very comfortable recliner instead, plus some fine-dine food and drinks without hanging in the sky. Come on and have a look what I saw at the Aurum Theatre in Mid Valley Southkey, Johor Bahru . Watch the video below for a quick tour of the Getha Lux Suite movie hall and something that worth a shout out at the Aurum Theatre, especially the Getha recliner with wireless charging and port for your gadget. How much is it to watch a movie in Aurum Theatre?  Watching movie at Aurum Theatre and enjoy a meal or cocktail at Jin Gastrobar will cost you RM120 - RM150 for an Aurum Pass . You'll get to choose a fine-dining selection or

16th Japanese Film Festival 2019 Film List @ GSC Malaysia

Japanese Film Festival 2019 @ GSC Malaysia 5 Sep 2019 - 6 Oct 2019 The annual Japanese Film Festival (JFF) turns “16” this year and is set to light up selected Golden Screen Cinemas nationwide, boasting a broad collection of current and acclaimed titles across a variety of genres ranging from family to music and comedy. The selection of 13 movies will capture hearts and minds of audiences from all ages and giving the opportunity for everyone to enjoy the latest and finest Japanese movies on the big screen. The month-long celebration will be kicking off with the South East Asian premiere of “Little Nights, Little Love” directed by IMAIZUMI Rikiya on JFF KL Opening night on 3 September 2019. (official Japan release date 20 September 2019)

#DetectivePikachu Movie Premiere Party Night @ GSC Mid Valley Megamall

Detective Pikachu Movie Premiere Party Night @ GSC Mid Valley Megamall #DetectivePikachu The other evening shooting for Detective Pikachu Movie Premiere Party Night at GSC Mid Valley   with #DetectivePikachu. The Detective Pikachu mascot that appear that night so cute la! It was a fun party to document too. I see happy family and Pokemon fans who came for the premiere. Don't you think their ticket are special and worth to keep as collection too? Don't forget to get your tickets and see the movie in GSC starting 8 May! I hope you manage to redeem your Limited Edition #DetectivePokemonMovie Trading Card Game in nearest GSC. Now let's check out some event photos.

【VIDEO】《大大哒》电影拍摄地点一日游 - 旅游特辑 #ThinkBigBig Shooting Location Quick Tour Vlog

【大大哒】电影拍摄景点 旅游特辑! Vivienne温慧茵代替满月带你游百吉轩 天文台 #ThinkBigBig 不知道《大大哒》这部电影你们看了吗?如果看了,也好奇导演去哪里拍这部电影的,就要看这个20分钟长的旅游特辑啦。有Vivienne温慧茵当大家的导游,带你游宁静的百吉轩,还有那独特的天文台~ 当然片中有Serene全民女神和满月与爸妈的出现啦。  我还是第一次上字幕上了那么久的,得空就看看然后留言吧~! #ThinkBigBig #大大哒

【PHOTO】《大大哒》贺岁片拍摄地点一日游 #ThinkBigBig Shooting Location Quick Tour

【PHOTO】《大大哒》贺岁片拍摄地点一日游 #ThinkBigBig 就前天去了几个《大大哒》 #ThinkBigBig 拍摄地点,所以我今天要分享那天拍到的点滴啦。不同的地方有不同的惊喜。比如说在Sunway Lagoon见到 #whoopie2018 在现场,原来 Serene就躲在里面。Chiu导和Vivienne Onn 温慧茵带我们去林满月不小心跌倒的拍摄场地,Warna Woman等导演que的地方。之后我们去了Watson Sunway Pyramid参观一下,那边有卖Whoopie玩偶哦。再来我们就去了以下地点: 【#ThinkBigBig #大大哒 电影拍摄景点大参观】 - Sunway Lagoon - Watsons Sunway Pyramid - Shooting location #1 (Bukit Pelanduk Jetty) - Shooting location #2 (百吉轩 Bǎi Jí Xuān Restaurant) - Shooting location #3 (Seremban Chung Hwa High School) 芙蓉中华独中 额外美食探险: - Loong Hin Kopitiam (specialty: handmade DimSum and coffee) - Siew Pau Asia (specialty: handmade Siew Pau) Astro 《大大哒》电影拍摄景点大攻略 #ThinkBigBig Shooting Locations Quick Tour 整个行程下来,在百吉轩惊喜的遇到了满月(Moon容璇雯)和她的父母Billie庄岳文和Julie周蕊。在百吉轩吃饭的意境是不错的,踩木筏船(水上脚踏车)也好玩咯。

【PHOTO】《大大哒》贺岁片首映演员穿太空装谢幕 电影提前情人节上映 #ThinkBigBig

【PHOTO】《大大哒》贺岁片首映演员穿太空装谢幕 电影提前情人节上映 左起庄岳文、周蕊丽、容璇雯、刘绵绣、温慧茵、吕杨、Chiu导周青元、林宣妤、狄妃和甘可琪 在Pavilion KL GSC Cinemas举办的 《大大哒》贺岁片首映礼 吸引了众多艺人出席。除了Astro艺人,也看到了很多YouTuber如Cody Hong, LizzChloe 彤彤 ,ChangYong  蔡常勇 , Marianne陈宝仪与老公Jared Lee, Olabola众演员等等。 首映礼开场由《大大哒》剧中饰演小满月的小演员穿上粉红芭蕾服,现场上演芭蕾舞。接着Nicole赖淞凤为大家带来《大大哒》片尾曲《大大》。 出席红地毯的当然有全体演员出场啦~先由饰演满月父母的 Billie庄岳文 和 Julie周蕊丽一起出场、 紧跟着有满月的BFF闺蜜 Ruby狄妃 、 Vivienne 温慧茵 和 甘可琪 、饰演120公斤和90公斤满月的 Moon容璇雯 和 Joanne刘锦绣 ,还有男女主角 Fabian吕杨 和 Serene林宣妤 及 Chiu导 三人齐上场,Chiu导还笑说自己是很大的电灯泡。 首映结束后,发现演员们已经穿上戏服,Serene林宣妤穿起了太空狗向来宾们道谢,吕杨穿上太空服不停飙汗不停谢幕、还真是辛苦啦。观众与演员零距离互动达成啦。 为了配合情人节的节奏, 《大大哒》贺岁片 将会提前在二月十四号上映。 有情人的就别错过啦,单身的就找姐妹一起看,应为这部电影是在叙述四位好姐妹的情感,还有一位很痴心善良的"大树"。 以下是首映的红地毯照片,喜欢的就分享tag我Instagram/Facebook吧!

The Movie That Inspire Me To Be Who I Am Today

One of the leisure activities I always love to do is to watch great movies. It is also a good choice for couple and family to hang out together too. Today I would like to share one of my favourite movies and how it forms the person I am today. "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" What's my favourite movie? The first movie that came into my mind is "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" . You may watch the trailer first if you haven't watch this movie before.

[GIVEAWAY]《 平平安安 Find My Dad》 温馨亲情电影:一趟寻父之旅,一次寻子之行

《平平安安 Find My Dad》 电影 11月12日 全马感动上映 《平平安安》电影介绍 平安(迷你彬 饰)是一个天真无邪,人见人爱的一年级小孩。他成长于一个单亲家庭,家中只有妈妈- 平妈(欧萱 饰)和阿姨照顾他。一直以来,平妈都对平安隐瞒他爸爸的一切,从中也不让平安去探望他的祖父(夏雨 饰)。 在学校上美术课时,老师给了同学们一个画画的题目‘我的爸爸’。从那一刻开始,平安就不停地问自己:‚我的爸爸去哪儿了呢?‛当平安向平妈问及爸爸的去向时,平妈和阿姨都不知所措,不知该怎么回答他。尽管如此,平安还是不放弃寻找爸爸的去向。最后,平安的阿姨还是软下了心肠,偷偷地带平安去见他的祖父。这却卷起了一连串事件的发生。 听完祖父的辩解后,平安觉得是妈妈阻止他去见自己的爸爸。他开始对在妈妈周围的人起疑,包括金马伦(品冠 饰)。小平安不停地盼望有那么一天可以找到爸爸,于是他下定决心离家出走… "Find My Dad" Movie Synopsis Ping An (Mini Bin) is a cute and smart boy in Standard One. He grew up in a single parent family with his mother, Ping Ma (Jeanette Aw) and Aunty (Yise Loo Ee Ser). However, Ping Ma keeps the fact of his dads death in secret and therefore would not allow Ping An to visit his grandfather (Ha Yu). Ping An was asked to draw “My Father” by teacher, that is when Ping An started to have doubts in his mind and started to wonder where his father went. Therefore, both Ping Ma and his aunt were speechless when Ping An started to question

Chiu Kicks Off "OlaBola", The Biggest Football Movie In Malaysian Film History

Chiu Kicks Off "OlaBola", the biggest football movie in Malaysian film history 1st row from left to right: Marianne Tan, Mr. Chew Keng Heng (General Manager, Marketing Innovation Dept. from PANASONIC), Chiu Keng Guan (Director) , Ms. Philomena Tan (Business Executive Manager from MILO), Mr. Tung Yow Kong ( Senior Manager, Distribution from Golden Screen Cinemas), Dato Steven Lim (Group Managing Director from Multimedia Entertainment) , Henry Tan (Chief Operating Officer, Astro), Najwa Abu Bakar (Head of Astro Shaw), Frankie Lee, Bernard Hiew. 2nd row front left: Luqman Hafidz, JC Chee, Saran Kumar, Bront Palarae After the overwhelming response to The Journey  and Polis Evo , Astro Shaw brings another Malaysian classic to the silver screen that aims to inspire and thrill all Malaysians. Titled OlaBola , the feature film tells the story of everyday heroes through the lives of a multi-cultural football team. Using the world’s biggest sport as its premise, OlaBola ca

狮神决战 The Lion Men Gala Premiere @ Genting Highland & Personal Review

狮神决战 The Lion Men Gala Premiere @ Genting Highland 云顶高原 On 19th February, I was one of the blogger invited to attend the Gala Premiere of <<狮神决战 The Lion Men>> at Genting Highland . Since I want to take a break from the smoky and hazy KL, me and a few media friends went uphill together.

The Lion Men 狮神决战来马造势,众演员将出席云顶首映礼及影迷见面会 #TheLionMen

27.02.2014全马上映 演员抵马宣传 夹着《狮神决战》在新加坡勇夺华语贺岁片票房冠军的好势头,导演梁智强率领8位演员 陈天文、张智扬、王伟良、叶荣耀、林俊良、吴清樑、程砚秋及包尔琮 “大阵仗”抵马宣传。《狮神决战》是由“新兵正传”原班人马(张智扬、王伟良、叶荣耀、林俊良、吴清樑) 及在新加坡和中国备受欢迎的资深演员陈天文主演 ,并找来中国95新生代女演员 程砚秋 担任女主角,是一部 舞狮、武打、舞蹈三结合 ,令观众耳目一新的电影。

全民电影《一路有你 The Journey》创760万票房 刷新大马中文电影票房纪录

一路有你 The Journey Gala Premiere RedCarpet @ Paradigm Mall [从左]周青元,李世平, 尤凤音,Ben Andrew Pfeiffer Astro全民电影《一路有你》 开画两周再传捷报,以760万令吉累计票房,宣告打破本地中文电影票房纪录!欣闻喜讯的 导演周青元(Chiu导) 以掩不住兴奋的语气表示: “原以为这是个不可思议的奇迹,但它还是发生了!现在脑子一片空白,只想衷心感谢大家的支持和肯定。” 截至昨日(2月12日)的官方数据,《一路有你》上映14天内报收760万令吉票房,刷新《阿炳心想事成》在2012年所创下的756万令吉票房纪录,目前 已成为史上最卖座的大马中文电影 ,并继续朝更高票房迈进。 全民电影《一路有你》创760万票房 刷新大马中文电影票房纪录 《一路有你》导演将与众演员于2月15日(星期六)下午3时,在八打灵再也佰乐泰广场大厅(Upper Atrium)进行见面会 。更多Astro全民电影《一路有你》消息,请浏览 。 [LIVE] "The Better Half" - Ben Andrew Pfeiffer - Astro全民电影《一路有你》首映礼 一路有你 The Journey Gala Premiere @ Paradigm Mall 尤凤音与Ben Andrew Pfeiffer换上婚纱礼服答谢观众, 开心能有个合照! 题外话,看了《一路有你》的你们,是否已察觉Uncle Frankie曾经出现过在Malaysia Eno的广告呢??有发觉到的按赞或留言!! You may want to read: 一路有你 The Journey Gala Premiere @ Paradigm Mall + Movie Review 观后感 Geraldine颜慧萍《一路有你》EP首卖会: 收到126朵玫瑰感动落泪 Thanks for reading! Press the "Like" button and share with your friend kay? You can subscr

一路有你 The Journey Gala Premiere @ Paradigm Mall + Movie Review 观后感

一路有你 The Journey - 笑迎感动1月30日全国上映 2014年1月18日,本人受Astro邀约到Paradigm Mall观赏 《一路有你 The Journey》 的首映。收到请柬当然非常高兴咯!!我个人非常期待这片片子而且看了后也非常的喜欢。《一路有你 The Journey》是一部温馨家庭喜剧也是一部 全民电影 ,有喜有悲,它可以把你的情绪从山顶带到谷底再到达巅峰。整部电影拍得很优美,尤其是风景那一部分,把金马伦高原拍得像仙境一样。在《一路有你 The Journey》里面,你熟悉的明星变成了配角,主要的角色们反而是普通的平民。

Jackie Chan in Malaysia for Police Story 2013 成龙警察故事2013大马电影宣传

Jackie Chan in Malaysia for Police Story 2013 Gala Premiere and Media Conference 成龙警察故事2013马来西亚电影宣传 Early this morning I went for Jackie Chan's "Police Story 2013" 警察故事2013 movie premiere courtesy of RAM Entertainment.  A media conference was arranged on the same day itself. It was great to see Jackie Chan in person as I learned that he has many stories to share with us from how he act in the movie to how to be a better person who living a life. I personally like his life philosophy sharing  more =) Police Story 2013 Synopsis 警察故事2013故事简介 Night. Inside an enormous bar on a busy street, all the patrons are being held hostage. Among them are policeman Zhong Wen and his daughter Miao Miao, and several strangers who seem to have met before….  The kidnapper is the bar owner Wu Jiang. His only demand is the release of a long-term prisoner. What motive is worth this risk?  The prisoner is brought to the scene of the crime, but the police now face an even g

ntv7 《聚宝盆》Lucky Bowl 众演员蛇年祝贺与观后感

ntv7 《聚宝盆》Lucky Bowl 众演员 ntv7 《聚宝盆》Lucky Bowl 众演员蛇年祝贺 - 首映礼 @ Pavilion KL ******************************************   当晚我与演员们看完了 《聚宝盆》Lucky Bowl 续集 后,在Pavilion Lounge举办了一场记者会。那时 大家 我都被续集的结尾弄得团团转。我看是必须要看前传才能知道完整的故事啦。就因为如果十大演员全出现在一集有点太拥挤,所以今年才会分成两部。所以呢,你们一定要守住ntv7 大年初一 2月10号 830pm 先看《聚宝盆续集》 , 大年初二 2月11号 830pm 再看《聚宝盆前传》 。 从记者会后才得知导演池佳庆为了赶剪辑(这份工作真的不容易),导致首映的版本看起来有点不流畅咯。不过,我相信在ntv7上看到的电视电影一定会更加好看!! Frederick李洺中的歪嘴是他戏里典型的笑点,有时候讲话模糊有时候却清楚得很哈哈。Debbie 吴天瑜在聚宝盆续集里是一位婀娜多姿的包租婆,也是一位处女哈哈。看来Debbie未来会有很多旗袍的赞助与广告。Lawrence黄冠逸在戏里的蝴蝶头造型与他夸张搞笑的演绎为这电视电影增添了新元素。Miao miao 林静苗当柯老大看起来很像在演绎自己一些真实的一面,自然搞笑加分。Aenie 王淑君在戏里演绎一位富有艺术细胞的柯老二,每天被讲"Diamlah",蛮可怜的。Adrian陈凯旋在戏里分明就是一位卷发小混混,演得很好,但希望别入戏太深啦,戏都已经拍完了。(麻烦教导A迷正确的尖叫声,当晚首映可真吓到人家,别人还以为发生了什么事哈哈哈) 疯狂尖叫奖非你莫属 在续集里,没能看见Jack叶朝明,Kyo 庄仲维,Leslie蔡珂立,Ai Leng 王爱玲,Karena张惠虹与Jan秦雯彬的演出,所以呢要看前传才能知晓他们的演出啦;值得一提的是,Rickman谢承伟的马啼另我印象深刻。 我相信由大马本地制作DreamTeam Studio拍出来的影片不会让您失望,所以新年在家记得收看《聚宝盆》Lucky Bowl。 大年初一 2月10号 830pm 先看《聚宝盆续集》 大年初二 2月1

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