
Showing posts with the label Sony Music

Pre-Order Jay Chou The Era 2010 World Tour DVD Now | 周杰伦超时代演唱会DVD预购

Do you miss Jay Chou's The Era 2010 World Tour? No worries, now you can book and pre-order Jay Chou The Era 2010 World Tour DVD at nearest music retail stores. =) Date of Release: 27 January 2011 "睽違3年,演唱會名為 《周杰倫超時代演唱會》 ,意謂著周杰倫從2000年出道至今十年的時間,累積十張專輯,不斷超越自我、引領樂壇風潮的演出盛會!這也是繼2002年《The One》、2004年《無與倫比》及2007年的世界巡迴演唱會後,周杰倫個人的 第四次大型世界巡迴演唱會 ,演出內容涵蓋了周杰倫之前的九張專輯作品,以及 第十張專輯《跨時代》 ,充滿科技未來與神祕氛圍;演唱會門票一開賣即秒殺售罄,加場再加場,仍無法滿足所有向隅的歌迷, 此次推出現場實況DVD,除了完整呈現整場演唱會的精采實況之外,更另外收錄了周杰倫彩排、練舞的珍貴側拍花絮畫面,以饗歌迷! 亚洲天王周杰伦“超时代”演唱会DVD将于1月25日发行。DVD中收录了 蔡依林 担任嘉宾, 与周杰伦合唱共舞《给我一首歌的时间》 的珍贵画面,以及 陈奕迅 来欣赏演唱会时与周董互动的逗趣镜头 。 獻禮×堅定自我、戰勝未來幸運物 深藏版限定禮:【深藏不露雙杰棍】 此張 DVD+2CDs深藏版 ,特別製作以等比例縮小, 高17公分的迷你雙截棍 ,雙截棍對杰倫的意義非凡,不僅是演唱會必備的壓軸曲目,也是最能夠代表杰倫出道十年來為華人爭光的精神;雙截棍這項武器,是李小龍的必備武器, 更能代表華人不屈不撓的精神。作為贈品,也代表是堅定自我、戰勝未來的幸運物! 舞台×華麗中古+頹廢搖滾+未來世界太空船 整 體舞台視覺設計上是以「未來世界」及「太空船」為主要概念,舞台以「太空船」的形貌作主軸呈現,並融入「頹廢搖滾」與「中古世紀」的元素在其中,形成強烈 的反差,華麗的視覺衝擊,重新定義演唱會舞台的空間感與時間感,聆賞整場演出,不僅僅是聽音樂,而是創造一種全新的視聽體驗,呼應演唱會主題【超時代】, 就是要超越時代,創造新體驗! 特效×360度浮空立體呈像+Mapping技術=杰倫的音樂宇宙 前幾場周杰倫在台北的演 唱會都是在

Gary Chaw《Back In Control》曹格《曹之在我》大马记者会 [Sneak Peek]

Gary Chaw《Back In Control》曹格《曹之在我》大马记者会 Two years ago, when I just started blogging not long ago, I blogged about Gary's music 曹格-奈斯男孩 (Nice Guy) since I like his music. Until today, didn't know that I will have the chance to meet him in person! =D Thanks to Sony Music Malaysia , after attended Lim Yu Chun Music Showcase @ Lot 10 林育羣 【未来的第一站】音乐会 I am invited again to attend Gary Chaw's Press Conference in Malaysia . Woohoo XD My first time see Gary in person and can snap his photo so close =D Adrian Lim , CEO of Sony Music Entertainment presenting Gary Chaw a gift Today press conference obviously is to congratz Gary Chaw 曹格 came up with his 5th new music album - 《曹之在我 Back In Control》 . Actually this is also his first album, a new Gary with new music. 主打: 曹格 - 爷爷 MV - 曹之在我 "For Love and Peace - Gary Chaw" I would say today's Gary looks more positive than he was. Glad that he attend the press conference today although he was not feeling well. Appreciate! My

Lim Yu Chun Music Showcase @ Lot 10 林育羣 【未来的第一站】音乐会

Lim Yu Chun Music Showcase @ Rootz Lot 10 林育羣 【未来的第一站】音乐会 Invited by Sony Music Malaysia to attend Yu Chun's Music Showcase at Rootz Club . The day Shout! Awards is going on too. That explain why not much people attend for this music showcase =) I guess blue drinks were served because YES sponsoring this event besides My FM and Sony Music? Jason from My FM was the emcee. He is as fair as a vampire. After waiting for so long, at last Taiwan Version's Susan Boyle 台版蘇珊大嬸 - Yu Chun appear on stage and direct sing a few songs Lim Yu Chun - 未来的第一站 林育羣 【未来的第一站】音乐会 LimYuChun - I Will Always Love You 【未来的第一站】音乐会 The moment YuChun drink water with pout mouth Three lucky fans were picked to sing a song and Yu Chun 育羣 shouted for that guy when he reaching high pitch =) A group photo with the lucky fans Congratz to all 3 lucky fans who won Yu Chun 育羣's album~ Not sure if it is hot on stage, Yu Chun need his handkerchief to wipe the dripping sweats. He drinked a lot water too. May

Official Photos: Adam Lambert Glam Nation Tour 2010 Malaysia

Still remember the earlier post about Adam Lambert Glam Nation Tour @ Putra Indoor Stadium Bukit Jalil on the 14th of October 2010 ? Here is a more detailed post with TONS MORE Official Pictures by Sony Music Malaysia . Before that let me share some photo of mine before, during and after the concert. Arrive around 6 something big crowd already lining up to enter the stadium Met Shereendulau thanks to Twitter ;p There is a Live Twitter Wall that will display your update with the hashtag #digiglambert So I tested it and my Twitter profile picture appears too! ;p Too bad can't see the rainbow Friends that attend together Nigel Sia , JasonMumbles , Ceddy , ShereenDulau, DustyHawk Like this remote control balooon with video camera attached =) If only I can play around with it =D We went into the hall and sitting at the RockZone =) *Still early* Kel Li with us Ceddy again During the waiting time, we somehow follow the crowd and move forward to the DiGi Zone. Because Adam "lamba