

[Akdong Musician - AKMU STUDIO IN KUALA LUMPUR] 26 Dec 2016 @ KL Live RM380 RM280 RM180 YAY BIG NEWS!! Rejoice AKMU fans! The super talented sibling duo will be bracing Malaysia's shore this December for their first ever showcase in Malaysia . Stay tuned at JS Concert & Creon Asia for more updates! Date: 2016.12.26 (MON) @ 6:30pm (MYT) Venue: KL LIVE  Ticket Open: 2016.12.15 6:00 pm (MYT) Tickets on sale @ (Hotline : +603 7880 7999) More info about  AKMU STUDIO LIVE IN KUALA LUMPUR 2016 ticket seating will be updated soon!! Now let's check out some of AKMU's best song and music cover below.  #AKMU #악뮤 #악동뮤지션 #AKMUSTUDIO #YG #MALAYSIA #KUALALUMPUR

華語樂壇創作暖男 Eric 周興哲 《This Is Love 1st Live In Malaysia》大馬音樂會

華語樂壇創作暖男 Eric 周興哲  《This Is Love 1st Live In Malaysia》 大馬音樂會 嗨,大家又是我 星湄Shin May 啦!自從去了 周興哲的簽唱會 後,我已經變了他的鐵粉了!哈哈!之前超想買票看他的演唱會,但一早VIP 票就賣光了,好傷心!呼呼 =( 再次謝謝天傑(不客气!)譲我出席他的演唱會,當下的心情好像中了樂透一樣,興奮不已。這也是我第一次參加演唱會,超緊張的~ 當天ERIC 周興哲唱了24 首歌,還和 神秘嘉賓-本地創作女歌手宇田 一起合唱 《你,好不好》 呢!

BATANES - Top 10 Heavenly Locations To Be In Philippines' Prettiest Island

Breathtaking Batanes - The Heaven in Philippines You Should Not Miss I've been hesitate to share about this place called Batanes in Philippines as it was such a beautiful place that I would love to have it preserved as the way it is. Beautiful geographic landscape with rolling hills and green grass, sunny day yet amazing view at the boulder beach, hunting the milkyway with the iconic lighthouse, stumble upon horse and cow wandering on the road and most importantly, you can feel the magic of this place whenever you are in there. Beautiful scenery, beautiful people and the most relaxing place I am glad I've visited. Before I elaborate more about Batanes, let's just look at the photos taken below and let me know if you would love to be there~ BATANES - Top 10 Heavenly Locations To Be In Philippines' Prettiest Island

Bii 畢書盡【I AM Bii TO THE DOUBLE i】 大馬記者發佈會

Bii 畢書盡【I AM Bii TO THE DOUBLE i】 大馬記者發佈會 嗨!畢畢请注意啦! 1 年没来馬的 “超人氣男神” Bii 畢書盡 帶著他的全新專輯 【I AM Bii TO THE DOUBLE i】 來馬與“BF家人們”見面哦!這次專輯里總共有 十首歌 ,他這次揮別以往的畢式情歌,首次挑戰電子舞曲哦!是不是很期待呢?!  擁有超高人氣的Bii ,出道僅僅5年就在 大馬首開第一個海外個人演唱會 。在大馬人氣不容小覷,不止吸引了大批華人粉絲,更擁有許多馬來人粉絲,今年在台灣更成功舉辦個人大型售票演唱會,4000張門票被秒殺,望明年唱進小巨蛋。有著韓國血統的bii不僅五官俊秀,更擁有一把滄桑氣息的好歌喉。實力與偶像兼具的他,每一個專輯都會收錄他的詞曲創作作品,其中有兩首是小編的摯愛, 《Come back to me》 和 《Love More》 。

台灣创作暖男-周興哲 大馬【愛,教會我們的事】签唱會 Taiwanese Singer Eric Chou 《What Love Has Taught us》 Promo Tour in Malaysia

台灣创作小暖男-周興哲 大馬【愛,教會我們的事】签唱會Young Talented Taiwanese Singer Eric Chou 《What Love Has Taught us》 Promo Tour @ Sunway Putra Mall 周興哲 (ERIC CHOU)  前年因爲 电视剧【十六個夏天】 片尾曲 《以後别做朋友》 而爆红,獲奬無數成爲新一代人气新人王。第二张专辑 【愛,教會我們的事】 里的新歌 《妳,好不好》   再創热點,接棒 《以後别做朋友》 成爲最新無敵 K 歌。这两首个都是我的挚爱,每天都在歌单不停循环!

Marine Iguana vs SnakeS - 2016 Best Documentary Video You'll Ever See

Marine Iguana vs SnakeSSS - The Best BBC Planet Earth Documentary Video I've Ever Seen OMG! Salute to all the brave videographers. Trust me, you'll definitely watch this again!! Hatchling marine iguana chased by snakes: After emerging from their nests, hatchling marine iguanas must make their way to the sea. But racer snakes are waiting. This is the best feeding opportunity they will get all year. For more great videos, check out BBC Planet Earth 2 - #iguanavssnake #bbcearth #PlanetEarth2 Below are the SNAKES VS IGUANA BEHIND THE SCENE VIDEOS :

The Best Place to Find Perfect Orchids in Malaysia. They're REAL!

Orchids Flower Heaven in Malaysia That You Wouldn't Want To Miss! Long time never write blog as I was busy learning video editing and process/edit photos for client. Anyway today I would liek to share with you the prettiest Orchids Showroom I've ever seen in this World of Phalaenopsis. This orchid heaven is in Malaysia!!