
Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant 2013 Final《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2013》决赛 | 10强佳丽11月2日同台争艳斗丽争夺冠军宝座

《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2013》决赛 | 10强佳丽11月2日同台争艳斗丽争夺冠军宝座 由Astro本地圈制办、Adonis主要赞助、MY FM为指定电台的 《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2013》 决赛,将于 2013年11月2日(星期六)晚上8时 ,在 吉隆坡Zebra Square 隆重引爆。 届时Astro华丽台(第311频道)、Astro至尊HD(第310频道)和Astro On-the-Go将现场直播全程精彩赛事,让全马各地观众同步见证新一届美后的诞生! Jeff陈浩然、颜薇恩、温慧茵、林家冰 ,和 李惠伶 将担任这场全城瞩目的选美盛事的主持人,同时大会也要来9位重量级人物担任评审,阵容鼎盛,包括著名主持人 Chui Ling 和 顔江瀚 、著名艺人 Jojo吴俐璇 、Adonis 爱美雅集团总裁 Ann Lee 、Diva Production创办人 Deric Lim 、Men’s Uno执行主编 范俊奇 、国际名模 Amber Chia 、著名服装设计师 Villiam Ooi 及Astro创意总监 Rob Middleton 。 延续去年的好反应,今年电视观众和网民依然能透过MY FM官方网站的“决赛Q&A由你话是”单元,提出各种想问佳丽们的问题,经制作单位筛选后的题目将用于决赛当晚的问答环节,考验佳丽们的临场反应和急智。今年大会以寻找清丽脱俗的“女神”为目标,以严选出新一代的美丽代言人。决赛当晚10强佳丽即将在绚丽的舞台上争艳斗丽,面对问答环节、泳装、才艺表演等考验,各施所长,一争后冠。 值得一提的是,韩国观光公社吉隆坡分社也将在决赛后,赞助三甲美姐飞往韩国首尔和釜山进行文化交流,包括学习韩语、韩式烹饪和韩服穿着等,并希望能从中深入了解当地人对美丽的见解,从而增广见闻。而该旅游特辑也即将于12月在Astro华丽台(第311频道)播出,敬请期待! 《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2013》决赛10强佳丽 《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2013》决赛10强佳丽依序包括:1号Elie黄美莲(22岁,雪兰莪)、2号Fancy吴胤婷(24岁,槟城)、3号Zhiny黄之豫(24岁,亚罗士打)、4号Angelica叶小庆(25岁,吉隆坡)、5号Roselind颜慧芬(24岁,雪兰莪)、6号Elise陈玢奾(

OneRepublic now in Malaysia!! Ryan Tedder said "Hi"!! #OneRepublic

Ryan Tedder of OneRepublic showing a peace sign to all Malaysian fans!! As a hardcore fans of OneRepublic, I tried my luck to meet them at the airport because I just love their music and can't wait to meet them again tomorrow at the concert. Checking on the Twitter Updates and also JS Concert FB Page, I know that they are going to arrive in this afternoon/evening at KLIA. This may sounds scary/mysterious but it is OneRepublic's Good Life, the song that made my dream to travel oversea for London Olympic 2012 possible. I figured it out when I humming the song in London while covering the Olympic Games as a Samsung Global Blogger. You may want to read my London Olympic 2013 journey =D "Woke up in London yesterday Found myself in the city near Piccadilly Don't really know how I got here I got some pictures on my phone" Here's a vlog in going after my favourite band - OneRepublic at KLIA. Please don't laugh as I said a lot "hell

[GIVEAWAY] THE SHOUT! AWARDS VIP/SHOUT! Tickets. Share more for Shane!! #ShoutAwards

8TV Shout Awards Nominees Revealed @ Subang Empire Hotel. Vote now!! All  right, here's a quick post of what happened at the night 8TV Shout Awards reveal their nominees . Both local artists and sponsors together with respective medias attended this Shout Awards Party which held at Subang Empire Hotel . I was lucky not to get lost inside the shopping mall and hotel. The hotel lobby is confusing though =S This time it is special for,  I had a seat with my name on it as I am one of the promotional partners for The Shout Awards 2013 *bangga*. Cool yo!! Too bad I didn't see Rentak Sejuta, or MSN Malaysia as some  is oversea and some covering the concert~ Meet happy friendly PRs from ntv7 =D The stage is ready for awesome performance by Tactmatic & Kyren Thomas, LOKA I like their music =) Here's how The Shout Awards look like. Can I have one for 'Best Entertainment Photography Award'? Wahaha Glad that JinnyBoyTV