
Showing posts from August, 2017

Dara Independence Beach Resort & Spa | Sihanoukville, Cambodia

Dara Independence Beach Resort & Spa | Sihanoukville, Cambodia Dara Independence Beach Resort & Spa (or more well known as Independence Hotel ) was the hotel that I stay when I first visit Sihanoukville, Cambodia. I know nothing about Sihanoukville until I googled about this place. To be honest, nothing much can be found through online, and I was depending on Trip Advisor recommended "things to do" with mostly beach attractions on their page. Today I would just like to talk about  Dara Independence Beach Resort & Spa and my twonights stay experience over there.  I was first attracted by the pictures of their new infinity pool and can't wait to check out this hotel. Overall, it was a comfortable stay with great Seafood Dinner @ Sunset Restaurant , super relaxing oil massage at their Jouvence Spa located within Independence Hotel. I must not forget to mention their real beautiful infinity pool located right at the coastal line where you can see

[Photo] Wedding ROM at Thean Hou Temple 天后宫

ROM at Thean Hou Temple 天后宫 I have been to Thean Hou Temple a few times but this was the first time I photograph friend's Registration of Marriage (ROM) at this signature tourist location right in Kuala Lumpur. Thean Hou Temple was built by the Hainanese in order to commemorate the Goddess of Thean Hou. The Thean Hou Temple is one of the largest Chinese temple in South East Asia and was officially opened on 3rd September 1989.  Thean Hou Temple view from the sky How to go to Thean Hou Temple? Actually the best way is to drive there with Waze traffic guide. But if you are taking the public transport, regardless of LRT or KTM line, none of the stations is within walking distance from Thean Hou Temple. The best way is through taxi. You can first take the KTM to Mid Valley station or by LRT to Bangsar station . Then take the taxi through GRAB or UBER to reach this Chinese Temple. PS: Use promo code "ubertianchad" for UBER discount

3D2N Penang Phuket with Star Cruises Superstar Libra | 三天两夜槟城普吉岛之旅-每人从RM699++开始

3D2N Penang Phuket with Star Cruises Superstar Libra |三天两夜槟城普吉岛之旅-每人从RM699++开始 【三天两夜槟城普吉岛之旅-每人从RM699++开始】 StarCruises SuperStar Libra丽星邮轮『天秤星号』最近刚推出新的三天两夜配套。从槟城出发,第二天就到普吉岛。小学的时候上过邮轮,就在那时买了第一家3.2MP的数码;没想到这一次上邮轮,有一大班朋友一起出游,又有登对情侣同船,所以花了不少心思拍了这部影片还有一堆照片。想知道我们在游轮上做了些什么,吃和玩什么,就记得要看这影片啦!!还没做过邮轮?!一生人一定要有一次这样的旅程啊~ #TCTravel 【三天两夜槟城普吉岛行程】 上船CheckIn 》 吃海鲜大餐 》 Cruise Tour与安全导航 》 看魔术表演 》 自由活动 》 早安瑜伽/Zumba 》下船普吉岛 》 享尽泰国餐 》 泰式按摩 》 血拼购物 》 喝Chang Beer 》 吃泰国7-11三文治与香肠 》 去海边拍拖 》 回天秤星号 》 主题FarewellDinner(当晚是Minion主题)》 One In A Million绝技表演 》 泡温暖Jacuzzi 》 和朋友哈拉最后一晚 》 中午下船回家 三天两夜槟城普吉岛之旅促销价每人从: RM699开始 (每周三出发) RM899开始 (每周五出发) 3D2NPenang-Phuket Cruise Package starting from RM699++ per person For more info, visit Official: FB: Instagram/Twiter: @starcruisesasia WeChat: “SCTA” 或 “丽星邮轮” 喜欢我的影片的,记得Subscribe我的YouTube频道! 也可以Follow我的Instagram #SuperStarLibra #Star

《NH Nutri Grains欢喜第1等》- 冠中冠Apple 邱诗凌

NH Nutri Grains欢喜第1等 五强合照 - Adrian李文杰, Relyne万里莹, Apple邱诗凌, 车志立(车子), Pink陈珂冰 实力与人气兼具的 Apple 邱诗凌 众望所归,以过半的观众SMS投票率夺下 《NH Nutri Grains欢喜第1等》 的冠中冠,喜极而泣的她在唱出冠军歌 《阿母的情歌》 时更是一度泣不成声,感动现场观众。 自今年六月开播以来,《NH Nutri Grains 欢喜第1等》 最后五强Adrian李文杰、Apple邱诗凌、Relyne万里莹、车志立(车子) 和 Pink陈珂冰 一路过关斩将来到总决赛,一起角逐冠中冠荣誉。五强以一首《有梦你会红》开场后进入个人演唱组曲的第一回合,第二回合找来了五位特别嘉宾包括 颜慧萍、李吉汉、张引山、林健辉 以及 曾洁钰 助阵“帮帮唱”环节将现场气氛炒到最高点。

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