
咖啡館印記:Chapter Two Coffee & Dessert @ Melaka

Chapter Two Coffee & Dessert 吧台 當咖啡文化開始在吉隆坡、檳城掀起一股熱潮時,馬六甲始終維持著其悠然自得的慢步調,並沒有搭上這股「咖啡熱」,只有少數幾家咖啡館打頭陣,讓咖啡迷能偶爾解一解咖啡癮。 而後,吉隆坡和檳城的咖啡館漸漸達到飽和狀態,馬六甲也終於開始感染這股熱潮了。近半年來,馬六甲的咖啡館如雨後春筍般冒起,頓時讓愛新鮮的年輕人有了更多的新去處。正如 Chapter Two Coffee and Dessert ,正是近半年來我很常待的咖啡館之一。

《MY FM The Show天作之盒》送贵宾般享受的VIP配套 趕快贏取!

《MY FM The Show天作之盒》将于9月5日(周六)晚上8时30分以及9月6日(周日)下午3时,于云顶云星剧场隆重上演 MY FM年度盛事今年将首度展开两场演出, 《MY FM The Show天作之盒》 将于 9月5日(周六)晚上8时30分以及9月6日(周日)下午3时 ,于 云顶云星剧场 隆重上演。  为了回馈听众,电台为听众捎来天大的好消息,即从8月17日起将展开为期三个星期的电台游戏。抢线及闯关成功的听众即有机会赢取 《VIP配套》 ,丰富奖品包括 两张《MY FM The Show天作之盒》VIP入场券、往返云顶的专车接送、三天两夜云顶住宿以及千金难买的演出彩排通行证 !  《MY FM The Show天作之盒》送贵宾般享受的VIP配套  -  近距离接触众DJ和歌手 幸运的听众不仅可以亲临彩排现场,更可以近距离接触众DJ和歌手,绝对是一个难能可贵的体验!另外,如果是荣誉呈献单位P1的用户,还有机会出席庆功宴并和众DJ合照!

My First Helicopter Ride In Ranau, Sabah #throwback

My first helicopter ride in Ranau, Sabah It's been a while I didn't blog so I thought I should dig out some old photos from a random folder and just blog bout it. Looking at YouTuber @MRBenBrown enjoying his life travelling around the world with photography and video assignment on hand. It was a challenging but surely fun and interesting good life. So today I just want to share some photo taken through the helicopter flying in the air of Ranau Sabah. I was there two years ago for Astro Kasih SK Malinsau CSR Program , you can read more of it there. Got a video too~~


22 EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS OF BIGBANG WORLD TOUR MADE IN MALAYSIA As promised, after my humble Facebook Page reached 4,700 likes I am now revealing some BIGBANG WORLD TOUR MADE IN MALAYSIA concert photos that has never been disclosed. So I hope all BBVIPs treat this as a kind rewards and do feel free to share with your friends or make the photo your tablet/smartphone wallpaper. My only tiny request is to tag/give credit on where you saw this photos when you post it on your social media kay?? Even by just tagging @tianchad would do (since most of my social media handle is @tianchad)  as I hope more concert organizer would have us to take their artist performance photos to ensure that you guys can reminiscence it with quality photo images. PS: You may recommend us as the photographer to the organizer of upcoming concert and event kay? Kamsahamida~