An Experience Helping People In Need #ProjectNourish

An Experience Helping People In Need Project Nourish
An Experience Helping People In Need
Today I would like to share something I did in mid of July. It was a meaningful evening with friends from Maxis team.Working with two local NGOs – Pertiwi Soup Kitchen and Kechara Food Bank – over 150 Maxis volunteers took to homes and the streets during Ramadan to distribute food and essential supplies to the urban poor and homeless in and around the Klang Valley.

#ProjectNourish was more than just about helping the needy. It gave us the opportunity to go down to the ground to see for ourselves the reality of urban poverty, have a sense of gratitude and do something meaningful. It was certainly an eye opening experience to be able to directly interact with and help those in need.

Below are some photos taken when we visited two of the family:

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Arranging household to visit at Kechara Soup Kitchen located at Jalan barat
Arranging list of household to visit at Kechara Soup Kitchen located at Jalan barat
Maxis Team who are ready to deliver food and drinks to respective household
Maxis Team who are ready to deliver food and drinks to respective household

The #ProjectNourish programme began on 12 July, where 50 Maxis volunteers helped Pertiwi by purchasing and distributing 450 packs of food and drinks to the urban poor and homeless along Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman and Komplex Kota Raya. Pre-loved clothes collected from internal donation drive were also handed to families. Two days later on 14 July, over 100 Maxis volunteers helped Kechara to purchase, pack and distribute food boxes to 150 urban poor families in Kuala Lumpur and around Klang Valley. Essential items such as rice, cooking oil, Milo, oats, condensed milk, canned food sugar and salt were distributed to 150 families registered with the NGO.

Vernon carry all the rice for one of the household that he is visiting
Vernon carry all the rice for one of the household that he is visiting

Me with Sally and Yoges all ready for delivering the food and drinks for people in need
Me with Sally and Yoges all ready for delivering the food and drinks for people in need

Khairul - A helpful Petronas Station attendant showing us the right way to the first house
Khairul - A helpful Petronas Station attendant showing us the right way to the first house
 Thanks for helping us Khairul!!

This is a building with so many residents at one same block
This is a building with so many residents at one same block

We were communicating with the house owner using writing on paper since she is deaf/mute
We were communicating with the house owner using writing on paper since she is deaf/mute

No comfortable bed although you have a tiny space for it. They just sleep on the floor with the thin mattress
No comfortable bed although you have a tiny space for it. They just sleep on the floor with the thin mattress
This house occupied by a couple who are deaf and mute, hence it is hard for them to find a proper job in the city. All their children are born normal. The couple did shared their concern about unfortunate event that might happen to their kids at home, they can't hear it and it could be dangerous to a certain extend. Hence the parent and kids staying separately to let them learn speaking and writing in a better environment. The guy in blue is their friend who are mute too, they were providing a shelter since that's what they can do to help other. I hereby wishing that both the couple and their friend are doing well and making enough/better living for their kids.

At that moment I was thinking of how lucky I am to be able to talk and listen but yet still complain about tiny little things in life. Thanks for teaching me to be more appreciative and living my life to the fullest.

A group photo with them before we need to leave to the second house.
A group photo with them before we need to leave to the second house.

A nenek who need to take good care of four children
A nenek who need to take good care of four children
This was the second home we visited to deliver food and drinks provided by Kechara Soup Kitchen. We bought extra festive season cookies since Raya was getting near. They were sharing about stories on which school they are attending and how they were going to celebrate Hari Raya. Other than wearing new clothes during first day of Raya, they didn't expect much to do. Luckily all four kids are easy to get along and willing to take good care of each other especially the eldest one.

That unforgettable moment when one of the friendly kid want to 'kirim salam' before we leave
That unforgettable moment when one of the friendly kid want to 'kirim salam' before we leave
I was holding my camera when we decided to leave but this little kid came and 'kirim salam' and I told myself that I should never forget this moment, hence I clicked on the shutter. Although it was just a small gesture and things that we did to help them out, I do feel the sincerity from him and the family =)

Saw this graffiti on the wall:

"Binatang sama binatang pun tak gigit"

"Binatang sama binatang pun tak gigit"

It is a simple phrases but the meaning behind it means a lot to me. If you ask me what's my race? I would proudly say I am Malaysian =) 

It was a humbling experience throughout that evening and I would like to thanks Maxis, Pertiwi and Kechara for their dedication and for giving me an opportunity to contribute a little to my beloved country. To see what happened on the ground, watch the video below:

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