
Showing posts with the label Astro

Astro & TVB《星級健康3之星夢成真》- Nancy Wu 胡定欣體驗時裝設計師工作 實現兒時夢想

Astro TVB《星級健康3之星夢成真》- 胡定欣體驗時裝設計師工作  實現兒時夢想 健康資訊節目 《星級健康3之星夢成真》 ( Wellness On The Go 3) 由Astro與TVB共同製作,拍攝進行得如火如荼,接近尾聲,繼唐詩詠體驗生態攝影師的工作後,TVB藝人 胡定欣 於日前親赴大馬進行最後一集拍攝,當時裝設計師,展示時裝觸覺。  胡定欣兒時夢想成為時裝設計師,希望讓人穿上自己設計的服飾,終於,胡定欣透過 《星級健康》 來馬實現時裝設計師的夢想。

《爸爸去哪儿》第三季 - Astro全佳HD 与中国同步首播:胡军,刘烨,邹市明,林永健,夏克立

《爸爸去哪儿》第三季即将于7月10日,每逢星期五晚上10时播出,Astro全佳HD(频道308) -  中国实力派演员胡军与7岁儿胡皓康 本着给80后父母展示一部“生活教育百科书”,在亚洲大受欢迎的中国亲子户外真人秀 《爸爸去哪儿》第三季 ( Where Are We Going, Dad? Season 3) 即将于7月10日, 每逢星期五晚上10时播出 , Astro全佳HD(频道308) 确定将 首度与中国同步首播 这档叫好叫座的亲子户外真人秀,让大马观众在不受地域限制下也可第一时间观赏节目! 从韩国MBC电视台引进,中国湖南卫视制作的第三季 《爸爸去哪儿》 本着给80后父母展示一部生活教育百科书, 找来明星艺人爸爸在72小时的户外体验中,单独照顾子女的饮食起居,共同完成节目组设置的一系列任务,带领观众展开暖心又有趣的村庄旅程

Kau Ilhamku Man Bai @ RAKU Radio & Music Apps Launch

A picture with Man Bai who sang 'Kau Ilham Ku' @ RAKU Music Apps Launch What an honour to listen to one of the music legend Man Bai  performed live during RAKU (Radio Aku) -Malaysia's own music and radio streaming mobile app  at laundry bar the other day. I like his music and it was definitely good to meet him in person as well! Thanks Azaria helping me to take this photo ;p We all know bout Spotify but RAKU is something more Malaysian. Not only you can choose your favourite music, you can also listen to your favourite radio programmes like MY FM, HitsFM and podcasts from Malaysia and all around the world. You may Enjoy RAKU for free or go premium and start creating your own radio stations and playlists. RM14.90 per month (include GST).

Astro与TVB跨地域制作《星级健康3之星梦成真》 - Benjamin Yuen袁伟豪赴马当救火英雄 体验消防员精神

袁伟豪去大马的消防学院体验,与他的消防导师 Soon We Kiang 见面 《星级健康3之星梦成真》 由Astro与TVB“联手炮制”的健康资讯节目 《星级健康3之星梦成真》 续“厨娘” 陈敏之 后, Benjamin Yuen 袁伟豪 于日前来马短暂体验消防员的工作,实现“救火英雄”的儿时梦想。 为此,制作组特别安排袁伟豪到大马消防学院体验,见识消防员辛勤的工作。袁伟豪抵步后就先与其消防导师见面,并聆听导师讲解消防员的日常工作与介绍消防员及消防车的设备。由于消防员要求很高的体能及良好的心理质素,故必须经过一连串的训练,提升体能及心理质素,才能应付基本的救火行动。

Astro 舞极限 Battleground 2015 - FUNKY LIA Freestyle Dance Showcase #‎astrobtg2015

Astro 舞极限 Battleground 2015 - FUNKY LIA Freestyle Dance Showcase #‎astrobtg2015 Yesterday went to Paradigm Mall for Astro 舞极限 Battleground 2015 Audition and Press Launch . Witnessed the judges great dance showcase and I would like to share with you Funky Lia 's Freestyle at #‎astrobtg2015 first. Enjoy the video!!  I like her overall expression as Funky Lia has interesting face expression to match with her robotic dance move. Applause!! =D More to come when I finish convert all the videos recorded using Samsung NX1. H.265 codec video is not recognized on YouTube yet hence I need to convert them to H.264 codec before upload. Thanks for reading! Press the "Like" button and share with your friend kay? You can subscribe to TianChad @ 永遇乐 , be a fans on TianChad @ 永遇乐 and follow @TianChad on Twitter for future blog post update =)

MY ASTRO本地圈2015新春特备节目巡礼 - 《Young样得意》《欢喜吉祥》《东瀛狂想曲》《孩子王奇幻之旅》

MY ASTRO本地圈2015新春特备节目巡礼 - 《Young样得意》《欢喜吉祥》《东瀛狂想曲》《孩子王奇幻之旅》 那天在Setiawalk Grand Shanghai Food Themepark出席了 MY ASTRO本地圈2015新年特备节目巡礼 ,主要有四大节目登场 -  贺岁电视电影《Young样得意》,   全马首部福建电视歌舞剧 《欢喜吉祥》, 最新旅游节目《东瀛狂想曲》, 儿童歌舞剧 《孩子王奇幻之旅》   。除此之外,Astro 也推介新NJOI高清中文频道。详文请往下阅读: 《My Astro嘻嘻哈哈喜洋洋》歌舞剧 Sneak Peek @ Setiawalk 

[Official Photo] TVB Star Awards 2014 Winner List | TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2014得獎名單

《使徒行者》是《TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2014》的大赢家 TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2014 昨晚在云顶已告一段落, Andy Lau刘德华 惊喜出席这晚盛会可真是surprise不少啊~以下是 TVB Star Awards 2014 得奖名单 与官方网站提供的照片,由小弟本人诚意修图以呈现更完美的一面给大家看。 Bob和陈嘉佳(细细粒)当晚的表演可说是最搞笑与娱乐性的一幕,喜欢Jinny Ng  吳若希 Live演唱 《使徒行者》片尾曲  -   《越難越愛》  。实力派演员 許紹雄“欢喜哥”也为颁奖典礼增添不少光彩,他以有趣的方式来学马来语 Terima Kasih 变成“带你妈买家私”哈哈哈~ 更进一步的报道请浏览Astro中文视界官网: TVB Star Awards 2014  TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2014当晚星光灿烂~ 《TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2014》得獎名單 最喜愛TVB電視劇: 《使徒行者》 最喜愛TVB男主角 :郭晉安《忠奸人》 最喜愛TVB女主角: 佘詩曼《使徒行者》 最喜愛TVB男配角: 許紹雄《使徒行者》 最喜愛TVB女配角: 陳敏之《使徒行者》 最喜愛TVB飛躍進步男藝員: 沈震軒《使徒行者》 最喜愛TVB飛躍進步女藝員: 高海寧《使徒行者》 最喜愛TVB螢幕情侶: 陳展鵬、陳茵媺《單戀雙城》 最喜愛TVB劇集歌曲: 吳若希《越難越愛》(《使徒行者》片尾曲) 最喜愛TVB綜藝節目: 《Sunday扮嘢王》 最喜愛TVB資訊節目: 《星級健康2》 最喜愛TVB節目主持: 薛家燕、王祖藍《Sunday扮嘢王》 最喜愛TVB電視角色 :胡定欣《點金勝手》、黃宗澤《點金勝手》、徐子珊《再戰明天》、郭晉安《忠奸人》、陳敏之《使徒行者》、許紹雄《使徒行者》、佘詩曼《使徒行者》、林峯《使徒行者》、苗僑偉《使徒行者》、羅仲謙《飛虎II》、陳展鵬《單戀雙城》、楊怡《守業者》、鍾嘉欣《大藥坊》、李詩韻《寒山潛龍》及馬國明《寒山潛龍》 星光成就大獎: 劉江、羅蘭 TVB馬來西亞矚目新人王: 鄭俊弘

I'm Going to TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2014 | TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2014

TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2013 Winner List | TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮 2013得奖名单 Tomorrow (or few more hours) I am going to Genting Arena of Stars to cover TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2014 | TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2014. It is a good chance for you winners to get a close up session with your favourite TVB Star and Artists too. Are you one of the lucky winners who won ticket to the TVB Star Awards? Hope to see you there!!  Among all these Top 12 最喜愛TVB電視劇集 My Favourite TVB Drama Series , which one do you like and voted for??  My盛Lady Bounty Lady 單戀雙城 Outbound Love 食為奴 Gilded Chopsticks 守業者 Storm In A Cocoon 女人俱樂部 Never Dance Alone 忠奸人 Black Heart White Soul 使徒行者 Line Walker 大藥坊 All That Is Bitter Is Sweet 再戰明天 Tomorrow Is Another Day 飛虎II Tiger Cubs II 老表, 你好hea! Come On, Cousin 名門暗戰 Overachievers Recently watching Tiger Cubs II and Come On, Cousin, they seems like good TVB Drama that deserve awards, especially  王祖藍 Wong Cho-Lam who acted in Come On, Cousin. He can act ti

Astro 10 New Channels Available Now!! - The Walking Dead and HKTV in HD & Free Preview till 28 Feb 2015

10 New Astro Channels now!! - 8 HD Channels and 2 SD Channels On 11 Nov 2014, Astro announced the launch of 10 new channels . The 10 new channels which will be available on 16 November 2014 will comprise 8 High Definition (HD) channels and 2 Standard Definition (SD) channels . If you are currently an Astro HD subscriber , you can have FREE preview of all these new channels from 16 Nov 2014 till 28 Feb 2015 . That's great! The number of HD channels on Astro started with 4 in 2009 has now grown to 40. Today, with 8 new HD channels, the total number of HD channels on Astro is 48.  Astro New HD channels are: Fox Family Movies HD (CH 434) Fox Action Movies HD (CH 430) HITS HD (CH 720) FYI HD (CH 736) Astro AEC HD (CH 306) Astro Shuang Xing HD (CH 307) DIVA HD (CH 723) FOX HD (CH 724) Astro New SD channels: ZooMoo (CH 619) Celestial Classic Movies (CH 321). 

10 Facts You Don't Know About Houdini

Houdini escape from chains twining on his body I always love to see magic because the magician can always show me something that is quite impossible in reality. This somehow prevent me from getting "trapped" in the reality and to let my imagination go wild. I guess that's how I got some crazy ideas at certain work. Sometimes you gotta be different to stand out among the crowd, just like my #TCSelfie which I accidentally found out when I was playing with my camera. Of course, I believe the more time you spend on certain thing, you will be better and even excel in it. Just like Houdini, he did all the research together with his assistant and made a lot impossible to become possible.

FOUR Must Have Mobile Apps for 2014 FIFA World Cup #OlaBola

Champions of Stadium Astro #OlaBola Ultimate Challenge The other day I was at OneCity Mall's Sky Park for Stadium Astro #OlaBola Blogger Gathering at HongDae Moon. Winners who won the #Olabola Ultimate Challenge will win the official 2014 FIFA World Cup Merchandise from Astro!! If you are a football fans, then you should not miss out these awesome mobile apps (Astro on the Go, Astro GO 2014 FIFA World Cup, Ola Bola Football Predictor, Stadium Astro )   to help you catch the game and even predict the turn out too!It was a beautiful day where you see gorgeous sunset from OneCity's SkyPark and you should go there one day!! Photos below:

Do you Believe in Resurrection?? Sometimes I hope there is a way to...

Her son reappear again after deceased for 30 years... - Do you believe in Resurrection?? If one day you found out that your deceased loved ones return after 30 years, would you accept him back?? What if he was different?? Recently I saw this new TV series on LifeAsia's website and its synopsis caught my curiosity. "Resurrection" - Being the Number 1 new scripted series in US, talking about a boy named Jacob who died 30 years ago and suddenly reappear in a rural Chinese province with no idea how he get there. You may watch the first episode of Resurrection HERE .


《星级健康》强势回归,陈敏之,袁伟豪,陈展鹏,梁烈唯与群众齐跳健康舞 续去年由 TVB 艺人主持的健康资讯节目 《星级健康》 获得热烈的回响于是 Astro 华丽台与 TVB 再次跨国合作,推出大马健康资讯节目鼓励全名一起参与运动,打造时尚的健康生活。 《星级健康 2 》其中四集主持认为 梁烈唯,陈展鹏,陈敏之,袁伟豪 于周六来马尾新节目宣传造势。另外,参与拍摄的艺人包括 陈智燊 、 胡定欣 、 姚子羚 以及 黄智雯 。

全民电影《一路有你 The Journey》创760万票房 刷新大马中文电影票房纪录

一路有你 The Journey Gala Premiere RedCarpet @ Paradigm Mall [从左]周青元,李世平, 尤凤音,Ben Andrew Pfeiffer Astro全民电影《一路有你》 开画两周再传捷报,以760万令吉累计票房,宣告打破本地中文电影票房纪录!欣闻喜讯的 导演周青元(Chiu导) 以掩不住兴奋的语气表示: “原以为这是个不可思议的奇迹,但它还是发生了!现在脑子一片空白,只想衷心感谢大家的支持和肯定。” 截至昨日(2月12日)的官方数据,《一路有你》上映14天内报收760万令吉票房,刷新《阿炳心想事成》在2012年所创下的756万令吉票房纪录,目前 已成为史上最卖座的大马中文电影 ,并继续朝更高票房迈进。 全民电影《一路有你》创760万票房 刷新大马中文电影票房纪录 《一路有你》导演将与众演员于2月15日(星期六)下午3时,在八打灵再也佰乐泰广场大厅(Upper Atrium)进行见面会 。更多Astro全民电影《一路有你》消息,请浏览 。 [LIVE] "The Better Half" - Ben Andrew Pfeiffer - Astro全民电影《一路有你》首映礼 一路有你 The Journey Gala Premiere @ Paradigm Mall 尤凤音与Ben Andrew Pfeiffer换上婚纱礼服答谢观众, 开心能有个合照! 题外话,看了《一路有你》的你们,是否已察觉Uncle Frankie曾经出现过在Malaysia Eno的广告呢??有发觉到的按赞或留言!! You may want to read: 一路有你 The Journey Gala Premiere @ Paradigm Mall + Movie Review 观后感 Geraldine颜慧萍《一路有你》EP首卖会: 收到126朵玫瑰感动落泪 Thanks for reading! Press the "Like" button and share with your friend kay? You can subscr

My Journey to SK Malinsau, Ranau with Astro Kasih: "Bulih Bah Kalau Kau"

"Bulih Bah Kalau Kau" - Jom terbang! "Bulih Bah Kalau Kau" , the phrase that I learned and understand until I reached Sabah. It actually means, "If for you no problem lah" *Malaysian Slang*.  Last year November I was given an opportunity to travel to SK Malinsau, Ranau in Sabah to understand the obstacles that student were facing in their study life and how Astro Kasih contributed in helping them.

Astro 马力 MaLi White Horse as CNY Gift #ongmali

Astro “马力全开庆丰年,一路有你梦飞扬” Last week I received a CNY gift from Tesco Malaysia and it is a pair of cute soft toy named MaLi (马力).  I've blogged about it (in Chinese) before - Astro马力全开庆丰年,一路有你梦飞扬 - 欢迎可爱"马力"!! I believe most of you guys who are Tesco's usual customer have seen it but I am gonna show you again and share with you what I think about the cute MaLi and its packaging.

Astro Digital Publications Launch @ NAKED Restaurant & Bar, Plaza Damas

Astro customers can now get 5 new digital magazines at no charge (Style, Car, InTrend, Men's Uno, iFeel) Astro Digital Publications Launch @ Naked Restaurant and Bar, Plaza Damas If you hate the heavy weight of magazine, you can now read some of your favourite magazine online now!! Now we can download and enjoy reading the latest, favourite e-magazines at anytime anywhere with  Astro Digital Publication ’s new e-magazines. Astro Digital Publications has transformed itself to provide their customers and Malaysians with content on their mobile phones and tablets anytime, anywhere. To this end, Astro Digital Publications (ADPUB) is pleased to launch 6 digital publications – Style (English women’s fashion lifestyle), Car (automotive), InTrend (Malay women’s fashion lifestyle) , FHM (English men’s lifestyle) , Men’s Uno (Chinese men’s fashion lifestyle) and ifeel (Chinese women’s fashion lifestyle), which are now available for download on the Apple newsstand .

一路有你 The Journey Gala Premiere @ Paradigm Mall + Movie Review 观后感

一路有你 The Journey - 笑迎感动1月30日全国上映 2014年1月18日,本人受Astro邀约到Paradigm Mall观赏 《一路有你 The Journey》 的首映。收到请柬当然非常高兴咯!!我个人非常期待这片片子而且看了后也非常的喜欢。《一路有你 The Journey》是一部温馨家庭喜剧也是一部 全民电影 ,有喜有悲,它可以把你的情绪从山顶带到谷底再到达巅峰。整部电影拍得很优美,尤其是风景那一部分,把金马伦高原拍得像仙境一样。在《一路有你 The Journey》里面,你熟悉的明星变成了配角,主要的角色们反而是普通的平民。

Geraldine颜慧萍《一路有你》EP首卖会: 收到126朵玫瑰感动落泪

Geraldine颜慧萍《一路有你》EP首卖会 @ Paradigm Mall 配合 Astro全民电影《一路有你》 2014年1月30日公映,优质女声 Geraldine颜慧萍 的首张个人EP 《一路有你》 ,在“萍迷”们引颈期盼之下终于面世。Geraldine的EP首卖会刚才在八打灵再也佰乐泰广场主要大厅(Upper Atrium Level UG, Paradigm Mall)进行,粉丝们都穿上红衣踊跃支持。 [LIVE] Geraldine颜慧萍 - 好时光 | 《一路有你》电影插曲  导演周青元和歌曲创作人彭学斌为Geraldine颜慧萍站台助阵 Geraldine负责演唱全民电影《一路有你》的歌曲,这一切都有赖于独具慧眼 Chiu导(周青元) 。原来Chiu导在2011年的新秀决赛,听到Geraldine唱歌时,就知道这是他要找的那把能唱出电影意境的独特嗓音。“其实当时电影还没有构思,但是我就知道电影主题曲,一定要是这把优质声音去演绎。” Geraldine之前收到一封自称为是Chiu导的简讯,并要求她录制一段demo来参加试音。回想起当时的情况,Geraldine自己也有点难以置信,“我当时还一度怀疑对方是谁……好啦!反正就好好把握机会,我记得当时Chiu导要我唱Zee Avi的"31Days"当demo,然后我就把自己关在房间里,录了10个版本,然后挑了第7、8个版本send给Chiu导。” 《一路有你》EP首卖会当天,Geraldine颜慧萍现场演绎了收录在EP内的电影原声歌曲,同时也让观众透过歌曲MV首播,抢先一睹电影花絮。导演周青元和歌曲创作人彭学斌为Geraldine颜慧萍站台助阵。 《一路有你》两层楼高的仿真热气球电影道具已出现在佰乐泰广场,供全民拍照 同时,两层楼高的仿真热气球电影道具也已出现在佰乐泰广场,供全民拍照,一直到电影上映。 Geraldine家人和Astro艺人们也捧场支持Geraldine颜慧萍《一路有你》EP发行 到底赵洁莹送Geraldine什么动力弄到她这么开心?! 赵洁莹送上一个八宝箱,里面有很多些补品给Geraldine,尤其是跑步用的药膏 拥抱

TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2013 Winner List | TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮 2013得奖名单

TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2013 Winner List | TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮 2013得奖名单 Due to technology disorder I wasn't able to share photos live during #TVBSA2013... So yeah here are some belated photos taken during  TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2013 together with the winner list! More photos will be published after tomorrow! *yawn* PS: Are you happy with the results? If not, who should deserve more for the awards? Feel free to share your thought with us! TVB最具潛質男藝員 My Favourite TVB Promising 袁偉豪 (好心作怪 / 情逆三世緣 / On Call 36小時 II)Benjamin Yuen (A Change Of Heart / Always And Ever / The Hippocratic Crush II) TVB最具潛質女藝員 My Favourite TVB Promising 岑麗香 (衝上雲霄 II / 神鎗狙擊 / On Call 36小時II) Eliza Sam (Triumph In The Skies II / Sniper Standoff / The Hippocratic Crush II) 最喜愛TVB綜藝節目 My Favourite TVB Variety Program 超級無敵獎門人終極篇 Super Trio Maximus 最喜愛TVB資訊節目 My Favourite TVB Enrichment 走過烽火大地 Pilgrimage of Hope 最喜愛TVB節目主持 My Favourite TVB Host in Variety Program 曾志偉Eric Tsang, 錢嘉樂 Chin Ka-Lok,