
2015 Ready To Fly《远走高飞》 玩全 FREE 旅行: Vivienne 温慧茵和Yoke 曾洁钰接棒

2 015 《远走高飞》 玩全 FREE 旅行: Vivienne 温慧茵和Yoke 曾洁钰接棒 Astro 本地圈艺人 Geraldine 颜慧萍、Amy 文小菲、 Danny 许佳麟以及 My FM DJ Jym 庄靖毅捧场 2015 《远走高飞》 玩全FREE旅行,超过40万令吉奖金奖品和 100万 Astro Circle 积分等你来赢取! 由 Vivienne 温慧茵 和 Yoke 曾洁钰 接棒的2015年全新一季 《远走高飞》 将在10月10号开始,每周六晚间10点, Astro AEC 和 AEC HD 现场直播。全新的主持阵容,全新游戏节目玩法,传统电视与应用程式现场连线的结合,让玩家无须来到节目录影现场,就可以参与节目录影。 全新一季的《远走高飞》为了回馈更广大的Astro及Njoi用户,全新改版的《远走高飞》应用程式,只要年龄届满18岁,会听、会看及会说中文,皆可参与我们的游戏。今年的现场节目特别与应用程式做现场连线,游戏玩法更加即时及刺激,互动性更强! 玩家只要透过《远走高飞》应用程式就可以和现场主持人连线进行游戏。 全新一季的《远走高飞》,考验参赛者的机智、冒险精神和体育精神,游戏玩法不再局限于累积飞行里数,参赛者必须回答各种有关旅行及地理常识的问题,成功闯过4个关卡,总值超过3万令吉的现金奖、国际旅游配套和丰富奖品就可以轻松带回家。 《远走高飞》,让你玩全FREE旅行,超过40万令吉的旅游配套、奖品和奖金,等你来挑战。 ************************************************* 10月6日当天,媒体朋友受邀与新一任机长 Yoke曾洁钰 和续任机长 Vivienne温慧茵 进行联访,并参与《远走高飞》的模拟直播,有机会率先与本地圈艺人一同试玩这个考验机智及冒险精神的游戏节目。 除了莅临采访的媒体朋友,Astro 本地圈艺人 Geraldine 颜慧萍 、 Amy 文小菲 、 Danny 许佳麟 以及 My FM DJ Jym 庄靖毅 也受邀参与模拟游戏,与媒体朋友一较高低。

[Photo] Kuala Lumpur Photography Festival 2015 @ Mid Valley Megamall #KLPF2015

Kuala Lumpur Photography Festival 2015 @ Mid Valley Megamall #KLPF2015 Instead of keeping the photos taken at #KLPF2015 in my hard disk waiting to be processed, I choosed some photos and edited using VSCOCAM on #myGalaxyNote5 before I posted it on this blog post. Everything was pretty smooth when I drafting this post on my mobile phone, almost all the features and layout appear the same on Chrome Mobile. But when I almost complete drafting this post, I accidentally replaced the whole post with a just a phrase...I was like...WTF!!! Usually I can just press Ctrl+Z (Undo) button to recover it but I don't think any smartphone have this feature... Hence I recovered the photos that has been uploaded here and decided to type the story on my laptop. KLPF is a photography event that if no model photoshoot/contest being held by the exhibitor/organiser, it won't be that interesting anymore hahaha. Saw a big group of photographers who brought their best camera gears, climb

The Fastest Way To Own An iPhone 6S

The fastest way to own an iPhone by Maxis In anticipation of the launch of the iPhone 6s and 6 Plus on Friday, 16 October, Maxis is offering customers the opportunity get their hands on their phones as fast as possible. Customers can pre-order their device from midnight tonight (9 Oct)   at . Once customers pre-order, they can choose between Maxis 24 Hour Express Delivery or 24 Hour Express Collection at any of 40 Maxis Centers nationwide – guaranteed. Those who choose 24 Hour Express Delivery can even choose to have their phone delivered anywhere in Malaysia – home, office, restaurant or (as  THIS VIDEO  suggests) somewhere more unusual.