
Sunway Lagoon Extreme Adventure with Samsung Galaxy A8 & A8+ (2018)

Sunway Lagoon Water Adventure Quest with Samsung Galaxy A8 & A8+ (2018) Bungee Jump Challenge at Sunway Lagoon Theme Park If you know me long enough, you know I love water adventures and thrill rides. Flying fox, bungee jump, surfing board, G-Force and many more. People say, "Go and experience all these activities that make your adrenaline rush while you are still young!". I've slowly stepping into to the age of need to take care of my health (blood pressure, cholesterol and etc) hence when there is a chance to go for adventure in Sunway Lagoon Theme Park, how can I say no right?  I was at Sunway Lagoon Theme Park for the "Galaxy A8 Lagoon Quest" with other adventurous buddies who are up for the challenges. We were told to complete a few challenges and activities by just using the Samsung Galaxy A8/A8+ (2018). Most of the activities need us taking photos and video during the extreme activities including bungee jump and the Vuvuzela Ride. Do check out t

Sponsored Video: Louis XIII « 100 Years » by Pharrell Williams

Louis XIII « 100 Years » by Pharrell Williams #IfWeCare « 100 Years » by Pharrell Williams - This is a song crafted by Pharrell and will only be published in November 2117. Yeap, after 100 years and if global warming didn't destroy it in the mean time. I personally don't think that I would able to live until that day to see the announcement of the song release 《100 Years》 , unless the medical facilities in upcoming years is gonna be very advance in lengthen human's life span haha! On November 13th, LOUIS XIII Cognac premiered "100 Years", a song that we will hear in a century (but only if we care about the planet). This special piece of arts - "100 Years" is a special musical composition created by Pharrell Williams and not set to be publicly released until the year 2117. This song is actually a special collaboration between LOUIS XIII and Pharrell as an effort of caring about the environment and an appreciation for its fragility.

【PHOTO】《大大哒》贺岁片拍摄地点一日游 #ThinkBigBig Shooting Location Quick Tour

【PHOTO】《大大哒》贺岁片拍摄地点一日游 #ThinkBigBig 就前天去了几个《大大哒》 #ThinkBigBig 拍摄地点,所以我今天要分享那天拍到的点滴啦。不同的地方有不同的惊喜。比如说在Sunway Lagoon见到 #whoopie2018 在现场,原来 Serene就躲在里面。Chiu导和Vivienne Onn 温慧茵带我们去林满月不小心跌倒的拍摄场地,Warna Woman等导演que的地方。之后我们去了Watson Sunway Pyramid参观一下,那边有卖Whoopie玩偶哦。再来我们就去了以下地点: 【#ThinkBigBig #大大哒 电影拍摄景点大参观】 - Sunway Lagoon - Watsons Sunway Pyramid - Shooting location #1 (Bukit Pelanduk Jetty) - Shooting location #2 (百吉轩 Bǎi Jí Xuān Restaurant) - Shooting location #3 (Seremban Chung Hwa High School) 芙蓉中华独中 额外美食探险: - Loong Hin Kopitiam (specialty: handmade DimSum and coffee) - Siew Pau Asia (specialty: handmade Siew Pau) Astro 《大大哒》电影拍摄景点大攻略 #ThinkBigBig Shooting Locations Quick Tour 整个行程下来,在百吉轩惊喜的遇到了满月(Moon容璇雯)和她的父母Billie庄岳文和Julie周蕊。在百吉轩吃饭的意境是不错的,踩木筏船(水上脚踏车)也好玩咯。