
Win A 4D3N Trip to Hong Kong! I need your VOTE!!

I wanna win a 4D3N trip to Hong Kong!! =D Harlo guys I've just come back from Macau recently and I wask kinda regret that I don't have the chance to drop by Hong Kong during that trip. Hence I am joining this FB contest by "Discover HongKong" just to try my luck to win amazing prizes including a 4-day 3-night Hong Kong travel package !! Based on Jason Godfrey 's recommendation, it seems awesome to drop Pak Tai Temple , Tung Wan Beach , Tin Hau Temple  and especially Cheung Chao Island just to tan myself up!! *I am too fair my gf said haha* I wanna be there to photography the sunny side of Hong Kong with my signature #TCFisheye!! Been to Macau so now it's time for HK! Please VOTE for me here !!

"Change your mind to change your life" 改变想法, 改变生活

寒门贵子 Happy Sunday!! Recently I saw this video post and instead of just sharing through my FB and Twitter share. I've decided to share it as my weekend post so both you and I will able to read it anytime anywhere. Sorry that this post and video is mainly in Chinese. If you want to understand just use the Translate tool at the side bar ya. Take care guys. "Change your mind to change your life" "改变想法,改变生活" ******************************** 亲爱的朋友,其实我们大部分人都不是出身豪门,都是要靠自己的。你要相信命运给你一个比别人低的起点,是希望你用你的一生去奋斗出一个绝地反击的故事,这故事不是一个水到渠成的童话没有一点人间疾苦, 这故事是有志者,事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚;这故事是苦心人天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴 。

11 Places Photographer Should Visit in Macau [Day]

"Look at the bright side" On last Sunday (20 July), we took Airasia flight to Macau for a 3 Days 2 Nights trip . Thanks to Hong Kong drama, my initial impression on Macau is all about casino. But after went there myself, not only Macau has many historical places to visit, they also have great food hidden along the street too. Today I am going to share my 3D2N Macau itinerary as a photographer who love to capture scenery, building architecture and cityscape. This place is amazingly beautiful at night!! Since we stay in President Hotel in Macau, we decided to start our journey from Senado Square to Guia Fortress and all the way to Venetian at night.