
Get New Smartphone Every Year With ZERO Commitment

Image is the best and cutest person to represent Maxis Zerolution that day The other day I was at Maxis Zerolution event which looks more like a party instead. There were lots of balloons with different social media logos on it and best thing is they are all colorful!! Not only that, the catering did a great job in decorating their finger food too. Let me show you some more photos: Maxis Zerolution Catering @ Maxis Tower Maxis Zerolution Catering @ Maxis Tower Don't you think the catering that did this awesome finger food with nice decoration deserve an applause?? Honestly, I think it did comfort my inner kids. The Joy from InsideOut was pressing the button non-stop especially when I saw these haha. So basically Maxis Zerolution is a new thing that you can enjoy to get latest smartphone at cheaper price with zero commitment. You can change to new phone after every 12 months with just a little additional fees.

Tipsy Brew O'Coffee @ Puchong Setiawalk - Enjoy Nice Coffee Scent

TiPsy Brew O'Coffee @ Puchong Setiawalk - Enjoy Nice Coffee Scent Tipsy Brew O'Coffee @ Puchong Setiawalk -  As a Puchong citizen you might have already aware of it but I am here to share this awesome place for coffee lover who like cafe hopping and especially the one who appreciate the coffee as much as how the owner make it. I was just randomly drop by this place in one morning and the moment when I step into the coffee shop, the nice coffee fragrant immediately told me that I have come to the right place. Not only I like the ambiance, I think the most important thing is how the waiters/barista serve you a nice cup of coffee. Many people like to do #cafehopmy but I don't see why people #cafehoppuchong. Perhaps people outside from Puchong scared of the "legendary" traffic jam especially the LDP area. It is kinda true if you always come to Puchong during working hour, imagine I myself find it frustrated when I want to go to KL but got stuck in this

《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2015》8月22及23日招募甄选 #MACIP2015

《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2015》8月22及23日招募甄选 邀妳延续美丽 大马年度最受瞩目的选美盛事 《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2015》 ,将于 8月22及23日 , 早上10点至下午5点 ,在 Ecity Hotel @ One City 进行为期两天的甄选活动;诚邀美貌、智慧、恒心兼具,拥有美丽条件的“妳”,加入延续美丽的行列。 由Astro本地圈主办、Adonis主要赞助、MY FM为指定电台、One City为面试场地赞助,《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2015》再次肩负起寻找拥有内外兼具之美的大马华裔美后使命,在这个瞬息万变的时代,与观众一起重新诠释“美丽”的广泛定义。 成功摘冠封后的佳丽,除了可独揽总值超过18万令吉的奖金奖品,包括一辆豪华轿车和其他丰厚奖赏,也将代表大马出征参选下一届《国际中华小姐竞选》,争取扬威国际的机会。