
Showing posts with the label NTV 7

2017金视奖得奖名单 Golden Awards 2017 Winner List

2017金视奖得奖名单 Golden Awards 2017 Winner List 2017金视奖得奖名单出炉啦!!成绩有没有你预期的结果呢?!还是爆冷?在这里我要恭喜每一位入围和得奖的艺人朋友咯!!今晚出席婚礼所以没有“独家”红地毯的照片啦。(朋友结婚照就有,在我的FB)好啦话不多说,来分享 Golden Awards 2017 Winner List~


2014《金视奖》5强入围名单揭晓 NTV7 GOLDEN AWARDS 2014 TOP 5 NOMINEES UNVEILED ntv7 Golden Awards 2014 will be broadcasted to all Malaysians on 20th September , LIVE from Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC) . And before the night arrives, the Top 5 nominees were unveiled at the press conference, bringing us a step closer to crowning the winners. I would like to congrats all Top 5 nominees and wish you all the best in winning the awards!! Back for the 3rd year, the prestigious awards ceremony that draws together the brightest, most dazzling and talented stars, while recognises and honours the outstanding works of those who have contributed passionately in the Malaysian Chinese TV industry, will continue its pursuit of excellence and quest in driving the industry to greater heights.

2014《金视奖》10强入围名单揭晓!Golden Awards 2014 Top 10 Nominees!!

2014《金视奖》10强入围名单!Golden Awards 2014 Top 10 Nominees!! 出席艺人全体照! 两年一度的 《金视奖》 于今日公布十强名单。其中 《香火》 以大热姿态 12 项入围,紧追在后的有 11 项入围的 《半边天》 和 10 项入围的 《无间行者 》 。曾经在前两届金视奖荣获最佳女主角及最佳女配角的雁雁姐,其后星途更是一片光明。其后在电影圈的发展更不容质疑 ,以一部新加坡电影《 爸妈不在家 》拿下金马奖及亚太影展的最佳女配角。这样的来头,还真让与她一同入围的入围者颇感压力啊!今年,杨雁雁还入围了 “ 最佳综艺娱乐节目主持 人” 接受主持人访问时,还说其实意外的事,有入围就已经很开心。这时,让一同入围的林佩盈说:“这人是来搅局的”哈哈,意味着有着“金马”和“亚太 " 最佳女配角雁雁姐在入围名单,让大家非常压力。 林佩盈说:“这人(雁雁)是来搅局的”

NTV7 FEEL GOOD RUN 2012 on 8th July 2012 | Sri Pentas @ Bandar Utama

Julie Woon , Joanne de Rozario & Daphne Iking at ntv7 Feel Good Run 2012 Launch NTV7 FEEL GOOD RUN 2012 has finally announced the details just now at Central Park, One Utama! It will be happen on 8th July 2012 (Sunday) and held at Sri Pentas, One Utama (Starting Line) - Central Park, One Utama (Finish Line). If you like to run and do it together with awesome celebrities, don't miss out! NTV7 Feel Good Run 2012 Press Conference @ One Utama Central Park Could be a nice place to hang out. A long-distance running event that is usually run as a road race is called the "marathon". What then do you call a run that lets you sweat and have fun, while doing charity AND running alongside your favourite celebrities ? As surreal as it may sound, ntv7 made it all possible a year ago with the inauguration of Feel Good Run . Returning for a second year in 2012, the one and only Feel Good Run continues its pledge in bringing the "feel good" factor to all particip

Happy Family 哈比全家福 @ NTV7 | Red Carpet [PHOTOS]

Happy Family 哈比全家福 Live on NTV7 @ 23th January [ 10 PM ] If there’s one thing that all Malaysians should be proud of this Chinese New Year is the cutting edge production of ntv7’s 2nd Chinese New Year telemovie – Happy Family 哈比全家福 . Following its hugely successful CNY telemovie debut last year, ntv7 is back to shake up the Lunar New Year with its daring and bold production which stars some of Malaysia’s best actors in the Chinese entertainment industry. The telemovie is slated to premiere on the first day of Chinese New Year, 23rd January at 10 p.m . Viewers will be able to enjoy their favourite CNY movie in the comfort of their homes, with world class cinematographic and amazing storyline. 《哈比全家福》预告片[1分钟完整版] Happy Family Trailer Young Yang Cong and his dad Some lucky fans of ntv7 were given a treat to be among the first to watch this cutting edge production during its private screening at Cathay Cineplex on January 10th. There was more in the box of treats than what the fans thou

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