
Showing posts with the label iCity

Facebook Like Button Error. Can you Fix it?

So as you can see my blog has just transformed because I thought change to a new template will fix my Facebook Sharing button error =S Too bad it didn't and I have no idea why it happen. I lost my blog roll but look at the brightside I have a new blog skin haha! If you are one of the cool IT Technologist, try troubleshoot this error for me as I will be very appreciate on what you can do. This is one of the shoot taken at iCity early in February 2010. Will share the pictures I took in next blog post~! Yeah I have tons of "secret" post~! Anyway, have you noticed I have more post and event in recent day/month? I was trying to clearing up all my due post because I have too much to share but not enough time to blog about. So as a solution I will skip some of it and blog more often at the same time~! Most probably you will see TWO post a day if I am not attending any event that day haha! Read more: How to Put Facebook Like Button on Blogspot/Blogger You can subscribe to Tia

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