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[GIVEAWAY]《 平平安安 Find My Dad》 温馨亲情电影:一趟寻父之旅,一次寻子之行

《平平安安 Find My Dad》 电影 11月12日 全马感动上映 《平平安安》电影介绍 平安(迷你彬 饰)是一个天真无邪,人见人爱的一年级小孩。他成长于一个单亲家庭,家中只有妈妈- 平妈(欧萱 饰)和阿姨照顾他。一直以来,平妈都对平安隐瞒他爸爸的一切,从中也不让平安去探望他的祖父(夏雨 饰)。 在学校上美术课时,老师给了同学们一个画画的题目‘我的爸爸’。从那一刻开始,平安就不停地问自己:‚我的爸爸去哪儿了呢?‛当平安向平妈问及爸爸的去向时,平妈和阿姨都不知所措,不知该怎么回答他。尽管如此,平安还是不放弃寻找爸爸的去向。最后,平安的阿姨还是软下了心肠,偷偷地带平安去见他的祖父。这却卷起了一连串事件的发生。 听完祖父的辩解后,平安觉得是妈妈阻止他去见自己的爸爸。他开始对在妈妈周围的人起疑,包括金马伦(品冠 饰)。小平安不停地盼望有那么一天可以找到爸爸,于是他下定决心离家出走… "Find My Dad" Movie Synopsis Ping An (Mini Bin) is a cute and smart boy in Standard One. He grew up in a single parent family with his mother, Ping Ma (Jeanette Aw) and Aunty (Yise Loo Ee Ser). However, Ping Ma keeps the fact of his dads death in secret and therefore would not allow Ping An to visit his grandfather (Ha Yu). Ping An was asked to draw “My Father” by teacher, that is when Ping An started to have doubts in his mind and started to wonder where his father went. Therefore, both Ping Ma and his aunt were speechless when Ping An started to question