
Samsung Galaxy S9+ Hands On Review: Super Slow-mo & AR Emoji

Samsung Galaxy S9+ Hands On Review: Super Slow-mo and AR Emoji Samsung Malaysia had this exclusive event and I was invited to be among the first in the nation for an exclusive hands-on experience with its latest flagship, the Samsung Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ ! As a person who love photography, I will definitely go for the Samsung Galaxy S9+ with the Dual Cameras and better battery capacity. They comes in three different color: Lilac Purple, Coral Blue and Midnight Black. Let's have a look below:

Preorder Samsung Galaxy S9 & S9+ Get Harman Kardon Speaker worth RM699

Preorder Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ and you can get Harman Kardon Speaker worth RM699 Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ is going to be launch soon in Malaysia  starting 1st March 2018 with this preorder promotion below. If you haven't know what's new on Samsung Galaxy S9/S9+, watch the official introduction video below! Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+: Official Introduction In short,  Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ has new camera with Dual-Aperture Lens* that can shoot  stunning pictures in bright daylight and super low light.  *Dual Aperture supports F1.5 and F2.4 modes. Installed on the rear camera (S9)/rear wide camera (S9+).

【VIDEO】《大大哒》电影拍摄地点一日游 - 旅游特辑 #ThinkBigBig Shooting Location Quick Tour Vlog

【大大哒】电影拍摄景点 旅游特辑! Vivienne温慧茵代替满月带你游百吉轩 天文台 #ThinkBigBig 不知道《大大哒》这部电影你们看了吗?如果看了,也好奇导演去哪里拍这部电影的,就要看这个20分钟长的旅游特辑啦。有Vivienne温慧茵当大家的导游,带你游宁静的百吉轩,还有那独特的天文台~ 当然片中有Serene全民女神和满月与爸妈的出现啦。  我还是第一次上字幕上了那么久的,得空就看看然后留言吧~! #ThinkBigBig #大大哒