
Showing posts with the label Priceless Experience

Met Jamie Oliver in Person and he said Hi to Malaysia!

Well well well, it was a great day for all the Samsung Global Bloggers as we were meeting Jamie Oliver in person! I've watch Jamie in cooking TV show all the time but never ever imagine that I could meet him in person. All thanks to Samsung Global Blogger program =D Took a group photo before we get into the room to mingle with Jamie Oliver *No I didn't slap myself and this is a dream* What made me more excited? I was ONE of the TEN Samsung Global Bloggers that was picked to ask Jamie Oliver a question. (Super lucky!)  Also representing the four members of my Team ("Triple Threat")  to ask Jamie a question. Wasn't this great! Nathan(one of the Samsung Global Blogger from Australia) was just a few meters away from Jamie when he asked his question =) AND here's my question, " What type of food do you think Britain does better than anywhere else in the world?" I gave the question some twist and it was great Jamie answer it qui

Priceless MasterCard VIP Trip to Singapore for Lady Gaga and Great Singapore Sale 2012! [Part 2]

[Update] If you haven't read my Part 1 for this awesome trip, click here The next day, I woke up early in the morning and checked out the swimming pools and gyms in Fairmont Hotel. The gym was really huge and well equipped. Too bad I forgot to bring my sport shoes for gym *lazy excuse haha* Feel free to visit the well equipped fitness gym/spa. You can jump into the swimming pool too.  We met up each other around 9.30am for breakfast at Prego .  My first time having freshly squeezed fruit juice where you can mix your favourite fruits together. I had Beetroot + Orange + Carrot and was really surprised to see there's a fresh honey comb that give you honey to 'enlighten' your pancakes. Delicious breakfast @ Prego Get your favourite slice of cheese here! Prego features a pizzeria, wine bar, rotisserie, takeaway counter and deli. Freshly baked breads, cakes, salads, sausages, cold cuts and pastas are available from the deli counter. After the