Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2013成绩揭晓! Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant 2013 Top 3 Winners!
今晚在 Zebra Square 举行的 《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2013》 决赛已圆满结束!!恭喜佳丽 Zhiny黄之豫 一口气赢得了“完美体态小姐”、“最上镜小姐”以及美姐冠军头衔,成为三料冠军。 亚军得主由另一位大热门 Fancy吴胤婷 夺得,季军得主是 Erica陈秋萍 、殿军得主 Carol王珂媃 ,亦是 “最佳才艺小姐” ,第五名是模特儿出身的 Angelica叶小庆 , “亲善小姐” 则由来自怡保的 Charlotte陈美婷 赢得。 Congrat to Zhiny黄之豫 for being crowned as Miss Astro 2013 Astro國際華裔小姐競選 Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant 2013 冠军:Zhiny黄之豫 亚军:Fancy吳胤婷 季军:Erica陈秋萍 殿军:Carol王鈳媃 第五名:Angelica叶小庆 Congratz to all the winners. There will always people who like/hate you so just be yourself and stay awesome!! Enjoy your Korea trip!! More photos on soon. PS: Zebra Square is not a place to organize such huge event. Parking space was so limited and we had to walk so far. Luckily there was van transit after the show. Okie time to have a bath!! Thanks for reading! Press the "Like" button and share with your friend kay? You can subscribe to TianChad @ 永遇乐 , be a fans on TianChad @ 永遇乐 and follow @TianChad on Twitter for future blog post