
Phobia 2 - "In The End" [2009]

Just back from Phobia 2 Screening by Nuffnang. Thanks YungChien for inviting me to the screening! There are total 5 stories. "Novice" and "Salvage" is a horror about karma; "Ward" is like reborn; "Backpackers" is the Thai+Japan version of resident evil. Where as " In The End" is my favourite =D I like "In The End" the most cause it has really really different end and with huge amount of humor elements XD Recommend you guys to watch this movie and "tahan" the first four horror stories. After that, I am sure you will definitely enjoy the last story - "In The End" Rating: 8.5/10 especially for the last story =) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Met two new friends called YuLiang and Stephy . In the end I didn't take any photo with the blogger. Hmm, next time ba! Men's Uno Part II will be coming up if my work getting less and done more =) If you've missed the part I, click Here Ciao ;p

罵香蕉皮 @ Scold the Banana Peels

I would like to share a story that I got through forwarded email today. Sometimes not all forwarded mails are the "if you don't forward you will get bad lucks for whole year" . So yeah, read mail that your friends sent to you =) PS: Pls don't forward the "cursing" mail to me/anyone as no body want to feel annoyed with that kind of email. Just delete it if you've receive one. Besides, if you received MSN/Google or whatever that they are going to charge you for their FREE service if you don't forward their mail, just delete or ignore it. I am sorry if you can't read Chinese, but I think Google Translate can help you ^@^" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 大學階梯教室裡,一場演講會即將開始。 主講人是蜚聲海內外的知名教授,海報兩天前就貼出去了,反應異常熱烈,同學們紛紛趕到現場,要一睹教授的風采。 離開講還有十分鐘,學生們紛紛進入到會場中,在他們跨進會場的一瞬,不約而同地發現腳下有一塊香蕉皮,在抬腿避開時,都不忘埋怨兩句:是誰這麼缺德?一點公共意識都沒有! 組織者是怎麼搞的?現在的人,什麼素質? 大家嘰哩咕嚕抱怨著跨過那塊香蕉皮,坐到自己的位置上,靜等著教授的光臨。 幾分鐘後,教授準時到達。 他也發現地上的香蕉皮,扶扶眼鏡上前仔細端詳。 教室裡頓時靜了下來,大家都伸長脖子,看教授的一舉一動。 教授看清楚腳下是一塊香蕉皮,勃然大怒,指著它大聲說道

[Sneak Peek] All-American Rejects @ Malaysia

Courtesy of Nuffnang and DiGi , I was one of the lucky bloggers [Bryan, Me, Shakira, Hazel, Vanessa] to be able to attend AAR Press Conferences and a "Round Table Session". Chris,Tyson,Mike and Nick from AAR @ Nikki Hotel Press Conference I would like to thanks Lynn for helping us in every way for the "Round table session" Appreciate for your efforts =) Guess who is he tieing up the shoes? =) Fortunately+ unfortunately we are able to meet Mike and Chris only instead of four of them together. But hey we can sit so close with them! =D Now I know what "Round Table" Session looks like haha! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Was at Bukit Jalil for AAR concert too and this is one of the best photo taken using my 2 year old Lumix Compact cam. Should I get a DSLR next time? *Hints *December is coming~! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Last but not least, thanks again to DiGi and Nuffnang for all the opportunity that you have provided to us as I gain new exposu