

I have been searching for the possible symptoms and here they are: The carrier will have a mild anemia which means that the carrier will have a mild reduce in the red blood cells within his body. The thalassemia minor carrier will also have a mild enlargement in the spleen (organ which is located adjacent to the stomach and which stores or filters the blood). A potential thalassemia carrier will also experience fatigue and tiredness more usual compared to a healthy individual. This means that, a potential thalassemia carrier will feel tired both physically and mentally. In addition to that, if an individual is suffering from shortness of breath, he should also be more aware about this health conditions as normally, an individual suffering from shortness of breath may very well be a potential carrier of the thalassemia disease. If blood trace is found on an individual's urine, the individual should visit his general practitioner as soon as possible as blood trace in urine may very w

Something for nothing

Never think of getting something for nothing It is getting harder and harder and I must improve ---------------------------------------- I'm getting nearer to it What I need to do is to try harder next time and make sure I got 99 % confidence for that


This afternoon I saw my grandma took in the "prawn biscuit" = 虾饼 that has been sun-baked for two days. If the prawn biscuit not dry, it will cause you pain later when you fry!! In the above picture, it showed that my grandma was frying the PrawnB. Pre-fried PrawnB in your left and post-fried at your right. There are new members that was welcomed. The c o l o u rf u l prawn biscuit. It is not so tasty but my grandparents like it. This proved that human are attracted with colourful things ~~ -------------------------------------- I have learnt that when you want to fry PrawnB, there are a few things to do: Makesure the PrawnB is dry before you fry. Or else you will encounter boiled-oil attack. Serious! :P I can still see the scars on my grandma hands Makesure the cooking oil is hot enough but not too hot as the fried PrawnB might be small in size or become "chao-ta"/carbon. The process is very hot Lastly, prepare your empty stomach to fit them in! Haha...and dont fo