
Photo Face-Off with Justin Mott and Christy Yeoh on HISTORY Channel

I've been in love with photography for many years and always wonder what if photography challenge/marathon was being brought up to the TV Screen. Finally something awesome coming up on HISTORY Channel, it is called " The Photo Face-Off". "The Photo Face-Off" is an original series for HISTORY to showcase the unique cultures and diversity in Asia and you can witness five photographers from different continent take the challenge to PK with Justin Mott, a very active and talkative professional photographer that I've met during the Press Conference. Singyuin Christy Yeoh, participant from Malaysia is a kinda quiet girl but her image speak thousand words too. I can't wait to watch these TV Series on History Channel and hopefully I can learn a few tips throughout this show. Who know's one day I might be in Photo Face-Off Season 2? Haha!! Check out some photos below where Justin Mott and Singyuin Christy Yeoh were given an instant 10 minutes photograph

ntv7 Golden Awards Red Carpet 金视奖红地毯谁与争锋 #GoldenAwards #金视奖

ntv7 Golden Awards 2014已圆满结束!!大家都知道成绩了对不对?那我今天就和你们分享在Red Carpet 红地毯拍到的照片啦!!这一次因为有访问瑶瑶,贺军翔和炎亚纶等人,所以错过了一些艺人的照片。这一次星光大道明星们有身材的就露身材,不过Debbie吴天瑜这次就较保守,有披风做女侠哈哈。Aenie王淑君那肉色的群最让人有视觉错误,差点以为她“没穿”。Christ童冰玉红地毯上的蓝裙最为抢眼啦,你们看到照片就会知道了。喜欢ntv7 Golden Awards 2014的朋友,记得和你喜欢的艺人分享这里的照片!!

[Contest] Win Tickets to 周杰伦 Jay Chou’s “Opus 2 Jay World Concert” in November #MahSingJayChou

[Contest] Win Tickets to Jay Chou’s “Opus 2 Jay World Concert” in November #MahSingJayChou To all Jay Chou fans in Malaysia, here's your chance to win VIP Tickets to Jay Chou Opus 2 Jay World Concert Live in Malaysia this November. The Jay Chou concert tickets  worth RM1,776 and there will be an additional RM2000 cash prize. More info as below: Jay Chou  lookalikes, fans and singing enthusiasts of both sexes can participate by submitting their Jay Chou Look-alike photo into the  Mah Sing Facebook . The participants must aspire to capture the cool look of Jay Chou in their pictures to garner votes. They must show their commitment to win the tickets by encouraging their friends to vote for them. The  top 20 finalists with the highest number of votes will be selected  with the approval of the Mah Sing’s management team.Public voting ends on October 18.