[GIVEAWAY]《 平平安安 Find My Dad》 温馨亲情电影:一趟寻父之旅,一次寻子之行
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《平平安安 Find My Dad》 电影11月12日 全马感动上映 |
平安(迷你彬 饰)是一个天真无邪,人见人爱的一年级小孩。他成长于一个单亲家庭,家中只有妈妈- 平妈(欧萱 饰)和阿姨照顾他。一直以来,平妈都对平安隐瞒他爸爸的一切,从中也不让平安去探望他的祖父(夏雨 饰)。
听完祖父的辩解后,平安觉得是妈妈阻止他去见自己的爸爸。他开始对在妈妈周围的人起疑,包括金马伦(品冠 饰)。小平安不停地盼望有那么一天可以找到爸爸,于是他下定决心离家出走…
"Find My Dad" Movie Synopsis
Ping An (Mini Bin) is a cute and smart boy in Standard One. He grew up in a single parent family with his mother, Ping Ma (Jeanette Aw) and Aunty (Yise Loo Ee Ser). However, Ping Ma keeps the fact of his dads death in secret and therefore would not allow Ping An to visit his grandfather (Ha Yu).
Ping An was asked to draw “My Father” by teacher, that is when Ping An started to have doubts in his mind and started to wonder where his father went. Therefore, both Ping Ma and his aunt were speechless when Ping An started to question his father's whereabouts. Nevertheless, Ping An never gave up finding out the truth and Ping Ma got very annoyed. Ping An's aunt couldn’t reject her beloved niece’s wishes, hence, she brought him to visit his grandfather in the old folks home without her sister’s notice. That was when a series of events initiated.
From the stories that were told by his grandfather, Ping An assumed that Ping Ma stops him from seeing his own father. Therefore, he started to suspect and evaluates people around Ping Ma hoping to find his own father, especially Cameron (Victor Wong) who has a special meaning tattoo according to his grandfather’s stories…
Courtesy of Asia Tropical Films, I am giving out FIVE pairs of ticket to 《平平安安 Find My Dad》 Premiere screening on 11th Nov at Paradigm Mall. Check out the details below on how to win!!
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《平平安安 Find My Dad》 - Cameron 金马伦 (Victor Wong 品冠 饰) |
1. Cameron 金马伦 (Victor Wong 品冠 饰)
金马伦是个园丁。他每天都花了很多心思在工作上,也会定时送花到平安妈妈的花店里。在他的世界里,爱情永远是最重要的,为了心爱的女人,他甚至把对方的名字‚GiGi‛刺在手臂。可惜女方嫌弃他的经济状况,并且谎称自己有一个7 岁大的孩子,种种巧合造成了他与平安之间的误会,两条平行线开始趣味横生。
He is a gardener who puts afford in his job. He used to send flowers to Ping Ma’s florist shop. He is also a good guy who put his lover as first priority in life; he even got himself a tattoo of her name “GiGi” on his arms. Unfortunately, his dream girl ignores him every time because of his financial situation. One day, Gigi lied to Cameron about having a 7 years old child and also due to the tattoo on his arm, it has caused some misunderstanding between Ping An and Cameron.
《平平安安 Find My Dad》 - Ping An 平安 (Mini Bin迷你彬 饰) |
2. Ping An 平安 (Mini Bin迷你彬 饰)
一个7 岁大,天真无邪的小孩。从小,他就和妈妈以及阿姨住在一块儿。他一直很好奇,为什么别人有爸爸而他没有。在学校里,一些小孩经常拿他没有爸爸的事情来取笑他,多次询问了妈妈,然而没有得到想要的答案。经过几次和妈妈的争吵后,他决定离开家里,去找寻爸爸的下落。他随着祖父给他的线索,找到了一个他认为是爸爸的人。
A 7 years old kid living together with his mother and aunt. He does not have a father and he is very curious about it. In school, some kids make jokes of him of his single-parent family. He always asks his mother about his father but failed to get an answer. After a couple times of arguments, he decided to leave home and find his own father. He followed the hints given by his grandfather and found someone who he thinks that it’s his father.
《平平安安 Find My Dad》 - 平妈 Ping Ma(Jeanette Aw 欧萱 饰) |
3. 平妈 Ping Ma(Jeanette Aw 欧萱 饰)
Ping An’s mother, also, the owner of a florist shop. She is a single mother. She often brings Ping An to the old folks home to find his grandfather but she doesn’t let him know it’s his grandfather. Every time when Ping An asked about his father, she never wanted to answer about it because of the sadness and pain she recalls back. She doesn’t want her son to bear the pressure of losing a father too. After Ping An left home, she is very worry and she blames herself for not telling Ping An what he wants to know.
《平平安安 Find My Dad》 - 爷爷 Granfather(Ha Yu 夏雨 饰) |
4. 爷爷 Granfather(Ha Yu 夏雨 饰)
Ping An’s grandfather who stays in an old folks home. He is an peppery old man who hated his daughter-in-law, he blame her for not letting Ping An knows that he is his grandfather. One day, Ping An finally knew that he is the grandfather and both of them had a happy conversation. After that, when he knows that Ping An left home, he was very angry and he decided to leave old folks home and use his own method to find out Ping An.
《平平安安 Find My Dad》 - 阿姨 Aunty (Yise Loo罗忆诗 饰) |
5. 阿姨 Aunty (Yise Loo罗忆诗 饰)
She is Ping An’s aunt who stays together with her sister and Ping An. Her daily job is to bring Ping An to school. Whenever Ping An asks her about his father, she tells him not to ask about it in front of his mother. After Ping An asked her many times, under no alternative, she decided to bring him to see his grandfather. This is how Ping An recognises his own grandfather.
《平平安安 Find My Dad》 - 狗仔 Gou Zai (Chong Chia Shien 钟榢轩 饰) |
6. 狗仔 Gou Zai (Chong Chia Shien 钟榢轩 饰)
Cameron’s best friend since they were kid. Sometimes, Cameron will ask him out for a drink or two. Cameron always persuades him to visit his mother but he decline to do so. One day, he came back from far wanted to stay at Cameron’s place for a few days. Meanwhile, he also knew about Gigi’s kid. After he knew about Ping An and Cameron’s relationship isn’t true, he decided to kidnap this kid to get money when Cameron asked a favor from him which is to send him home safe.
《平平安安》(Find My Dad) - Official Trailer预告
出品公司 :阿细亚热带电影有限公司
导演 :由昊
领衔主演 : :品冠、欧萱、迷你彬(温玄煜)
主演 :夏雨、罗忆诗、钟榢轩、林佩琦
主演 :夏雨、罗忆诗、钟榢轩、林佩琦
出品人 :郑怡平、郑志明、郑建国、麦智中
编剧 :秀红、绍棋、陳奐升
类型 :温馨│亲情│感动
片长 :83分钟
语言 :中文、粤语
上映日期 :2015年11月12日
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《平平安安》Premiere Screening Date: 11th Nov 2015 (Wed) Time: 9pm Venue: GSC Paradign Mall |
《平平安安》Premiere Screening Giveaway
想出席《平平安安》首映礼的朋友,只要FBShare, Tag TianChad@永遇乐,然后在下面留言 “我要出席《平平安安Find My Dad》首映礼,因为______________(不超过15个字)”就有机会赢取双人《平平安安》电影首映礼票。
Terms and Conditions
1. This contest is strictly for readers of TianChad.com residing in Malaysia and there will be total FIVE pair of movie premiere passes to be giveaway. In order to win, you'll have to like mentioned FB page.
2. You must complete all steps above including your creative comment at the comment section below on why you deserve to win. Maximum TWO comment per person so make sure you post the best comment!
3. The closing date for this contest is by 12am on 8th November 2015.
4. Late entries and and incomplete entries will be disqualified.
5. Decision made by judges is final and abiding.
6. Terms and conditions are subjected to changes without prior notice.
7. Contest winners will be notified via email. Winners will require to follow the instructions in the email to redeem their prizes.
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