
Showing posts with the label Movie

一路有你 The Journey Gala Premiere @ Paradigm Mall + Movie Review 观后感

一路有你 The Journey - 笑迎感动1月30日全国上映 2014年1月18日,本人受Astro邀约到Paradigm Mall观赏 《一路有你 The Journey》 的首映。收到请柬当然非常高兴咯!!我个人非常期待这片片子而且看了后也非常的喜欢。《一路有你 The Journey》是一部温馨家庭喜剧也是一部 全民电影 ,有喜有悲,它可以把你的情绪从山顶带到谷底再到达巅峰。整部电影拍得很优美,尤其是风景那一部分,把金马伦高原拍得像仙境一样。在《一路有你 The Journey》里面,你熟悉的明星变成了配角,主要的角色们反而是普通的平民。

Jackie Chan in Malaysia for Police Story 2013 成龙警察故事2013大马电影宣传

Jackie Chan in Malaysia for Police Story 2013 Gala Premiere and Media Conference 成龙警察故事2013马来西亚电影宣传 Early this morning I went for Jackie Chan's "Police Story 2013" 警察故事2013 movie premiere courtesy of RAM Entertainment.  A media conference was arranged on the same day itself. It was great to see Jackie Chan in person as I learned that he has many stories to share with us from how he act in the movie to how to be a better person who living a life. I personally like his life philosophy sharing  more =) Police Story 2013 Synopsis 警察故事2013故事简介 Night. Inside an enormous bar on a busy street, all the patrons are being held hostage. Among them are policeman Zhong Wen and his daughter Miao Miao, and several strangers who seem to have met before….  The kidnapper is the bar owner Wu Jiang. His only demand is the release of a long-term prisoner. What motive is worth this risk?  The prisoner is brought to the scene of the crime, but the police now face an even g

ntv7 《聚宝盆》Lucky Bowl 众演员蛇年祝贺与观后感

ntv7 《聚宝盆》Lucky Bowl 众演员 ntv7 《聚宝盆》Lucky Bowl 众演员蛇年祝贺 - 首映礼 @ Pavilion KL ******************************************   当晚我与演员们看完了 《聚宝盆》Lucky Bowl 续集 后,在Pavilion Lounge举办了一场记者会。那时 大家 我都被续集的结尾弄得团团转。我看是必须要看前传才能知道完整的故事啦。就因为如果十大演员全出现在一集有点太拥挤,所以今年才会分成两部。所以呢,你们一定要守住ntv7 大年初一 2月10号 830pm 先看《聚宝盆续集》 , 大年初二 2月11号 830pm 再看《聚宝盆前传》 。 从记者会后才得知导演池佳庆为了赶剪辑(这份工作真的不容易),导致首映的版本看起来有点不流畅咯。不过,我相信在ntv7上看到的电视电影一定会更加好看!! Frederick李洺中的歪嘴是他戏里典型的笑点,有时候讲话模糊有时候却清楚得很哈哈。Debbie 吴天瑜在聚宝盆续集里是一位婀娜多姿的包租婆,也是一位处女哈哈。看来Debbie未来会有很多旗袍的赞助与广告。Lawrence黄冠逸在戏里的蝴蝶头造型与他夸张搞笑的演绎为这电视电影增添了新元素。Miao miao 林静苗当柯老大看起来很像在演绎自己一些真实的一面,自然搞笑加分。Aenie 王淑君在戏里演绎一位富有艺术细胞的柯老二,每天被讲"Diamlah",蛮可怜的。Adrian陈凯旋在戏里分明就是一位卷发小混混,演得很好,但希望别入戏太深啦,戏都已经拍完了。(麻烦教导A迷正确的尖叫声,当晚首映可真吓到人家,别人还以为发生了什么事哈哈哈) 疯狂尖叫奖非你莫属 在续集里,没能看见Jack叶朝明,Kyo 庄仲维,Leslie蔡珂立,Ai Leng 王爱玲,Karena张惠虹与Jan秦雯彬的演出,所以呢要看前传才能知晓他们的演出啦;值得一提的是,Rickman谢承伟的马啼另我印象深刻。 我相信由大马本地制作DreamTeam Studio拍出来的影片不会让您失望,所以新年在家记得收看《聚宝盆》Lucky Bowl。 大年初一 2月10号 830pm 先看《聚宝盆续集》 大年初二 2月1

Lucky Bowl 《聚宝盆》 主题曲 - "我的聚宝盆" MV 附歌词

Lucky Bowl 《聚宝盆》 Yo guys, if you are here for Lucky Bowl 《聚宝盆》 主题曲 Theme song/MV and wonder how to download it. You must learn how to download YouTube video through your web browser then.Just note that after download the video is for your own use only, you are not suppose to redistribute it for commercial uses. Methods to download will be shown at the end of this post: The channel’s CNY telemovie will now be aired over two days on 10th and 11th February 2013 – the first and second day of the grand celebration. Fans of local shows are sure to rejoice over this news with their favourite actors and actresses having more airtime during the broadcast of the telemovie for two hours on both days, which starts at 8.30pm . Remember to watch!  Support our local talented artists! Oh great my name Ah Tian is part of this telemovie hahaha!     《聚宝盆》主题曲 "我的聚宝盆" 完整版MV  V1 Frederik & Lawrence 花花世界 金银财宝眼花缭乱

CNY Lucky Bowl 聚宝盆 Telemovie Synopsis 故事简介

ntv7 CNY Lucky Bowl 聚宝盆 Telemovie 10-11th Feb 2013 8.30PM   CNY Lucky Bowl 聚宝盆 Telemovie Synopsis 故事简介   Shot in the beautiful small town of Tanjung Karang , Malaysia’s very own fishing and paddy growing spot, “Lucky Bowl’s” storyline is split into two parts. The show begins with the story of Shen Tang Tang (starring Debbie Goh) , a stingy and selfish landlady who owns an old flat apartment where she rents out to Ah Hun (Adrian Tan) who lives with his father. Tang Tang is also lucky to inherit a magical “Lucky Bowl” from her ancestors where anything that goes in it will multiply. Not knowing its supernatural powers, Tang Tang treats the rusty “Lucky Bowl” as a piece of junk and sold it to Ah Hun’s father, Uncle Lao Tou , who is a rubbish collector. While the father is an honest and hardworking man, the son fails to hold down a job and as a result, they were chased out of the building by Tang Tang for failing to pay the rent. Humiliated, Ah Hun swears to become rich. Meanwhile