
Showing posts with the label Mega Ultimate

Michael Learns To Rock Live In Malaysia 2015 this coming August! #MLTR

MICHAEL LEARNS TO ROCK LIVE IN MALAYSIA 2015 15 August 2015 Megastar Arena, Kuala Lumpur Multi-platinum selling band, Michael Learns To Rock , will be making their way to Malaysia giving fans the ultimate experience with their new album, ‘25’ at Mega Star Arena on the 15th of August . The album ‘25’ consist of all their hit songs as well as two new singles and the concert 25 Live will be a whole new experience that only Malaysian fans will get to enjoy. Fans here can expect a whole visual treat filled with stunning multimedia on LEDs, confetti and special musical arrangements by the band. In celebrating 25 years of making music, the well-loved Danish band are all set to perform some of their all-time hits like The Actor, 25 Minutes, Paint My Love, Sleeping Child, Take Me To Your Heart and many more.

45张照片述说张智成梦想之城演唱会‬ Z-Chen City of Dreams Live in Malaysia 2015

当晚 张智成《梦想之城》演唱会 ,张智成为大家呈现了他那非常感性的一面,演唱时都显得真情流露,尤其是那些伤感的歌曲,表情还真的可以去拍舞台剧了哈哈。由于我这几天比较忙,所以照片也出得比较慢,各位请多多包涵。演唱会当天张智成换了三套衣服,最抢眼的应该是他最后一套身穿的项链吊饰,聚光灯照射到它时光芒四射,很好看。讲到光线,当晚演唱会的灯光打得很好,让我摄影时不只有欣赏音乐,也欣赏了好光一番。 张智成当晚也送了歌迷每个人一粒“蛋”,让害羞的歌迷也能一起摇蛋伴奏。也就是说有趣演唱会的朋友现在都拥有张智成的蛋啦哈哈!!这一次张智成也有与舞蹈者载歌载舞,留了满身汗,赶紧换tempo唱慢歌。我个人很欣赏他的唱功,只是尾音有时拉的太长啦。(知道你音域好,不用炫耀的哈哈哈) 好了话不多说还是给你们看我那天拍到的照片吧!! 请多多指教,也希望你们会喜欢。

Shila Amzah LOVE Concert Live in Malaysia 茜拉《爱》大马演唱会 [13 September 2014] #LoveConcertShilaAmzah

Shila Amzah 茜拉 LOVE Concert Live in Malaysia - 13 September 2014 Shila Amzah 茜拉, Malaysia own renowned artist is going to launch her very first concert in Malaysia this coming 13 September 2014 . Shila Amzah LOVE Concert in Malaysia , jointly organized by Mega Ultimate, and Shila Amzah Entertainment. Since it is still long way to go, they haven't decide which venue to use but they revealed a few things on the press conference which held at KL Tower this evening. Shila Amzah 茜拉 will invite a male singer (local/international) so that they can sing love songs and duet together. Shila Amzah 茜拉 also shared that if LeeHom 王力宏 is her special guest, she will be too nervous to sing her song properly but it would be great if LeeHom can be a suprise on the concert day itself. If I have the decision to choose who to duet with Shila, it will be non other than 光良Guang Liang and 曹格 Gary Chaw. They are both powerful male vocal in Malaysia! Shila Amzah 茜拉 and the organizers has plan