
Samsung GALAXY S5, Gear 2 /Fit available in Malaysia now! Should I upgrade?

Samsung GALAXY S5, Samsung Gear 2 and Samsung Gear Fit Launch in Malaysia 2014 Recently Samsung GALAXY S5 was launched in Malaysia at  Pullman Bangsar Hotel . The venue where the event was held was grand. It was really hard to find parking a the hotel basement but thankfully got people guide us there. Samsung Gear 2 and Samsung Gear Fit were launched together with S5. Now let's have a look what's new in Samsung GALAXY S5 smartphone:

Malaysia Breakfast Day Run 2014 #MILO #MBD

Fresh and hot roti canai ready at MILO Breakfast Day 2013 It is important to have a good breakfast everyday to fuel your body with enough energy for daily activities. Usually I will make half-boiled eggs together with a cup of MILO before I go to gym in the morning. I always need to eat breakfast because if I don't, I won't be able to lift up heavy dumbbell and gym properly. Do remember that you must have proper food after gym as well so your body has enough nutrient to repair and build muscle tissues, which eventually makes you looks bigger and healthier =) This time, MILO introducing the benefits of Positive Energy . A nutritious breakfast is the key to Positive Energy and we all should have good breakfast everyday. Having breakfast with MILO will sets a positive mood for the rest of your day, and gives you positive energy both mentally and physically! Do you know that MILO provides a comprehensive blend of vitamins and minerals to give you positive energy for

2014《金视奖》10强入围名单揭晓!Golden Awards 2014 Top 10 Nominees!!

2014《金视奖》10强入围名单!Golden Awards 2014 Top 10 Nominees!! 出席艺人全体照! 两年一度的 《金视奖》 于今日公布十强名单。其中 《香火》 以大热姿态 12 项入围,紧追在后的有 11 项入围的 《半边天》 和 10 项入围的 《无间行者 》 。曾经在前两届金视奖荣获最佳女主角及最佳女配角的雁雁姐,其后星途更是一片光明。其后在电影圈的发展更不容质疑 ,以一部新加坡电影《 爸妈不在家 》拿下金马奖及亚太影展的最佳女配角。这样的来头,还真让与她一同入围的入围者颇感压力啊!今年,杨雁雁还入围了 “ 最佳综艺娱乐节目主持 人” 接受主持人访问时,还说其实意外的事,有入围就已经很开心。这时,让一同入围的林佩盈说:“这人是来搅局的”哈哈,意味着有着“金马”和“亚太 " 最佳女配角雁雁姐在入围名单,让大家非常压力。 林佩盈说:“这人(雁雁)是来搅局的”