
Wedding @ Ramada Plaza Melaka Grand Ballroom ft Jean & Lawrence

Wedding @ Ramada Plaza Melaka Lvl 7 Grand Ballroom ft Jean and Lawrence  Since recent years I've been receiving 'wedding bombs' from friends and family, I've tried out quite many different wedding dishes at different wedding hall and restaurant as well. Therefore, I think it is good to share with you guys my experience at the wedding.

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You love your partner, but how would you protect your Valentine from bad guys including cyber-crime?? As Valentine’s Day draws closer, a surge of spam is commonly observed – unbelievable discounts on jewellery, dinners, and expensive gifts are the key themes for the Valentine’s Day related spam. Other popular fake promotions include: online pharmaceuticals, fake e-cards, gift cards, chocolates, and flowers.  

《忆起回家》 Spring Chorus @ ntv7 : 用歌声唤起回忆, 用真心凝聚团圆 + 记者会访问篇

忆起回家 Spring Chorus 1月31日 大年初一 (星期五) 用歌声唤起回忆 用真心凝聚团圆 Premiere on 31 January 2014 at ntv7 继《媒人帮》、《哈比全家福》、《聚宝盆》后,2014年ntv7十大艺人再度携手献上全新贺岁电视电影—— 《忆起回家》(Spring Chorus) ,提醒大家这个新年,记得“忆”起回家,和家人庆团圆! 即将在1月31日(年初一),晚上8点半,于ntv7播出的2014年贺岁电视电影《忆起回家》,由ntv7十大艺人 Leslie蔡河立、Debbie吴天瑜、AiLeng王爱玲、Kyo庄仲维、Adrian陈凯旋、Jan秦雯彬、Lawrence王冠逸、Frederick李洺中、Karena张惠虹、Aenie王淑君及梁雅高 主演。有别于往年贺岁电视电影夸张嬉闹的演出, 《忆起回家》 今年转打温情牌,剧中透过父子和兄弟姐妹之间的关系,提醒观众,我们每个人都是家庭的一分子,别因为忙碌的日常生活而忘了自己在家的身份,这个农历佳节,记得放下手上的工作,回家为家人做点事,和家人团圆。