
【VIDEO】《大大哒》电影拍摄地点一日游 - 旅游特辑 #ThinkBigBig Shooting Location Quick Tour Vlog

【大大哒】电影拍摄景点 旅游特辑! Vivienne温慧茵代替满月带你游百吉轩 天文台 #ThinkBigBig 不知道《大大哒》这部电影你们看了吗?如果看了,也好奇导演去哪里拍这部电影的,就要看这个20分钟长的旅游特辑啦。有Vivienne温慧茵当大家的导游,带你游宁静的百吉轩,还有那独特的天文台~ 当然片中有Serene全民女神和满月与爸妈的出现啦。  我还是第一次上字幕上了那么久的,得空就看看然后留言吧~! #ThinkBigBig #大大哒

【CONTEST】 Win A 4D3N Trip to Hong Kong Disneyland and Ocean Park THIS CNY!

GONG XI FA CAI TO EVERYONE! Wishing you have a prosperous and HUAT YEAR in 2018! #TCSelfie Win A 4D3N Trip to Hong Kong Disneyland and Ocean Park THIS CNY! Hello guys! I hereby wishing everyone Gong Xi Fa Cai, stay healthy and get prosperous in year 2018! Today I would like to share things that I've learned from my recent CNY event with Panadol Malaysia - "EVERY MINUTE MATTERS". Including a Chinese New Year video that deserve more view to share with you and chance to win a 4D3N trip to Hong Kong Disneyland and Ocean Park with your family . 你们好!祝各位正在读这部落格的朋友新年快乐万事如意!今天我要讲的故事是。。。“你可以比别人赚更多钱,但是每个人有的时间一样多,都是24小时,所以真的是分秒必争”。

Sunway Lagoon Extreme Adventure with Samsung Galaxy A8 & A8+ (2018)

Sunway Lagoon Water Adventure Quest with Samsung Galaxy A8 & A8+ (2018) Bungee Jump Challenge at Sunway Lagoon Theme Park If you know me long enough, you know I love water adventures and thrill rides. Flying fox, bungee jump, surfing board, G-Force and many more. People say, "Go and experience all these activities that make your adrenaline rush while you are still young!". I've slowly stepping into to the age of need to take care of my health (blood pressure, cholesterol and etc) hence when there is a chance to go for adventure in Sunway Lagoon Theme Park, how can I say no right?  I was at Sunway Lagoon Theme Park for the "Galaxy A8 Lagoon Quest" with other adventurous buddies who are up for the challenges. We were told to complete a few challenges and activities by just using the Samsung Galaxy A8/A8+ (2018). Most of the activities need us taking photos and video during the extreme activities including bungee jump and the Vuvuzela Ride. Do check out t