【Photo】KWAI CHAI HONG 鬼仔巷 2022 CNY Decoration - Live Wild & Prosper 虎星高照迎新年

【Photo】KWAI CHAI HONG 鬼仔巷 2022 CNY Decoration - Live Wild & Prosper 虎星高照迎新年
【Photo】KWAI CHAI HONG 鬼仔巷 2022 CNY Decoration - Live Wild & Prosper 虎星高照迎新年

鬼仔巷推出农历新年艺术装置拯救马来亚虎 - ‘Live Wild & Prosper 虎星高照迎新年’艺术装置由1月14日至2月20日展出。
🈺️: 9AM to 10PM. 
📅: 14th Jan to 20th Feb 2022
Location: Kwai CHai Hong 鬼仔巷
PICK your favourite 📸  
TAG FRIEND(s) you would visit KCH with 👫🏻👭👬
Here's a little sight of what's ready for you to capture when in #KwaiChaiHong. This time CNY deco & concept courtesy of @lailaiart.chang @djoddicon.
Photography tips: Since this time majority of the decorations are hanging high up in the air, Try to use your phone screen as mirror for reflection play or play with low angle🪞🤳🏻 
In conjunction with @wwfmy, there will be donation drive happening during this period too. Check out more info at www.kwaichaihong.com or scan the QR code at the event space 
PS: Almost forgot to mention that KCH is a pet friendly space, kudos to KCH team having a special session for pet lovers. I had fun capturing their precious moments 🐶 🐯🐒😺 
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为迎接这个农历新岁的吉祥虎年,鬼仔巷推出以威猛的马来亚虎为灵感的最新艺术装置。但是,这个我国标志性的骄傲,亦令许多马来西亚人引以为荣,又极具意义的重要象征,它的存在正受到严重威胁。以“Live Wild & Prosper 虎星高照迎新年”为主题的艺术装置,旨在呼吁拯救马来亚虎,并鼓励鬼仔巷的访客,在这个节日期间帮助提高在这方面的认知。

为此,鬼仔巷与两位非常热心公益的本地艺术家合作,创作了一项代表马来亚虎与人类之间关系的艺术品。 Lai Lai Art Studio 经验丰富的艺术家陈厚玏(Alice Chang)带着“马来虎家族”雕塑回归,一对虎父母正在照顾他们的幼崽,描绘了爱、希望、养育、保护和支持。虽然,实力和权力是猫科动物的代名词,但是,没有关怀和尊重,即使是最强大的也会处于危险之中,就如人类一样。为了支持马来西亚世界自然基金会(WWF-Malaysia) 的保育工作,出售该雕塑的 100% 收益将捐赠予拯救马来亚虎。

也许是最上镜的巷道,鬼仔巷现已配上红白相间的装置,充满怀旧情怀。这名为“Stretch Out”的装置,艺术家DJ Odd 展示了他对前卫弹力面料和中国传统剪纸的演绎,融合了新旧技术,并浓缩了现代华人社区的精髓。在传统剪纸中做出如镜面效果的对称图案,需要耐心和学习的意愿,就如马来亚虎的保育工作亦是一样,需要积极的改变。弹力面料代表着韧性,而每个锚点都代表着连接,传达鬼仔巷在包容性的信息 :欢迎各界人士前来学习、分享、庆祝中华文化,这次更是共襄盛举。

百川管理有限公司的合伙人郑万馨(Zeen Chang)表示:“在中华传统节日中,农历新年是大日子,因为它象征着旧的一年结束,在新的一年迎接好运和繁荣。在虎年,我们想做一些别具意义的项目,不仅是为了我们的社区,也是为了我们的生态系统。马来亚虎濒临绝种, 我们想尽自己的一份力量,通过艺术影响和教育公众。我们很幸运能遇到如此优秀的艺术家,和我们有着同样的热情。勿以善小而不为,集少成多,,我们希望每个人都可以与我们一起参与这一项变革。”

世界自然基金会因在拯救濒临绝种的野生动物方面的广泛工作而闻名于世,它继续倡导野生动物保护工作。 WWF-Malaysia 伙伴关系总监Helina Yow 强调:“我们在老虎保育方面的工作分几个部分,来减少野生老虎和其他野生动物的威胁。 只剩下不到 200 只马来亚虎,现在是采取行动的时候了。 通过与鬼仔巷的合作,我们欢迎欣赏艺术和文化的访客,希望他们对马来亚虎有新认知,通过每个人都可以尽自己的一份力量,共同努力,改变局面。”

‘Live Wild & Prosper 虎星高照迎新年’ 艺术装置Tiger Beer 豪情赞助。 Tiger Beer 市场营销经理Joyce Lim 说:“作为一个每 12 年才出现一次的生肖,虎年对我们来说是非常特别的一年,我们今年的活动从农历新年开始。 凭借与这种壮丽动物相关的品牌名称和身份,我们很乐意地支持鬼仔巷拯救我们的马来亚虎活动。 我们相信每个人内心都有一只老虎,所以让我们一起为有意义的公益事业而咆哮吧!”

鬼仔巷每天上午 9 点至晚上 10 点对公众开放,并配合严格的SOPs操作。 ‘Live Wild & Prosper 虎星高照迎新年’ 艺术装置将于 2022 年 1 月 14 日至 2 月 20 日展出。欢迎你与亲朋戚友在鬼仔巷庆祝农历新年,同时欢迎驾临这里10家令人回味无穷的餐饮店!

更多有关 "Live Wild & Prosper 虎星高照迎新年" 装置的灵感源由,请浏览:


To usher in the auspicious Year of the Tiger this Chinese New Year, Kwai Chai Hong unveils its latest art installation inspired by the majestic Malayan tiger. The iconic national pride holds important symbolism for many Malaysians, but its very existence is under serious threat. Themed ‘Live Wild & Prosper 虎星高照迎新年’, the art installation spotlights the importance of saving the Malayan tiger and encourages supporters of Kwai Chai Hong to help raise awareness in conjunction with this festive period.  

In drawing a meaningful connection to this art installation, Kwai Chai Hong collaborates with two passionate local artists to craft an artwork that represents the relationship between the Malayan tiger and humankind. Seasoned artist Alice Chang of Lai Lai Art Studio returns with the ‘Malayan Tiger Family’ sculpture where a pair of parent tigers are looking after their cub, portraying love, hope, nurture, protection and support. Where strength and power is synonymous with the feline creature, without care and respect, even the most powerful are at risk and this is comparable to human life. In support of WWF-Malaysia’s conservation efforts, 100% of the proceeds from the sale of the sculpture will be donated to help save the Malayan tiger. 

The photogenic laneway at Kwai Chai Hong now decked in red and white clothes transforms into a place of nostalgia. Titled ‘Stretch Out’, artist and music DJ. Odd presents his rendition of avant-garde Stretch Fabric and traditional Chinese papercut, fusing new and old techniques that encapsulates the essence of the modern Chinese community. With patience and willingness to learn, the symmetrical pattern formed in traditional paper cutting sees a mirror effect, similar to conservation efforts of the Malayan tiger which translates to positive change. The stretched fabric represents resilience and each anchor point represents the connections that sends a message of inclusivity at Kwai Chai Hong where people from all walks of life are welcome to share, learn, celebrate Chinese culture, and in this case, for a noble cause. 

Zeen Chang, Managing Partner of Bai Chuan Management, said: “Chinese New Year is a big deal in Chinese culture as it symbolises the closing of the old year and welcomes in luck and prosperity to the new one. For the Year of the Tiger, my team and I wanted to do something special and meaningful, not just for the community around us but also the larger ecosystem which we live in. It’s devastating for the Malayan tiger to be on the brink of extinction, and we want to do our part, to influence and educate the public through art. We are fortunate to have met such wonderful artists who share the same passion as us. There is no effort too small and no help too little, we urge everyone to be a part of that change with us”. 

Known worldwide for its extensive work in saving endangered wildlife, WWF-Malaysia continues to advocate for its cause. Helina Yow, WWF-Malaysia’s Director of Partnerships highlights, “Our fundamental effort in tiger conservation consists of several components designed to reduce threats towards tigers and other wildlife living within the same landscape. With less than 200 Malayan tigers left, the time to act is now. By collaborating with Kwai Chai Hong, we open ourselves to an audience who appreciate art and culture. Hopefully with their new understanding of the Malayan tiger, everyone can do their part and together, we will make a difference”.   

The Live Wild & Prosper art installation is proudly sponsored by Tiger Beer. Joyce Lim, Marketing Manager of Tiger Beer Malaysia said, “As an occasion that only occurs once every 12 years, the Year of the Tiger is a very special year for us, and our year-long campaign starts with Chinese New Year. With a brand name and identity associated with this magnificent animal, we are proud to lend our support to Kwai Chai Hong for this initiative to save our Malayan tigers. We believe that everyone has an inner tiger, so let’s make this the year we roar together to champion a meaningful cause!” 

Kwai Chai Hong will be open to the public daily from 9AM to 10PM, with strict SOPs observed within its premises. The Live Wild & Prosper art installation will be available from 14th January to 20th February 2022. Come celebrate Chinese New Year at Kwai Chai Hong with your loved ones and be sure to check out the 10 amazing eateries in the area! 

For more details about the inspiration behind Live Wild & Prosper 虎星高照迎新年 art installation, visit https://www.kwaichaihong.com/live-wild-prosper.

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