
BIGBANG World Tour [MADE] in Malaysia 2015 Official Photos!! #BIGBANG #BigBanginMY #MADEinMY

BIGBANG World Tour [MADE] in Malaysia 2015 Official Photos!! #BIGBANG #BigBanginMY #MADEinMY Fantastic Baby""! Is the words to describe BIGBANG World Tour [MADE] in Malaysia 2015. Due to flight delay the concert was started a bit later. However it was a good news for VIPs who got the Soundcheck Party Pass to check out BIGBANG's rehearsal moments. Even media friends were not allowed to watch yo. This is really exclusive indeed.  Courtesy of IME Production, me and my buddy Eric Chee got the opportunities to capture precious moments of your favourite K-POP Group BIGBANG Live in Kuala Lumpur. That's really an honour to start with!! Below are the rest of the approved official photos by IME Production after selection. Hope Malaysia's BBVIP like it!!

《MY FM The Show天作之盒》首次展开两场演出!! 海内外演出艺人包括...

《MY FM The Show天作之盒》首次展开两场演出!! 海内外演出艺人包括... MY FM年度盛事再次突破往年作法,首度展开两场演出,将于9月5日及6日(周六及周日)于云顶云星剧场举行,让更多听众有机会观赏和参与MY FM的盛会! MY FM The Show (前称台庆)即将于 9月5日(周六)晚上8时30分;以及9月6日(周日)下午3时 ,于云顶云星剧场隆重上演。今年的演出主题为 《MY FM The Show天作之盒》 ,故事从一位神秘少女的音乐盒所展开……

Nicole 赖淞凤《我值得快樂》EP首賣會 - 照片影片焦点分享

Nicole 赖淞凤《我值得快樂》EP首賣會 - 焦点分享 Nicole 赖淞凤 是一位我非常欣赏的音乐人。有了她对音乐的坚持,与EP出版商+赞助的支持,才会有今天的《我值得快樂》新EP。当天除了有Nicole粉丝的支持,也看到Geraldine的红粉。只有像她保持谦虚,然后继续加油的人才会走得更远。我在这恭喜你啦~~ 当天活动在户外,没冷气空调也没遮阳,所以如果不用闪光灯拍,Nicole和其他友人的五官将会有很暗的影子影响美观咯。看下面的照片有哪张是你们喜欢的,让我(或Nicole)知道好吗?? Nicole 赖淞凤《我值得快樂》EP首賣會 - 焦点分享