
[Sponsored Video] Hennessy Artistry - Rita Ora, Lucky J, Tim Omaji

Hennessy Artistry - Rita Ora, Lucky J, Tim Omaji It has been a while since my last Hennessy Artistry event and I still remember when it first came to Malaysia featuring a few talented artists who did great performance on stage. That's how I know Caprice, Da Mouth, Mizz Nina and many more. It was a really fun and hangout session with blogger friends too! I always like the idea of H-Artistry featuring some of the top talents and emerging artistes as that's how I get to know some good music too. Like the recent Hennessy Artistry, it features Rita Ora , Lucky J and Tim Omaji . I've know about Rita Ora for quite some time and it was great to know Lucky J and Tim Omaji for the first time. Lucky J has this more mature Korean music with rap going on and some good vocal.

8TV八度空间7月新剧《当拳头遇上枕头 Punch & Jude》 云镁鑫时隔十年再战演技 首搭许亮宇做冤家

八度空间7月新剧《当拳头遇上枕头》 云镁鑫时隔十年再战演技  首搭许亮宇做冤家 由八度空间打造、磐石制作公司用心制作的全新电视剧 《当拳头遇上枕头》  Punch & Jude 目前已如火如荼拍摄当中,并且即将 于2016年7月8日起,每逢星期五,晚上8时30分全新时段播出 。此剧邀来了身材健硕又帅气的 Henley许亮宇 、 Mei Sim云镁鑫 、 Fabian吕志勤 及 Daphne刘倩妏 共同主演;新鲜的阵容,搞笑又带点浪漫的剧情,为剧迷们带来了期待。 共长达13集 的 《当拳头遇上枕头》 是部爱情喜剧。这也是女主角云镁鑫时隔十年之后,再度重返电视剧的作品。剧中的她饰演“贾宝宝”因为小时候被父母敷衍哄骗说漫画故事里的结局是“王子被女巫捉走了”而让她立志变强,深信总有一天能遇到属于自己的王子,可以好好保护他。所以,剧中大家将会看到“打女”形象的云镁鑫,戴着傻瓜头假发的她看起来呆萌,甚至还会有“裸露”戏码,到最后进化成美女的她,可说是尝试了各种不同的造型。

A • Toast - Breakfast & Juice Bar 早餐店 @ Jalan Pudu, KL

A • Toast - Breakfast & Juice Bar 早餐店 @ Jalan Pudu, KL A • Toast - Breakfast & Juice Bar  - "A humble breakfast bar serving variety choices of fresh handmade sandwiches and fresh mixed juices before the dawn! :) The alphabet "A"actually means A class a.k.a. quality toast.  本小小早餐店以各種新鮮手作三文治以及鮮榨水果汁爲主,也提供多元化類型的早餐讓顧客們開啓美好的新一天!" I stumble upon this humble shop when the breakfast shop we decided to visit earlier was under maintenance. It was an eye-opening experience (good for your taste-buds too) because this shop is located at the busy stretch of Jalan Pudu, Kuala Lumpur.  To beat the traffic jam, we planned a meet up to have breakfast at  A • Toast - Breakfast & Juice Bar around 8am before the traffic jam chaos hunt me down. Unfortunately it caught my friend in it. All right, this post is dedicated to people who work in the KL City and consider their first meal of the day is as important as a cup of good coffee to wake you up. If you are

Power Flow Yoga Session at Under Armour Pavilion KL Brand House

Hansen Lee and Robyn Lau had a Yoga Session at Under Armour Pavilion Kuala Lumpur brand house In conjunction with International Women’s Day,  Under Armour  in collaboration with  Biotherm Malaysia  has successfully organised an event aimed at encouraging healthy living among the community and to educate the public on the importance of overall wellness. The event was held at the Under Armour brand house in Pavilion Shopping Centre.  Registered participants were given the opportunity to practice yoga with Under Armour’s Brand Influencer, Robyn Lau and Brand Athlete, Atilia Haron . They were also treated to a special Facial Yoga session conducted by Michelle Tay, Biotherm Malaysia ’s Education Manager, specially curated to help participants achieve the post workout glow. I was there to learn more Yoga steps from Robyn and Atilia. However since it was International Woman's Day and with limited space, I've decided to learn from the side and document the event with p