
Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2013成绩揭晓! Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant 2013 Top 3 Winners!

今晚在 Zebra Square 举行的 《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2013》 决赛已圆满结束!!恭喜佳丽 Zhiny黄之豫 一口气赢得了“完美体态小姐”、“最上镜小姐”以及美姐冠军头衔,成为三料冠军。 亚军得主由另一位大热门 Fancy吴胤婷 夺得,季军得主是 Erica陈秋萍 、殿军得主 Carol王珂媃 ,亦是 “最佳才艺小姐” ,第五名是模特儿出身的 Angelica叶小庆 , “亲善小姐” 则由来自怡保的 Charlotte陈美婷 赢得。 Congrat to Zhiny黄之豫 for being crowned as Miss Astro 2013 Astro國際華裔小姐競選 Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant 2013 冠军:Zhiny黄之豫 亚军:Fancy吳胤婷 季军:Erica陈秋萍 殿军:Carol王鈳媃 第五名:Angelica叶小庆 Congratz to all the winners. There will always people who like/hate you so just be yourself and stay awesome!! Enjoy your Korea trip!! More photos on soon. PS: Zebra Square is not a place to organize such huge event. Parking space was so limited and we had to walk so far. Luckily there was van transit after the show. Okie time to have a bath!! Thanks for reading! Press the "Like" button and share with your friend kay? You can subscribe to TianChad @ 永遇乐 , be a fans on TianChad @ 永遇乐 and follow @TianChad on Twitter for future blog post

[GIVEAWAY] 8TV SHOUT! AWARDS 2013 VIP/Shout! Tickets #ShoutAwards

[GIVEAWAY] 8TV SHOUT! AWARDS 2013 VIP/Shout! Tickets Hello guys, as one of the promotional partner for The Shout! Awards 2013 , is giving out total 60 limited tickets to watch the awards live!! All you need to do is join this giveaway, follow all steps and the more you share the higher chance you'll win! Be quick, just a few days left to win the passes =) You may be the lucky fella to meet Shane Filan!! Good luck! 8TV Shout! Awards Prizes consist of: 10 x VIP Tickets 25 x SHOUT! Tickets (free standing) 25 x NORMAL Tickets (seating) PS: Be patience with the loading of widget. This contest will ends on 7th Nov 2013. Guys, remember to leave a comment as it is one of the required steps to win SHOUT! AWARDS 2013 VIP/Shout! Tickets from =) Come and grab your Shout! Awards tickets from! Shane Filan special appearance at THE SHOUT! AWARDS 2013 Autograph Session on 8 November 2013 @ 1 Utama, First Floor, Highstr

OneRepublic Native Live in Malaysia 2013 @ Sunway Lagoon #OneRepublic: Journey as an OP

OneRepublic Native Live in Malaysia 2013 @ Sunway Lagoon #OneRepublic All right, now I have more time sharing about my experience as a OP for OneRepublic Concert in Malaysia . I can still fell the soreness of my leg after standing for so long but it is all worth it for OneRepublic . I believe there are 1R fans who feel even more tired than me, jelly legs, thirsty and feeling exhausted. BUT... I believe everyone is happy when OneRepublic was up on stage performing right?! I gotta say I enjoyed it to the max and was hoping more!! OneRepublic Live in Malaysia - Good Life [M83 Mash Up]  The two-hour long concert saw One Republic performed a total of 18 songs including 2 encores. 1R concert set listas follows: 1. Don’t Look Down. 2. Light It Up. 3. Secrets. 4. All The Right Moves. 5. What You Wanted. 6. Stop and Stare. 7. Counting Stars. 8. Spanish Guitar Medley. 9. Apologize (with Cry Me A River snippet) 10. Burning Bridges. 11. Preacher. 12. Gold Digger (Kanye West cover)

[Video] OneRepublic Live in Malaysia - Good Life, I Lived, Apologize [New Ver]

OneRepublic Live in Malaysia - Good Life Presenting you my favourite band - OneRepublic . It is this song that brought me to London for London Olympic Games 2012! Love the new elements they added to this live session during the concert live in Malaysia! OneRepublic Live In Malaysia - Apologize + Mash Up #OneRepublic  OneRepublic Native Live in Malaysia 2013 - Something I Need #OneRepublic  OneRepublic Live in Malaysia 2013 More photos available on my Facebook page and my previous post!! Good life with OneRepublic!! Thanks for reading! Press the "Like" button and share with your friend kay? You can subscribe to TianChad @ 永遇乐 , be a fans on TianChad @ 永遇乐 and follow @TianChad on Twitter for future blog post update =)

[Photo] OneRepublic Native Live in Malaysia 2013 @ Sunway Lagoon #OneRepublic

OneRepublic Live in Malaysia - Good Life [M83 Mash Up]  Harlo guys, since I've just processed some photos that was captured during OneRepublic Native Tour Live in Malaysia 2013 @ Sunway Lagoon Surf Beach , I might as well share with you guys here!! Yeah, with some good faith and hard work I was one of the OP (Official Photographer) and manage to get a group photo with the awesome band in the end. All right, come enjoy the photos and maybe try spot yourself/your friend? The two-hour long concert saw One Republic performed a total of 18 songs including 2 encores. 1R concert set listas follows: 1. Don’t Look Down. 2. Light It Up. 3. Secrets. 4. All The Right Moves. 5. What You Wanted. 6. Stop and Stare. 7. Counting Stars. 8. Spanish Guitar Medley. 9. Apologize (with Cry Me A River snippet) 10. Burning Bridges. 11. Preacher. 12. Gold Digger (Kanye West cover) 13. Can’t Stop 14. Marchin’ On. 15. I Lived. 16. Good Life. Encore: 17. Feel Again 18. If I Lose Myself Love t

Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant 2013 Final《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2013》决赛 | 10强佳丽11月2日同台争艳斗丽争夺冠军宝座

《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2013》决赛 | 10强佳丽11月2日同台争艳斗丽争夺冠军宝座 由Astro本地圈制办、Adonis主要赞助、MY FM为指定电台的 《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2013》 决赛,将于 2013年11月2日(星期六)晚上8时 ,在 吉隆坡Zebra Square 隆重引爆。 届时Astro华丽台(第311频道)、Astro至尊HD(第310频道)和Astro On-the-Go将现场直播全程精彩赛事,让全马各地观众同步见证新一届美后的诞生! Jeff陈浩然、颜薇恩、温慧茵、林家冰 ,和 李惠伶 将担任这场全城瞩目的选美盛事的主持人,同时大会也要来9位重量级人物担任评审,阵容鼎盛,包括著名主持人 Chui Ling 和 顔江瀚 、著名艺人 Jojo吴俐璇 、Adonis 爱美雅集团总裁 Ann Lee 、Diva Production创办人 Deric Lim 、Men’s Uno执行主编 范俊奇 、国际名模 Amber Chia 、著名服装设计师 Villiam Ooi 及Astro创意总监 Rob Middleton 。 延续去年的好反应,今年电视观众和网民依然能透过MY FM官方网站的“决赛Q&A由你话是”单元,提出各种想问佳丽们的问题,经制作单位筛选后的题目将用于决赛当晚的问答环节,考验佳丽们的临场反应和急智。今年大会以寻找清丽脱俗的“女神”为目标,以严选出新一代的美丽代言人。决赛当晚10强佳丽即将在绚丽的舞台上争艳斗丽,面对问答环节、泳装、才艺表演等考验,各施所长,一争后冠。 值得一提的是,韩国观光公社吉隆坡分社也将在决赛后,赞助三甲美姐飞往韩国首尔和釜山进行文化交流,包括学习韩语、韩式烹饪和韩服穿着等,并希望能从中深入了解当地人对美丽的见解,从而增广见闻。而该旅游特辑也即将于12月在Astro华丽台(第311频道)播出,敬请期待! 《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2013》决赛10强佳丽 《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2013》决赛10强佳丽依序包括:1号Elie黄美莲(22岁,雪兰莪)、2号Fancy吴胤婷(24岁,槟城)、3号Zhiny黄之豫(24岁,亚罗士打)、4号Angelica叶小庆(25岁,吉隆坡)、5号Roselind颜慧芬(24岁,雪兰莪)、6号Elise陈玢奾(

OneRepublic now in Malaysia!! Ryan Tedder said "Hi"!! #OneRepublic

Ryan Tedder of OneRepublic showing a peace sign to all Malaysian fans!! As a hardcore fans of OneRepublic, I tried my luck to meet them at the airport because I just love their music and can't wait to meet them again tomorrow at the concert. Checking on the Twitter Updates and also JS Concert FB Page, I know that they are going to arrive in this afternoon/evening at KLIA. This may sounds scary/mysterious but it is OneRepublic's Good Life, the song that made my dream to travel oversea for London Olympic 2012 possible. I figured it out when I humming the song in London while covering the Olympic Games as a Samsung Global Blogger. You may want to read my London Olympic 2013 journey =D "Woke up in London yesterday Found myself in the city near Piccadilly Don't really know how I got here I got some pictures on my phone" Here's a vlog in going after my favourite band - OneRepublic at KLIA. Please don't laugh as I said a lot "hell