
The Undercover 无间行者 @ ntv7: 黑与白,交叉点 [记者会照片]

ntv7 The Undercover 无间行者 @ Press Con 每逢星期一至四 晚上9点30分 ntv7 The Undercover 无间行者故事大纲: 富正义感的忠义(25)从小到大的愿望是成为警察,毕业之后也在父亲的鼓励下成功进入警训中心。不料在校期间,忠义突然接获小叔友富坠楼惨死的消息,忠义自小与小叔感情最好,直到长大后小叔到吉隆坡去工作就甚少联系。心情极差的忠义在此时失控打伤了出言挑衅的同学,因而被赶出了警校。 忠义为了找出小叔惨死的真相,只身前往吉隆坡并住进了小叔生前租来的房间。忠义开始四处打探小叔惨死的事情,可惜大家都三缄其口,忠义不得其门而入。忠义认识了大炒档的全叔(46)和小混混一峰(26)两父子,更两度帮了一峰,得一峰介绍进按摩院当看场,忠义始知这是四海的地盘。 此时,一名警官Mohamad主动接触忠义,并开门见山表示要忠义当警方的线人。忠义方知原来小叔也曾经是警方的线人,混入四海已经有一段时间,警方怀疑友富线人身份被人揭穿而惨遭杀害。忠义为了继续查明真相,终于答应了Mohamad正式成为线人。 忠义有两项任务:第一,收集四海集团涉及贩毒的证据;第二,查出友富真正的死因。忠义对这项任务非常热衷,唯一让他牵挂的是他远在适耕庄的家人(忠义父亲因为他被赶出警队一事,而关系闹僵,甚至误以为忠义走上歧途而欲和他断绝来往)和前女友慧琳(24)。慧琳出身于富裕家庭,当年两人的恋情遭受慧琳父母的反对,忠义因为自卑感作祟,最终忍痛分手。 忠义花了两个月的时间,研究友富的笔记及适应自己新的线人身份。耿直又聪明的忠义很快就获得一峰与四海内部的人的信任,成功进入他们的圈子。忠义见一峰其实本性不坏,为人讲义气,不禁和他建立真挚的友情… 忠义发现一峰手下的姑爷仔用毒品来控制冰妹为他们卖冰毒。更叫忠义吃惊的是,姑爷仔企图诱骗慧琳叛逆的21岁妹妹慧君吸食毒品。心急如焚的忠义冒着危险欲解救慧君不果,眼睁睁看着慧君被姑爷仔控制,令忠义内疚不已。 为了掩饰身份,忠义心中急迫地渴望能尽早完成任务。无奈,忠义发现大伙对友富只字不提,对他死因的调查一点斩获也没有。 四海一货仓失火,损失了大量毒品。四海公司召开紧急会议,全叔竟然位列元老,原来全叔竟是四海公司的货仓管理人,如今早已处于半退休状态。

A Transformation with Jenny Sun @ Wanaka Bungalow

Nicely crafted deco for wedding @ JSP Workshop in KL 2013 Last weekend I was busy learning as much as possible from the professional photographer Jenny Sun herself at Jenny Sun Photography InsideOut 3 Days Workshop at a beautiful place called Wanaka the Bungalow. For me, I consider this as an intensive workshop as you gotta be ready to absorb all the information in terms of theories and practical in such a short time. Honestly I am still recovering from that intensive program to feed myself with more rest time before I run through all the notes again to transform my photography skill and of course to improve Sky Arts Production and share more beautiful pictures of lovely people that I've met. Met two other professional photographer Daren Chong and Joshua Koh and good buddies Nigel Sia and Stanley from Nigel Sia Visual Storytelling through the workshop too. They do share their photography skills too! Must thanks to the one who prepared all the nicely crafted weddin

Win New Car at DRB-HICOM AUTOFEST 2013 @ SPICE [28-30 June]

Sunny beach at Langkawi It is the time for a road trip with your family members again! Sometimes me and my friends will just take on a ride to somewhere relaxing and enjoy the breeze at the beach. I still remember the last time when me and 4 other brother-sisters need to cramp in the car backseat for a long ride to Port Dickson. Ended up we all have sore butts... That's when the time my dad planned to get a bigger car to make us feel more comfortable. If you are currently looking for a new car at most affordable price or even promotion, you better not miss out DRB-HICOM AUTOFEST 2013 happening this weekend at Penang. SPICE (Subterranean Penang International Convention Exhibition ) DRB-HICOM BERHAD the leading automotive conglomerate in Malaysia is proud to announce the staging of the second DRB-HICOM AUTOFEST 2013 at the SPICE (Subterranean Penang International Convention Exhibition ) or formerly known as PISA from 28th – 30th Jun 2013. In this

80 TOP MALAYSIA CELEBRITIES @ THE FEEL GOOD RUN 2013! Here's the name-list!

Get ready for the Feel Good Run 2013!! 7 July at Sri Pentas, Bandar Utama Participating in a public run is something that all runners enjoy doing in the morning as they share feel good moments with their family and friends. Not only is it a meeting point for old and new friends to come together, the Feel Good Run 2013 – scheduled to be held on 7 July at Sri Pentas, Bandar Utama – is a place where fans get to meet and run with their favourite local celebrities. ntv7 Feel Good Run 2013: 80 Celebrities #dogoodfeelgood @ Sri Pentas on 7 July #ntv7fgr  With over 80 celebrities who will be joining the charity fun run this year, fans will be able to spend a longer time running alongside with their favourite celebrities in the 7KM route as compared to the 3KM celebrities category last year. As ntv7 celebrates its 15th anniversary this year, the Feel Good Run 2013 establishes a strong variety line-up of celebrities in the country. For the complete list of the participat