
《NH Nutri Grains欢喜第1等》- 冠中冠Apple 邱诗凌

NH Nutri Grains欢喜第1等 五强合照 - Adrian李文杰, Relyne万里莹, Apple邱诗凌, 车志立(车子), Pink陈珂冰 实力与人气兼具的 Apple 邱诗凌 众望所归,以过半的观众SMS投票率夺下 《NH Nutri Grains欢喜第1等》 的冠中冠,喜极而泣的她在唱出冠军歌 《阿母的情歌》 时更是一度泣不成声,感动现场观众。 自今年六月开播以来,《NH Nutri Grains 欢喜第1等》 最后五强Adrian李文杰、Apple邱诗凌、Relyne万里莹、车志立(车子) 和 Pink陈珂冰 一路过关斩将来到总决赛,一起角逐冠中冠荣誉。五强以一首《有梦你会红》开场后进入个人演唱组曲的第一回合,第二回合找来了五位特别嘉宾包括 颜慧萍、李吉汉、张引山、林健辉 以及 曾洁钰 助阵“帮帮唱”环节将现场气氛炒到最高点。

Sungnyemun Gate At Night

Sungnyemun Gate At Night During my trip to Seoul for 2017 Asian Cultural Young Leaders' Camp, Sungnyemun Gate is one of the building structure that caught my eyes the first time I saw it. This traditional building structure is located right in the middle of the modern city with car and buses pass by from time to time. Took the above picture while crossing the zebra line as that's the best spot to present the beauty of this Korea's National Treasure.

Kyobo Book Store Gwanghwamun 교보문고 광화문점 #TCTravel

Kyobo Book Store Gwanghwamun 교보문고 광화문점  Instead of compiling everything that I did in Korea last week, I would like to share some captured moments that tell the ambiance in this special place -   Kyobo Bookstore @ GwangHwamun Seoul. We went to this book store with Rano, Khulan and Ogia .  I was amazed with what I saw and feel in here.  The reading vibes is pretty strong here consider it is a weekday and night time. Check out the photos below and I can assure you it worth a visit. There's only one problem in this place, 90% of the books are in Korean so we spent most of our time in the International book corner hahaha. For more information about Kyobo Book Store, visit (Korean only).