
Sponsored Video: Louis XIII « 100 Years » by Pharrell Williams

Louis XIII « 100 Years » by Pharrell Williams #IfWeCare « 100 Years » by Pharrell Williams - This is a song crafted by Pharrell and will only be published in November 2117. Yeap, after 100 years and if global warming didn't destroy it in the mean time. I personally don't think that I would able to live until that day to see the announcement of the song release 《100 Years》 , unless the medical facilities in upcoming years is gonna be very advance in lengthen human's life span haha! On November 13th, LOUIS XIII Cognac premiered "100 Years", a song that we will hear in a century (but only if we care about the planet). This special piece of arts - "100 Years" is a special musical composition created by Pharrell Williams and not set to be publicly released until the year 2117. This song is actually a special collaboration between LOUIS XIII and Pharrell as an effort of caring about the environment and an appreciation for its fragility.

【PHOTO】《大大哒》贺岁片拍摄地点一日游 #ThinkBigBig Shooting Location Quick Tour

【PHOTO】《大大哒》贺岁片拍摄地点一日游 #ThinkBigBig 就前天去了几个《大大哒》 #ThinkBigBig 拍摄地点,所以我今天要分享那天拍到的点滴啦。不同的地方有不同的惊喜。比如说在Sunway Lagoon见到 #whoopie2018 在现场,原来 Serene就躲在里面。Chiu导和Vivienne Onn 温慧茵带我们去林满月不小心跌倒的拍摄场地,Warna Woman等导演que的地方。之后我们去了Watson Sunway Pyramid参观一下,那边有卖Whoopie玩偶哦。再来我们就去了以下地点: 【#ThinkBigBig #大大哒 电影拍摄景点大参观】 - Sunway Lagoon - Watsons Sunway Pyramid - Shooting location #1 (Bukit Pelanduk Jetty) - Shooting location #2 (百吉轩 Bǎi Jí Xuān Restaurant) - Shooting location #3 (Seremban Chung Hwa High School) 芙蓉中华独中 额外美食探险: - Loong Hin Kopitiam (specialty: handmade DimSum and coffee) - Siew Pau Asia (specialty: handmade Siew Pau) Astro 《大大哒》电影拍摄景点大攻略 #ThinkBigBig Shooting Locations Quick Tour 整个行程下来,在百吉轩惊喜的遇到了满月(Moon容璇雯)和她的父母Billie庄岳文和Julie周蕊。在百吉轩吃饭的意境是不错的,踩木筏船(水上脚踏车)也好玩咯。

【PHOTO】《大大哒》贺岁片首映演员穿太空装谢幕 电影提前情人节上映 #ThinkBigBig

【PHOTO】《大大哒》贺岁片首映演员穿太空装谢幕 电影提前情人节上映 左起庄岳文、周蕊丽、容璇雯、刘绵绣、温慧茵、吕杨、Chiu导周青元、林宣妤、狄妃和甘可琪 在Pavilion KL GSC Cinemas举办的 《大大哒》贺岁片首映礼 吸引了众多艺人出席。除了Astro艺人,也看到了很多YouTuber如Cody Hong, LizzChloe 彤彤 ,ChangYong  蔡常勇 , Marianne陈宝仪与老公Jared Lee, Olabola众演员等等。 首映礼开场由《大大哒》剧中饰演小满月的小演员穿上粉红芭蕾服,现场上演芭蕾舞。接着Nicole赖淞凤为大家带来《大大哒》片尾曲《大大》。 出席红地毯的当然有全体演员出场啦~先由饰演满月父母的 Billie庄岳文 和 Julie周蕊丽一起出场、 紧跟着有满月的BFF闺蜜 Ruby狄妃 、 Vivienne 温慧茵 和 甘可琪 、饰演120公斤和90公斤满月的 Moon容璇雯 和 Joanne刘锦绣 ,还有男女主角 Fabian吕杨 和 Serene林宣妤 及 Chiu导 三人齐上场,Chiu导还笑说自己是很大的电灯泡。 首映结束后,发现演员们已经穿上戏服,Serene林宣妤穿起了太空狗向来宾们道谢,吕杨穿上太空服不停飙汗不停谢幕、还真是辛苦啦。观众与演员零距离互动达成啦。 为了配合情人节的节奏, 《大大哒》贺岁片 将会提前在二月十四号上映。 有情人的就别错过啦,单身的就找姐妹一起看,应为这部电影是在叙述四位好姐妹的情感,还有一位很痴心善良的"大树"。 以下是首映的红地毯照片,喜欢的就分享tag我Instagram/Facebook吧!

【FREEGIFT】Samsung Premium Experience Store Opening @ Pavilion KL

Samsung Premium Experience Store Opening @ Pavilion KL Get special freebies when you buy Samsung device here. Opening Perks for existing Samsung user too Last week Samsung Malaysia launched their new S amsung Premium Experience Store in Pavilion Kuala Lumpur . The store launch was attended by Steve Lee SangChu l, President and Chief Executive Officer of Samsung Electronics, together with Malaysia awesome Youtuber and influencers including JinnyBoy , Alexis SueAnn and Josephine Yap . You may now experience the latest Samsung Galaxy device ecosystem including Samsung Smartphones, tablets, wearables and accessories which harmoniously make up the Galaxy ecosystem. Do try out their Virtual Realty (VR) station where you can get into virtual reality and experience it for free. 【FREE GIFT】 From now until 18 February 2018, customers who purchase a flagship smartphone (Galaxy note8, FE, S8, S8+ and A8+) at Pavilion Store will be entitled to gifts worth up to RM347 (one

【PHOTO】SEUNGRI MEET GREETX Dr. Gloderm X Watsons @ 1Utama Shopping Mall #SEUNGIINMY

【PHOTO】SEUNGRI MEET GREETX  Dr. Gloderm X Watsons @ 1Utama Shopping Mall #SEUNGIINMY Yesterday was SEUNGRI BIGBANG Private Gathering held at 1 Utama Shopping Mall and TGV Cinemas, Malaysia . There were two sessions where fans who purchased Dr. Gloderm product got the special passes to interact with Seungri in the cinema hall. 20 lucky fans were chosen to get autographed posters and SeungRi did an instant song performance "Bang Bang Bang" at the venue itself to rewards the awesome Malaysia fans who came to the event. 20180201 SEUNGRI IN MALAYSIA x Dr Gloderm #SeungriinMY The fans who came to this event was very energetic and I like it! Thanks for letting me photography la haha!  Baki Zainal , the event emcee of the day was awesome as it bring the energy spirit to the next level. Both Baki and Seungri has made the crowd and VIPs laughed out loud during the event. (you can see some happy moment down here) Not sure if it was luck or fate w

【记者会】八度空间贺岁电视剧《春天花啦啦!》演员访问与LIVE合唱 #GoGoWonderful

即将于2月5日(星期一)启播的 八度空间贺岁电视剧《春天花啦啦!》 及于年初一(16日)播出的 tonton网络贺岁电影《春天花啦啦!一屋满堂》 ,众演员包括 Haoren朱浩仁、Orange陈慧恬、Emily陈子颖、Jordan盛天俊、Rickman谢承伟、吕爱琼、Natalie小玉、Ziah张熙恩、Wilson李伟燊、Wind李诗斌、Jacky甘家旗、陈鸿、Sherlyn萧丽玲、Thomas郭晓东、Venice陈慧敏、何铭耀 相聚在吉隆坡桂和广场会见媒体和公众。 【LIVE】春天花啦啦 (现场版) - Emily陈子颖 Rap @ Quill City Mall #gogowonderful

【记者会】Astro《活出自己 快乐Whoopee》迎春接福大庆典 @ Bandar Rimbayu #whoopee2018

【记者会】Astro《活出自己 快乐Whoopee》迎春接福大庆典 @ Bandar Rimbayu #whoopee2018 Astro《活出自己 快乐Whoopee》迎春接福大庆 典将于 2月3日 ,在 Bandar Rimbayu, IJM Land 隆重登场,届时Astro超过80名嘉宾艺人将齐聚一堂,与大家一同欢庆戊戌狗年的到来。 《活出自己 快乐Whoopee》迎春接福大庆典将从晚上九时开始。当晚节目将汇聚Astro 旗下艺人、MY、MELODY以及GOXUAN主持人,超过百位艺人同台演出,当中包括 颜江瀚、林德荣、Jentzen林震前、菲比、Danny许佳麟、Jeff陈浩然、Nicole赖淞凤、Geraldine颜慧萍、Catherine凯心 ,以及一众Astro本地圈最具代表性的本地制作如 《The Voice决战好声》《欢喜第1等》、《Astro经典名曲歌唱大赛》、《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选》 以及 《叫我男神》 等节目选手,也将登场表演以及玩游戏。 【记者会】Astro《活出自己 快乐Whoopee》迎春接福大庆典 @ Bandar Rimbayu #whoopee2018 当天的记者会可以看得出一哥一姐的现场表现很厉害,辩论也一流。尤其是林德荣直率的表达方式,把 颜如晶比喻成。。。还真的有笑点 LOL  有时间的不妨看看记者会的一点一滴?因为我个人觉得做这样有娱乐性的记者会是值得保留与分享的。喜欢的话记得留言, Like & Share!!